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01/31/2006 11:43 #24225

damn you carrot cake
apparently i had an undiscovered talent when it came to making tuna noodle casserole. unfortunately the same was not true when making carrot cake last nite. what a disaster. the sad thing was i was making it out of a box. it went terribly, terribly wrong. i had to wake up eraly this morning, go to wegman's and get a store made one. i had to pay and arm and a leg for it - and wait while they put her name on it.

- i don't know if i mentioned this is for an office birthday. everyone takes turns making cakes for peoples birthdays here. i fucking hate it. (although i got that cookie cake friday which was awesome.) seriously, though, it is someone's birthday every other day. (yes like the seinfeld episode.) my desk is situated right next to where they always put the cake, too. i don't even like cake - but i seriously eat like 3 pieces a day. my teeth are going to rot out. and i am not going to fit in my corporate cas'.

anyways. when i went to go through the checkout line i seriously had to same clerk i had last nite. no joke. and she remembered me and said, "carrot cake didn't go so well, huh." bitch.

AND look at this email i just got:


in case the text is too small to read, in which i am sure it is, it reads:
Thank you to Jason who has generously provided donuts to celebrate my birthday. They are in the usual spot by the scanning station. Enjoy!

some dude randomly brought in krisy kreme and gets all the credit! not one mention of my cake.

i just reread this and realize what a baby i sound like. i apologize.
jason - 01/31/06 20:59
oh my god! tuna noodle casserole? HAVE MY BABIES!
leetee - 01/31/06 12:55
I don't think you're being a baby. It's kinda frustrating.. sometimes, lack of acknowledgement can be a bit of a smack in the face.

Next time, give me a shout. I like baking. I would make a cake for you... :O)
hodown - 01/31/06 12:23
I'd be pissed too-seriously I'd do a little reply to all and mention the cake that was generously brought in by you!

01/30/2006 17:36 #24224

birthday wrap up

here is the picture that i thought looks like (e:terry)'s headshot twin. he is in the background wearing a black shirt.

anyways...i did everything on my birthday checklist. and more. i am not super proud of it. i feel like crap. i didn't sleep all weekend. my body HATES me. but here are some highlights:

-sang leather and lace at tudor - and kevin was the WORST don henley ever
-danced so violently everywhere that we literally knocked people over in the pink
-had a bowie dance party til 9am at my house that got kinda wierd

at the gallery opening friday i got propostioned for a pornogrpahic photo session from an elderly black man. apparently this is a retirment project he is working on. i gratiously declined - but kept his card if anyone is interested in "money & erotica."

the zepplin tribute show saturday was awesome. i am sad i missed (e:salvatore) tho :(

oh and if anyone knows a good recipe for carrot cake let me know. i need to make on for an office birthday tomorrow.
jessika - 01/31/06 10:24
haha yes that is kurt - and thank you.
salvatore - 01/30/06 23:39
yes, sorry we didn't catch one another. maybe next time!
metalpeter - 01/30/06 20:14
First of all is that guy with the long black hair the lead singer from Anal Pudding, he kinda looks like him. Secondly You look a lot differant then your user pic (ok you look hotter) I would have never recognised you in public. Glad you had a great time.
jason - 01/30/06 18:52
At the pink I meant. Not hardware. *shudder*
jason - 01/30/06 18:33
Did you see a handsome, tall guy with a mohawk?

01/27/2006 15:27 #24223

thanks for the birthday wishes. so far 24 isn't so bad. i got a cookie cake at work - yum.

i found this awesome website today. it shows Olivo Barbieri's work - who takes these crazy aerial shots that make things look like models.

schedule of rocking out for evening:

6:30 pm - leave work
6:45 pm - get home
7:45 pm - eat a fish fry
9:00 pm - go to opening at 1hour gallery
11:00 pm - go to karoke nite at tudor
1:00 am - go to hardware
2:30 am - go to pink
3:45 am - make out in a shadowy corner
4:00 am - be dragged out by theresa
4:30 am - have a bowie dance party at my house

jessbob - 01/27/06 17:03
hope you had/have a happy birthday
salvatore - 01/27/06 16:36
cookie cake! happy birfdaye!
codypomeray - 01/27/06 15:55
happy birthday.
jessika - 01/27/06 15:40
well that is the plan but i didnt want to write that
jason - 01/27/06 15:37
Happy Birthday.

Make out in a shadowy corner - you're 24 now!!! Take a guy home and bone him!
ladycroft - 01/27/06 15:33
Happy Birthday!

01/27/2006 00:13 #24222

the usual
oh man i lovvee wednesdays.

people were getting pissed at the $2 cover charge recently instilled at the door of luna. i find this amusing. they are free drinks people. are you not going to go anymore now because you have to pay $.10 a drink. come on.

the boys got throw out of big shots for mancing. seriously. i don't know what is funny - that they were at big shots or were thrown out for dancing to sexually with eachother.
speaking of - i have a picture of them dancing last nite with who i think is (e:terry) in the background. or maybe his twin. i can't get the picture up though. i will try tmw. it is driving me nuts.

salvatore - 01/27/06 00:52
terry - 01/27/06 00:50
I have a twin! Yay! I always wanted one, and for not the usual reasons... :) But, yeah, I was definetly being lazy and watching Southpark at 12:00 and not at La Luna, where, perhaps, I should ahve been. Then I could have met my twin, and more importantly danced with (e:jesika) who, so nicely, had me uninvited at her b-day party.

01/25/2006 12:26 #24221

in case you give a crap...
10 things you may not know about me

- i love when people call me kiddo
- i have always driven stick
- my parents are sickeningly in love
- i am vaguely terrified of clowns and jack-in-the-boxes
- i am obsessed with binary code
- i watch david lynch's daily weather report every morning
- my younger brothers are both 3 times the size of me
- i am really scared of my basement - i have only been down there once since i moved in
- i can't say the words 'specifically' and 'particularly'
- i get really, really pissed when people don't say 'bless you' when i sneeze
ajay - 01/26/06 00:29
"- i am obsessed with binary code"

Rrrr.... talk binary to me.
ladycroft - 01/25/06 16:34
I don't like Jack-in-the-Box's either. Creeeeeepy!
jessika - 01/25/06 15:36
i mean i HATE when people DON'T say bless you - or acknowledge my sneezes. i think it is super rude. gesundheit is a fine option - just say something!
leetee - 01/25/06 14:21
Do you find 'gesundheit' more comfortable for you? Since it means "to your health" rather than "bless you" (i think).

I understand what you mean by being called kiddo, Kiddo. I like it too, but i think it has more to do with my age. Oddly enough, i have a friend overseas that is over 15 years my junior that calls me Kiddo... makes me smile every time.
sbrugger - 01/25/06 13:45
I have the same problem with "specifically", kiddo. LOL (The preceding LOL brought to you by "Save the LOL International")