first of all. i found out that my best man friend is actually on (e:strip). granted, he only has like 3 entries...but still. my jon simon is really (e:jacksmack). about as weird as when i found out keith was (e:keith).
ok that isn't that weird - but i am getting to the good stuff.
weird thing #1:
ok this is really awful - but apparently a girl with the same name as me is a baby killer. i have never heard of anyone else with same name as me - and this first one has to be for something like this. people were emailing this article to me all day:

weird thing #2:
ok this is vaguely embarrassing on my part. yesterday on the way to work i was scanning through the radio. i happen to catch the tail end of a conversation in which they were discussing the subway tunnels. this intrigues me. ( i am obsessed with mole people.) . i wanted to know more. the embarrassing part is that i was listening to shredd and regan. when i got to work i emailed mr. shredd:
Original Message
From: []
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 10:36 AM
Subject: subway tunnels and breasts
hey guys -
i caught the end of you talking about subway tunnels under the pink this morning and it has been driving me nuts. what were you talking about? i am intrigued? can you send me a link or something?
jessica coleman
i entitled it as i did because i wanted something to get his attention. i figured with all the email they must receive he wouldn't read it with out a catchy subject line. i got this 10 minutes later:
From: Ted Shredd
Subject: RE: subway tunnels and breasts
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 11:16:47 -0500
I don't know of a link. I guess there are a series of tunnels under Buffalo that were used during Prohibition, and one goes from The Pink to the subway on Main. By the way your message subject said tunnels and breasts. Where do the breasts come into this?
weird thing #3
apparently the shredster doesn't get as much email as i thought. my dad called me tens minutes later questioning as to why i was emailing shredd about my breasts. apparently they mentioned on air and used my full name. i should claimed the baby killer sent it. god now people think i listen to shred and reagan.
went to see this show last nite with (e:jacksmack) and paul. (speaking of paul there is a beamer show tonite at merlins you all should be at.) it was at the polish social club on filmore. actually it was a lot of fun. awesome beer selection for very cheap. jon was telling me how the last time he had been was after the mass nude photo taken at the train station. i launched into a story of my old boss and how he took his daughters to that, about his lazy eye and about how weird he was. not a few minutes later - i kid you not - my old boss strolled in. into a fairly hardcore show at the polish social club.
goes to show you have to be careful what you say in public. buffalo is a smaller town then we think! everyone is listening.
also i finally talked to my crush. he came up and asked what my problem was because i was staring at him last nite. apparently i am creepier then i thought. regardless, he asked if (e:jacksmack) was my boyfriend. i said no. upon hearing this (e:jacksmack) replied, "no, no you can fuck her if you want." (nice, nice friend.) the guy actually replied, "cool. can i fuck you too?" blah, he's part of the movement. what a disappointment.
Nothing wrong with Shred and Regan, I like them. But I'm at work and can't listen to them when they are on. At work we listen to music and not talk Radio. They have some great shows sometimes. They where beter before the big crackdown. I remember on Fridays they used to do reviews of porn movies that was interesting.