that information on the tunnel to the pink and
(e:robin)'s pictures really peaked my interest. this weekend i did some more digging. i found out that in the 1920's they covered up approximately 5 miles of the scajacquada river to make room for more houses. there is literally an underground river passing under a good portion of the city. not really as Ghostbusters 2 as you would think though. the water level is pretty low. you can walk through most of it. which is almost scarier. one of the entries is right at Forest Lawn Cementary. anyone up for a little adventure when the weather is warmer?
i decided this weekend that i really hate merlins. it has made it in my top ten list of over hates, along with cats and starter jackets. it smells very badly in there, the bartender is very mean and the pool table is illly placed.
i saw transamerica on monday. very well done...felicity huffman is amazing in it. i think the best part of the movie, though, is when you pay with a $10 bill at the north park theater you get a $2 bill as change!
this is one of those crazy weeks where i can't say no to anything. after the movie monday, me and theresa wandered over to sidebar where my roommate was. there was an open bar and free pizza. my kinda nite. they even let me control the music in which i mixed up splashdown, charlie parker, the cure and broken social scene. had a good conversation with some girl about spain. my have ruined my chances with another guy when he overheard me giving the telnet address for the entire starwars movie in code.
last nite my roommate and i stopped into broadway joes and indulged in some $2 pitchers. tonite we'll go to luna as normal. tomorrow ill be a the sabres game. full week. but it makes it go faster.
one of my girlfriends made an AMAZING dvd for me for my birthday with interviews and pictures and what not. most of the actual footage is from my birthday party - and most of it is ridiculous. (aka theresa talking about how i am a very agressive skater and some guy from my high who claims i was his favorite track runner because he could watch my 'jumblys' go up and down.) there is a shot of a group of
(e:strip)pers taking over my living room and a really funny shot of what looks like 2 of you rolling a joint - but when zoomed in it is a brain teaser puzzle you are playing with. after the superbowl i made everyone watch this 3 times back to back. it plays the allman brother 'jessica' in the background for part of it, as i was named after this song. i wish i could find a way to load it on here....
yea except my company is unamerican (or maybe too american?) and doesnt consider this a holiday so no OT either.
I worked today to. It is nice to work on a holiday you don't care about. You get paid for the holiday and then get 8 hours of OT so the paycheck next week will be sweet. It is sord of equal to working a 20hour day or something like that.
Welcome to corporate America....where they own our souls and we get next to no holidays.
(Okay..I can't complain...I do get 5 weeks off each year...)
You have to work today? That sucks.