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03/07/2006 15:58 #24236

tuesday ramblings
In just 3 short weeks i leave for my 'tour de ex' as i have affectionately come to call it. i am flying to california to see 2 of the men in my life that affected me quite a bit. both i still remain friendly with. one on a goofy friendship level and one on a more serious level. i won some vouchers through work and since they live within an hour of each other i figured it would be a good opportunity to go see both. they both were friendly with each other in college and got along well. the thing is, they do not really know about each other from a 'me' standpoint. so the question is, is this reasonable to bring up to both before i go? do i have to tell both of them of my relationship with each? i know the answer. i do. but i am starting to feel like this trip could be a really bad idea. (all awkwardness of the duo aside) there are only a few logical outcomes:

a.) i go and don't come back
b.) i go and come back crushed

on the other hand i suppose i can just go and snowboard and surf and relax and see redwoods and pig out and shop and come back happy and relaxed.
either way, i probably wont speak of this again.. oddly enough the only one - even including my closest friends, that knows the whole story is (e:thecarey) who i tortured with a mini-synopsis weeks ago. so, carey, i am going.

anyways. drama aside....
first they took away my myspace - now my aim. my work is really cracking down. if they block estrip i may die. no joke. i need contact with the outside world! i can only send so many text messages a day.

i must be having an excellent voice day. a good portion of the men i have spoken to on the phone today at work have hit on me. i find this so funny. i mean really. we are at work - i realize it gets boring - but what do they think i am going to do? drop everything, move to india or new hampshire or santa ana or whatever sales office they are calling me from and give in to their promises of 4 door sedans and p.f changs? one guy seriously asked if he could 'facebook' me. ew.

is it pathetic i cried/hyperventilated at 24 last nite?

joshua - 03/09/06 11:14
I may regret asking this, but what is "facebook?"
theecarey - 03/07/06 22:05
"Tour de Ex" heh, thats priceless. Why would it be necessary to bring this up before you go... One is a friend.. the other is, well.. the reason you are venturing out to California.

'nuff said.

Glad you are going *big smile*.. You've got the right attitude.. no matter what happens, it should all still turn out good.

Anytime you want/need to "torture" someone, you have my email.

03/06/2006 16:10 #24235

grammar corner
disturbing news this afternoon.
i am not going to sit here and write about my views on abortion - no one really wants to read that, and i am sure you can guess what it is. but be aware...this is a scary, scary thing, people.

on a lighter note. my favorite question on the artvoice pole is "favorite corner." this has been holding up my entry. i am toggling between a few. its funny, because i have 3 different corners on elmwood. i can not think of anywhere else in buffalo that would have prize worthy corners. i love bird and elmwood because it is right by my house. i am there all the time. i always run into people there. i love we never close and the liquor store and the poster shop. i like mr. pizza. and a good portion of my friends live within eyesite. i also love the spot/globe/new world corner. see my dilemma? what is everyone else's favorite corner? and seriously...does anyone have one off elmwood, perhaps off sheridan in tonowanda? i mean really.

i hope i used 'toggling' correctly there. it has recently come to my attention i have terrible grammar and spelling. how embarrassing. this is what happens when you graduate, i suppose. i changed my quote in my myspace to say "i have terrible grammer." not even knowing i spelled grammar incorrectly. i should have let people believe i was doing it to be funny.
ajay - 03/06/06 21:18
Did you know that the sidewalk around "We Never Close" is heated? No shoveling required! The snow melts by itself. This fact alone should make it the primo corner in Buffalo.

I used to live nearby (615 Bird).
zobar - 03/06/06 19:14
My vote for Corner Least Improved During My Latest Absence From Buffalo: Delaware & Chippewa. What's the deal with that ridiculous gaudy Jumbotron? The Chip Strip is not the same thing as Times Square, people.

- Z
jenks - 03/06/06 16:37
ah, the we never close. Which I affectionately refer to as the We Ne Clo (pronounced weenie cloe), based on it's burnt out lights.
That's "my" corner- i.e. i live there. but i might have to vote the spot corner. or the aroma corner, b/c bidwell is there too and it's a pretty spot...

02/28/2006 18:31 #24234

suduko rehab?

i have an unnatural obsession with suduko. i go through several puzzles a day now.i think about it all the time. at first i picked it up because i thought it would make me smarter. but in reality i think it literally has made me retarded. i can not concentrate on my day to day activities. this is why i have not written in a while - no joke. please help me.

also. booking airline flights has to be one of the most annoying things in the world. i got a bunch of AMEX gift cheqeus from work that i wanted to use towards my cali trip. but apparently you can only use those if you buy your flight at the terminal. if i buy my flight at the terminal - rather then online - it costs $200 more. seriously. i have been going back and forth on this for about 4 hours. i give up. i am going to take another week off from work and just hitch out there.

terry - 02/28/06 20:10
i went thru a pretty heavy sudoku phase...lasted about a month. Luckily I could play at work...which makes it so much more satisfying a waste of time.

02/21/2006 13:54 #24233

eggplant and quigley
i seriously just ate a piece of chocolate cake, a plate full of home fries with franks hot, a donut, apple juice and 2 mountain dews. this is another bad thing about coporate america. there is always free food. there is always donuts and birthday cake. whoever said there isn't such a thing as a free lunch is full of crap. although i suppose my payment is the 15lbs i have gained since working here. i'm not going to fit in my coporate cas'.

now i am seriously considering lunch. the menu today looks pretty good:

i got another speeding ticket last nite. i seriously have the worst car luck. i SWEAR i wasn't even speeding. i would admit it. i didn't even have enough time to get goin - i was just pulling out of the gym. the person in front of me pulled over too - and when i pulled aside he drove away. it was him. i know it. blah. the cop was so cliche too. his name was Quigley and looked like Jerry Stiller. how many tickets can i get til i lose my license?

in the time i wrote this i also just got a piece of eggplant parmeson.

02/20/2006 11:04 #24232

Happy P-Day
another weekend came and passed. it was lazy and self indulgent. my kinda weekend.
friday i went out too hard, leading to a saturday of movies and eating. i am appalled i even made it to the mall.

someone texted me saturday nite with: "U R in the bathroom here....famous"
this is unsettling, especially considering i don't recognize the number. the only place i can say for sure my name is on the wall is the girl's bathroom of Mohawk. its all over that place. one section has scrawled in monstrous letters:

"COLEMAN LOVES REID" (after a nite of drunken debauchery years ago- probably watching the waves.)


(that one i didn't notice for weeks. apparently it is the work of dyan - who also has applied this to the stall of her local Dallas dive as well. as to what it means - long story.)

yesterday i finally saw brokeback mountain and ate my leftover Off The Wall tortellini. there was some serious movie commenters behind me in the regal. it was a running commentary the entire time. i despise these people. yea i know its a sad story. yea i know jake gyllenhaul is very attractive. yea i know they are having sex. yea i know the scenery is lovely. shut up.

is it legal for me to be working today? according to my desktop calendar my next day off is not until may 29th. memorial day. i hate my life.

jessika - 02/21/06 10:14
yea except my company is unamerican (or maybe too american?) and doesnt consider this a holiday so no OT either.
metalpeter - 02/20/06 19:28
I worked today to. It is nice to work on a holiday you don't care about. You get paid for the holiday and then get 8 hours of OT so the paycheck next week will be sweet. It is sord of equal to working a 20hour day or something like that.
sbrugger - 02/20/06 14:50
Welcome to corporate America....where they own our souls and we get next to no holidays.

(Okay..I can't complain...I do get 5 weeks off each year...)
paul - 02/20/06 12:19
You have to work today? That sucks.