i am not going to sit here and write about my views on abortion - no one really wants to read that, and i am sure you can guess what it is. but be aware...this is a scary, scary thing, people.
on a lighter note. my favorite question on the artvoice pole is "favorite corner." this has been holding up my entry. i am toggling between a few. its funny, because i have 3 different corners on elmwood. i can not think of anywhere else in buffalo that would have prize worthy corners. i love bird and elmwood because it is right by my house. i am there all the time. i always run into people there. i love we never close and the liquor store and the poster shop. i like mr. pizza. and a good portion of my friends live within eyesite. i also love the spot/globe/new world corner. see my dilemma? what is everyone else's favorite corner? and seriously...does anyone have one off elmwood, perhaps off sheridan in tonowanda? i mean really.
i hope i used 'toggling' correctly there. it has recently come to my attention i have terrible grammar and spelling. how embarrassing. this is what happens when you graduate, i suppose. i changed my quote in my myspace to say "i have terrible grammer." not even knowing i spelled grammar incorrectly. i should have let people believe i was doing it to be funny.
Did you know that the sidewalk around "We Never Close" is heated? No shoveling required! The snow melts by itself. This fact alone should make it the primo corner in Buffalo.
I used to live nearby (615 Bird).
My vote for Corner Least Improved During My Latest Absence From Buffalo: Delaware & Chippewa. What's the deal with that ridiculous gaudy Jumbotron? The Chip Strip is not the same thing as Times Square, people.
- Z
ah, the we never close. Which I affectionately refer to as the We Ne Clo (pronounced weenie cloe), based on it's burnt out lights.
That's "my" corner- i.e. i live there. but i might have to vote the spot corner. or the aroma corner, b/c bidwell is there too and it's a pretty spot...