oh man the ER is seriously the wierdest place in the world. what i would not have given to still have my camera phone (is that legal?) at the wee hours of the morning today.
while waiting, a man, probably pushing about 60, grabbed my attention as he walked out of his room naked and tried to grab his bag of clothes from behind the triage station. when the nurses tried to stop him he just started screaming in frustrastion - "i am getting out of here! do you know how long i've been here!" then, no joke, lit up a cigarette and just starting smoking in the middle of the ER. i seriously have never laughed so hard.
i kinda sympatized with the poor guy. believe me, that is the last place i wanted to be sitting at 6am too. luckily i was clothed.
Jessika's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/20/2006 18:08 #24219
smokin in the boys room01/20/2006 01:13 #24218
thurs nitea.) king kong is a wierd movie
b.) i just got back from hardware in which my gay husband mortifed me by announcing (very loudly) that last semester he used to shart a good deal everytime he drank too much.
oh and our new years pics are up for the world to see. does anyone else find something disturbing in this one:

b.) i just got back from hardware in which my gay husband mortifed me by announcing (very loudly) that last semester he used to shart a good deal everytime he drank too much.
oh and our new years pics are up for the world to see. does anyone else find something disturbing in this one:

01/19/2006 18:48 #24217
too bad so sadi just found out that tourettes guy (http://www.tourettesguy.com/), a man that has provided me with humor for months, is a fake. blah. i suppose it is still kinda funny that there is a person out there with the time on his hands to pretend he has tourettes.
so quitting isn't going to great. sunday and monday i had one for 24. tuesday all hell broke loose. broadway joes. i smoked a pack-ish.
i hadn't been to broadway joes since my roommate quit working there. it was like coming home. i had a great time. a lot of my best memories from college are there. every tuesday for years everyone i know was there. i love that place - as filthy and gross as it is. my junior year of college it was at its pinacle. my best friends band (Philly B-eats) would play every tuesday along others we knew. everyone would come out - it was like a house party for all my friend in the bar every week. relationships started and ended there. a lot of the people i still hang out with are from the original Blu/Broadway Joes group.
i got free regal passes from work. i wanted to go see munich. but i was outvited by jon simon for king kong. i don't think i am gonna make it sitting that long. i am going to sneak in snacks like a rebel mom.
so quitting isn't going to great. sunday and monday i had one for 24. tuesday all hell broke loose. broadway joes. i smoked a pack-ish.
i hadn't been to broadway joes since my roommate quit working there. it was like coming home. i had a great time. a lot of my best memories from college are there. every tuesday for years everyone i know was there. i love that place - as filthy and gross as it is. my junior year of college it was at its pinacle. my best friends band (Philly B-eats) would play every tuesday along others we knew. everyone would come out - it was like a house party for all my friend in the bar every week. relationships started and ended there. a lot of the people i still hang out with are from the original Blu/Broadway Joes group.
i got free regal passes from work. i wanted to go see munich. but i was outvited by jon simon for king kong. i don't think i am gonna make it sitting that long. i am going to sneak in snacks like a rebel mom.
01/16/2006 18:24 #24216
back to square 1well i am almost embarrassed to be writing right now. i am weak. weak weak weak. friday nite when i was drunk i smoked 3 cigarettes. saturday nite i smoked a few more. blah. last nite i got so excited over 24 i smoked another.
back to square 1.
last year i befriended a girl about my age here at work. we took to eachother quickly as we were a.) the only ones under 40 and b.) the only females in the department. at the time she was in a rough spot as she was living with an ex among other things. finally i convinced her to get out of the apartment. within a few months she got her own place and her own car. it made me so happy to watch this transformation. i could only imagine how hard this was for her as her entire family is in puerto rico. in this time also i convinced her to get on myspace ( and by 'convinced' i mean begged and pleaded.) she was very skeptical. a few days later a guy (a soldier) sent her a message. he requested her a friend. again - skeptical. she asked me what to do. i told her to go for it. i remember saying - "go for it, he is probably just bored. what is he going to do? he can't rape or murder you from Iraq."
this morning she told me they are getting married !
also - as for the party issue. i gave in. saturday nite at my place. byob. come celebrate the anniversary of my birth 24 years ago.
i just comtemplated for the past 10 minutes whether or not to put my address up. i decided against it. email me if you would like to drop in - the more the merrier.
back to square 1.
last year i befriended a girl about my age here at work. we took to eachother quickly as we were a.) the only ones under 40 and b.) the only females in the department. at the time she was in a rough spot as she was living with an ex among other things. finally i convinced her to get out of the apartment. within a few months she got her own place and her own car. it made me so happy to watch this transformation. i could only imagine how hard this was for her as her entire family is in puerto rico. in this time also i convinced her to get on myspace ( and by 'convinced' i mean begged and pleaded.) she was very skeptical. a few days later a guy (a soldier) sent her a message. he requested her a friend. again - skeptical. she asked me what to do. i told her to go for it. i remember saying - "go for it, he is probably just bored. what is he going to do? he can't rape or murder you from Iraq."
this morning she told me they are getting married !
also - as for the party issue. i gave in. saturday nite at my place. byob. come celebrate the anniversary of my birth 24 years ago.
i just comtemplated for the past 10 minutes whether or not to put my address up. i decided against it. email me if you would like to drop in - the more the merrier.
salvatore - 01/18/06 19:08
i actually STARTED smoking in montreal. it's pretty neat. i think i'm going to keep w/ it.
i actually STARTED smoking in montreal. it's pretty neat. i think i'm going to keep w/ it.
jessika - 01/17/06 10:02
i nixed the theme. plus they could not figure out how to construct a stripper pole in my living room.
and no there are no cats - if you come paul i will put your name on my birthday cake.
i nixed the theme. plus they could not figure out how to construct a stripper pole in my living room.
and no there are no cats - if you come paul i will put your name on my birthday cake.
paul - 01/16/06 21:52
Hey its my birthday too and you are also alergic to cats right? So that means you don't have any?
Hey its my birthday too and you are also alergic to cats right? So that means you don't have any?
theecarey - 01/16/06 20:42
wow, you have had quite the influence in the course of this girls life.
Hang in there..All of my friends have had a few rough starts in the process to quit smoking. How many were you smoking on average per day? If the three that you had was a major decrease in comparison, then you should consider that progress. Don't let a few "weak" moments alter your goal..
You mentioned before that your friends wanted to do a theme? Is that still a go?
wow, you have had quite the influence in the course of this girls life.
Hang in there..All of my friends have had a few rough starts in the process to quit smoking. How many were you smoking on average per day? If the three that you had was a major decrease in comparison, then you should consider that progress. Don't let a few "weak" moments alter your goal..
You mentioned before that your friends wanted to do a theme? Is that still a go?
01/13/2006 15:33 #24215
2 1/2 days and countingokay i am 2 and a half days in.
last nite i almost did not survive. after spot it was so nice out wandering back down elmwood to 1039 with jon simon. he was chain smoking as usual. back at his house i sat in the tiny front room as him, tony and brian all chain smoked around me. i was dying. my hand hovered over the parliments thrown carelessly on the coffee table. but i stopped. i kept thinking of: a.) how chris would punch me in the face if i gave in before him and b.) how after all you gave me such nice advice and encouragment i would have to write today about how i gave in
so i didn't
tonite is going to be so hard. if anyone sees my smoking tonite grab it and burn me with it.
also. with my new sense of smell i noticed on the way to work this morning that my car smells suspicously of piss. this is very odd. i have had no dogs in my car, nor have i peed myself lately. in the past week i have had a lot of drunk people in and out of my car - jon simon, harrington, theresa, marla, dyan..... gross and gross.
this also may have something to do with the keying incident. yes someone keyed my car. i park in my garage...so god knows when and where it happened. i just noticed it yesterday. blah
my birthday is coming up soon and everyone is obsessing about throwing a theme party for it. in all honesty - i don't really want a party. i just want to go out to dinner and go for drinks after. everytime we have a party all i do worry about who is there and not there and people destroying my house. no one seems to be listening to me though when i say i don't want to have a party. i think they think i am being humble. i am not. but now i feel bad because everyone is all riled up about a strip club themed party in my honor. should i just give in and stop being such a stick in the mud?
last nite i almost did not survive. after spot it was so nice out wandering back down elmwood to 1039 with jon simon. he was chain smoking as usual. back at his house i sat in the tiny front room as him, tony and brian all chain smoked around me. i was dying. my hand hovered over the parliments thrown carelessly on the coffee table. but i stopped. i kept thinking of: a.) how chris would punch me in the face if i gave in before him and b.) how after all you gave me such nice advice and encouragment i would have to write today about how i gave in
so i didn't
tonite is going to be so hard. if anyone sees my smoking tonite grab it and burn me with it.
also. with my new sense of smell i noticed on the way to work this morning that my car smells suspicously of piss. this is very odd. i have had no dogs in my car, nor have i peed myself lately. in the past week i have had a lot of drunk people in and out of my car - jon simon, harrington, theresa, marla, dyan..... gross and gross.
this also may have something to do with the keying incident. yes someone keyed my car. i park in my garage...so god knows when and where it happened. i just noticed it yesterday. blah
my birthday is coming up soon and everyone is obsessing about throwing a theme party for it. in all honesty - i don't really want a party. i just want to go out to dinner and go for drinks after. everytime we have a party all i do worry about who is there and not there and people destroying my house. no one seems to be listening to me though when i say i don't want to have a party. i think they think i am being humble. i am not. but now i feel bad because everyone is all riled up about a strip club themed party in my honor. should i just give in and stop being such a stick in the mud?
metalpeter - 01/13/06 19:23
My sugestion would be the next person who says you should have a party you say at your house Yes. If it is for you it shouldn't be at your place, you shouldn't have to do anything. If people want a party for you that bad then they can have it at there place. If no body who brings it up to you is willing to have it at there place then that brings up a lot of other questions. It is your day why should you have trash your place.
My sugestion would be the next person who says you should have a party you say at your house Yes. If it is for you it shouldn't be at your place, you shouldn't have to do anything. If people want a party for you that bad then they can have it at there place. If no body who brings it up to you is willing to have it at there place then that brings up a lot of other questions. It is your day why should you have trash your place.
jim - 01/13/06 19:07
Something that really helped me was getting a few cases of bottled water. I had a case at work and one at home. I'd open a bottle of water when the craving got really bad. I ended up drinking about 6 bottles a day.
It helps to be really well hydrated. Not the least because your body will tend to think all cravings are for cigarettes, so even when you are thirsty you will think you want a cigarette.
Something that really helped me was getting a few cases of bottled water. I had a case at work and one at home. I'd open a bottle of water when the craving got really bad. I ended up drinking about 6 bottles a day.
It helps to be really well hydrated. Not the least because your body will tend to think all cravings are for cigarettes, so even when you are thirsty you will think you want a cigarette.
jim - 01/13/06 19:07
Something that really helped me was getting a few cases of bottled water. I had a case at work and one at home. I'd open a bottle of water when the craving got really bad. I ended up drinking about 6 bottles a day.
It helps to be really well hydrated. Not the least because your body will tend to think all cravings are for cigarettes, so even when you are thirsty you will think you want a cigarette.
Something that really helped me was getting a few cases of bottled water. I had a case at work and one at home. I'd open a bottle of water when the craving got really bad. I ended up drinking about 6 bottles a day.
It helps to be really well hydrated. Not the least because your body will tend to think all cravings are for cigarettes, so even when you are thirsty you will think you want a cigarette.
clearly, her nail polish does not go with her outfit.
Ewwwwwwwwwww! Too many fingers!