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01/03/2006 18:57 #24212

i have been inspired by (e:theecarey). even tho (e:ladycroft) and her think they are curter and cuter then i :)

my favorite moments from 2005

-my 23rd birthday weekend at sundowners
-random indian dance parties with theresa at level
-camping at rhubarb with the boys
-anything but clothes party
-wilco at the knox
-going to spain and tangiers because i felt like it
-the very first time keith called me saying "get in the goddam pool" (thus the beginning of a long summer of pool parties)
-eating 500 boston hotel clams and then getting yelled at at anderson's an hour later for being too fucked up to get a sundae
-each time i have used my bills/sabres seasons (and exposing marla and rachel to the bills army)
-the day i realized i have some pretty goddam good friends
-seeing arcade fire at Vegoose!

my least favorite moments from 2005:

-ruining a good friendship with a failed relationship
-getting poison oak after passing out in the parking lot of the tom petty concert
-when my fake tooth fell out at my cousins graduation dinner
-getting pre evening booty called
-getting in a fight at the pink
-witnessing an attempted murder by dried starfish
-the day i got a flat tire and a cell phone ticket in one
-the day i realized i needed those pretty goddam good friends and couldn't do it on my own

Did you keep your New Year resolutions of 2005?
-um still smoking

Did you fall in love in 2005?
-blah can we skip the love question for now? especially after this weekend...

Did you breakup with anyone in 2005?

Did you make any new friends in 2005?
yes - lots!

What was your favorite month of 2005?
definitely july. july was a great month.

Did you travel outside of the US in 2005?
spain, morocco and canada too!

How many different states did you travel to in 2005?
a few?

Did you miss anybody in the past year?
yea. a lot.

What was your favorite song from 2005?

ooo this is hard. i was unnaturally obsessed with both "beast of burden" and "yoshimi battles the pink robots." seriously - to the point it was almost weird. like listening on repeat continuously for months. and singing karaoke to them on a weekly basis.

What was your favorite album from 2005?
tie between the new pornographers (twin cinema) and the new fiona apple too. the new eels was sweet too.

Did you drink a lot of alcohol in 2005?
ah yes.

Did you do drugs in 2005?
um, a few?

Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
obviously. this includes:
-making out at the bar like i was a freshman
-falling asleep in my car naked
-being really really bad with my money this year
-backing into my house by mistake (i have a very narrow driveway!)

What was the worst lie someone told you in 2005?
-hmmmmm. i was told i look hot in zubaz pants?

Did you treat somebody badly in 2005?
-i may have called dyan a firecrotch one too many times

Did somebody treat you badly in 2005?

What was your proudest moments of 2005?
-defending katies honor by getting in that fight in the pink
-finally sticking up for myself in a lot of situations i let go too far!
-getting a promotion
-figuring out how to configure UPS systems at work

What was your most embarrassing moment of 2005?
-probably walking home naked minus a dairy queen napkin from elmwood

If you could go back in time to any moment of 2005 and change something, what would it be?
-not have taken this semester off from school

What are your plans for 2006?
-quit smoking
-go back to grad school
-go back to the gym
-start sporting more fanny packs
-get my sister to break up with her old man baby's daddy boyfriend
-stop drinking so much PBR
-stop going out assholes
-start cooking more
-take a dreamweaver class
-take samba lessons
-start a non "LOL" movement
-get back into photography
-beat my brother in bubble puck
-write a essay on the New Buffalo BiSexual movement i have uncovered and my feelings on it
-save some money
-change something BIG in my life. i don't know what yet. but i need to figure it out.

hey i am ambitious this year....
sbrugger - 01/04/06 10:28 spend time at the 'downer?

very very very interesting....

Oh...and LOL... :P
metalpeter - 01/03/06 19:58
Well if they where Bills Zubaz then that is ok. All I can say is wow (I have never been to the sundowner) you like the sundowner, Bills, sabres, where naked in your car and walked home naked, I gotta hang out with you
:-) :-) , Now my year sounds so much more lamer then it allready was. I hope the new year is a good one.
theecarey - 01/03/06 19:48
What were you doing in Zubaz??
  • shakes head*

A new look for '06
Your zubaz, the fanny pack and a dairy queen napkin sticking out of the back waistband.
(while doing the samba)

I see it now..
LOL LOL LOL (ok, that just had to be done)

01/03/2006 13:48 #24211

it isnt breakfast without the egg
the cook at my work really is awful at his job. for a time i was getting egg and cheese breakfast quesadillas. when he came on as chef, he would constantly forget the egg. seriously - everyday. this is not a breakfast quesadilla, buddy. just a quesadilla.
just now i went to get some lunch - i ordered a cheese quesdilla with hot sauce. he forgot the hot sauce. i am thinking of writing a letter of complaint. is that pushing it?

also - i have a friend nolan. he is dating a girl named Sheba. If they get married, her name will be Sheba Katz. and that is really funny.
metalpeter - 01/03/06 18:59
Lee is correct, just like in a resturant never send it back, who knows what they will do to. Chefs take it as an insult ask for your money back or it for free. If you can see them making it and then let them know that they messed up and you want the one they messed up for free..
leetee - 01/03/06 16:49
Before writing a letter of complaint to his bosses, maybe it might be a good idea to talk to him first. Perhaps he is having some trauma in his life and he is distracted...? I have a theory about never ever complaining about someone who is making food for me... ya just never know what might be in it next time!

01/03/2006 00:42 #24210

return to pseudoreality

fate is going to find your love
in a glass of champagne

new years has never hurt so bad on both the inside and the out.

12/30/2005 14:57 #24209

ahhh he talked to me! granted it was via IM. but still - contact. basically its was just saying 'wasup' and seeing what i was doing. i am sure this is to prevent awkward nites in the future. right? ((e:sbrugger) input please?)

also. i am trying to teach myself to knit. i got one of the Klutz series books aimed for prepubcent girls and i still can't figure it out. it is driving me crazy. there is yarn all over my cubicle.
theecarey - 01/01/06 01:59
Jessika, I apologize, lol.. Timika ((e:ladycroft)) wrote the "i'm cuter" thing. Or was that "curter".. whatever that means!!!
theecarey - 12/31/05 22:03
i'm curter!
salvatore - 12/30/05 15:13

12/30/2005 12:16 #24208

thurs nite
no call yet from prenitebootycall guy. i have a bad feeling i wont. 'operation avoid at all costs in public' is now in full swing. aka - no tudor or pink tonite.

tomorrow i am leaving for downstate for a while. my friends rented a loft in soho for the NYE celebration. should be a good time - see the old group.

last nite saw Syriana. it was incredible. i really, really recommend it. one of the best movies i have seen in a while. both chris and i really adored it.

my nite of not drinking went alright. except for one pesky factor. i couldn't sleep. i was wide awake and shaky til 3ish. it drove me nuts. i am going to try it again tonite. stay in and relax. hopefully my body will get used to this.