my parents must be the most penny pinching, frugalistic (I know it's not a word), cheapskates alive.
how cheap are they, you say?
they are so cheap that after they placed mouse traps around the garage and the little mice met their terrible fate, they pry apart they mouse trap, peel away the carcass and reuse them over and over again.
i mean, how expensive are mouse traps? i found $1.29 for 2 at walgreens. is it really worth the trouble (and disgust) to reuse a 70 cent mouse trap? i mean seriously, after using aluminum foil to cover a plate in the fridge i am not allowed to throw it in the garbage but rather must put it into the aluminum pile in the garage that my step-father then goes and sells for 18 cents a pound at whatever the place is where you sell back used aluminum, and he once got $200 for a load he brought over! he steals the toilet paper from hotel rooms when he goes away on business. we have not bought toilet paper in years. the same goes for shampoos, lotions, mouthwash, soap, matches. he collects old 2 x 4's to burn in the fireplace instead of buying firewood.
but i guess this is how they have over 100K cash in the bank all the while living on a 40K salary.
So the doctor gave me a new med for my mystery illness, klonopin. I'm a little weary of taking as I usually try to stay away from downers. I don't like feeling sleepy and retarded when I'm not supposed to. So to counteract that I went ahead and bought some smart pills on the internet, piracetam.

lets hope the pharmacy actually sends the pills and not rips me off, and lets hope that once they arrive here they are real and not sugar dupes.
My MRI of the brain came back normal, so now they are sending me off for an MRI of the neck and more blood work to check for some rheumatoid stuff, among other things. The doc gave me some shots in my back again, this time going much deeper. They fucking hurt like hell and today I feel worse than I did before the shots. It fucking hurts like something awful. I refuse to take the muscle relaxers and the cymbalta they gave me. The relaxers make me stupid and the cymbalta made me feel panicky, like I was going completely crazy. the only thing i'm taking now is ultram, which helps somewhat, but makes me so irritable and mean and aggravated that i can't stand being around people and their stupidity. Maybe the klonopin will give me a good high. I heard some people like it, but getting high and taking away pain, are two different things. I seriously doubt they will do much of anything for my pain. The doc says I'm all stressed and uptight. I don't understand how he came to this conclusion, when he talked to me all of 5 minutes and knows nothing about my life. I am not anywhere near stressed, except form these headaches, and I live a laid back, calm, stress-free existance. I work 3 days a week, and lounge around the other 4 days. I live with my mom, who does most of the cooking and cleaning (because i just don't clean up to her standards), and I pay no rent. I mean seriously, it doesn't get any better than that.
i just want to be headache and pain free like normal people. i don't want my whole day to revolve around the headache that may come, and how to prevent it, the headache that is coming and how to ward it off and the headache that is there and how to stop it. i'm tired of puking, not being able work, or sleep, or being able to plan any social things. everything that i plan is contingent upon whether i have a headache or not. at times it hurts so much that the only thing i can think of is putting a bullet through my skull.
But whatever. bring on the meds.
Fergie. Ahhh, Fergie. First of all, Fergie, get your own name, you unoriginal cunt. Fergie was taken decades ago. Secondly, your face doesn't look natural. It's like I'm watching the original Batman again.
Ahhhh Ah ah ah ah ah ah.
Ahhhh Ah ah ah ah ah ah.
meth is such the wonder diet drug
In a weird way that news makes me more attracted to her! Then again I couldn't deal with the "meth tooth" or other negative aspects of someone with that addiction/usage history.
I just have a horrible attraction to women with those kind of problems....
Once upon a time, Fergie was Stacy Ferguson from Wild Orchid. As a part of Wild Orchid, she even hosted a lip-sync show for tweenies called "Great Pretenders" on whatever Fox Family was called in those days.
If memory serves (and lately its seems to be a bad employee), Stacy managed to get involved in cyrstal meth around the time she was morpthing from the white singer in Wild Orchid to the exotic singer in Black Eyed Peas, career-wise