the last post was a question i got today at a job interview. i wanted to see what you guys would say. oddly enough faben and i had the same answer.
i forgot to tell you that i bought myself a pipe when i was in china. a friend of mine laughed at me when he heard this and said, "ok, so, you're having NO sex, not doing any drugs, not drinking, not going out so when are you going to start collecting cats?"
after tasting that tobacco in
(e:ladycrofts) hookah, i wanted to see if it would be the same from a pipe. cigarettes taste so gross sometimes and i really want to smoke something, so i'm hoping that this'll hit the spot. i'm not even sure how youre supposed to smoke a pipe. there are so few people around that do it. maybe i should take a trip to the deep south and scour some porches.
i don't understand why it seems that i type so many goddamned journals and everyone that's new and has been here for half as long as me, has already surpassed me. WTF people! slow the fuck down! let this old crusty woman catch the fuck up.
on a sad note, i just watched the most depressing movie i've seen in a good while. if you like the artsy, indie type movie, japanese story will, without a doubt, make you weep like your daddy would if he caught you steeling booze out the liquor cabinet.
Great pics thanks for sharing them. Not sure if I have a favortie picture. The first one with you taking the picture in the mirror is preaty cool. Some of the Blue and Red building are preaty neat looking. Looks like a good time. I also like the pictures in side the temples. I'm glad I did the slide show like you suggest that is a much better way of seeing them.
These are great. I love the juxaposition between the brand new architecture and what has been around for centuries