i will be joining the roswell family starting september 11th! i'll be running a couple of breast cancer studies. i've been trying to get this job forever and now i've finally succeeded! now i'll be rich and will do something that is challenging and rewarding!
this makes 4 peeps working at roswell now, that i know of.
Imk2's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/23/2006 19:25 #23090
I got a new job!08/19/2006 21:22 #23089
china pictures on shutterflyFor those who'd like to see more china pictures, i uploaded them onto shutterfly, just like i promised.
after you click the link, click view pictures, when you come to the next page, chose "view as slideshow" it makes it a lot easier to view pictures.

after you click the link, click view pictures, when you come to the next page, chose "view as slideshow" it makes it a lot easier to view pictures.

metalpeter - 08/20/06 15:54
Great pics thanks for sharing them. Not sure if I have a favortie picture. The first one with you taking the picture in the mirror is preaty cool. Some of the Blue and Red building are preaty neat looking. Looks like a good time. I also like the pictures in side the temples. I'm glad I did the slide show like you suggest that is a much better way of seeing them.
Great pics thanks for sharing them. Not sure if I have a favortie picture. The first one with you taking the picture in the mirror is preaty cool. Some of the Blue and Red building are preaty neat looking. Looks like a good time. I also like the pictures in side the temples. I'm glad I did the slide show like you suggest that is a much better way of seeing them.
mrmike - 08/20/06 14:24
These are great. I love the juxaposition between the brand new architecture and what has been around for centuries
These are great. I love the juxaposition between the brand new architecture and what has been around for centuries
08/15/2006 22:47 #23088
Flava FLAVE!i feel so guilty for putting faben onto the flavor of love show. i try to use it as an example of how NOT to act, but instead we just sit there and break on these chicks the entire time.
to those who don't know......the new season has begun and it is absolutely awful, one chick has actually doo doo'd herself right on the stairs! there are white girls who wanna be black, bisexual sex fiends, ghetto rats and country bumpkins who quote, "want dark babies"! god help me for watching this smut, but i just can't help myself, i love it! and i think some of you may know just what i'm talking about.
whatever, i listen to NPR all day long, i'm entitled to this
to those who don't know......the new season has begun and it is absolutely awful, one chick has actually doo doo'd herself right on the stairs! there are white girls who wanna be black, bisexual sex fiends, ghetto rats and country bumpkins who quote, "want dark babies"! god help me for watching this smut, but i just can't help myself, i love it! and i think some of you may know just what i'm talking about.
whatever, i listen to NPR all day long, i'm entitled to this
metalpeter - 08/16/06 19:01
Did you say bisexaul sex fiends that is what I need. I admit I have only seen a few seconds of last season as I fliped chanels. So I guess he didn't find love last season. I will have to try and catch that I havn't seen any of the Surreal life or any of VH1 reality shows. But I still know that Flav fell in love with Brigdette Nelson and that spawned the first spin off.
I will admit I used to love Public Enemy. But you notice the guy with the show is the crazy Yeah Boy with the Giant clock, not Terminator X who they kicked out for being anti semetic or Chuck D the Concous of the group. I have no idea if any of them are still making music or not.
Did you say bisexaul sex fiends that is what I need. I admit I have only seen a few seconds of last season as I fliped chanels. So I guess he didn't find love last season. I will have to try and catch that I havn't seen any of the Surreal life or any of VH1 reality shows. But I still know that Flav fell in love with Brigdette Nelson and that spawned the first spin off.
I will admit I used to love Public Enemy. But you notice the guy with the show is the crazy Yeah Boy with the Giant clock, not Terminator X who they kicked out for being anti semetic or Chuck D the Concous of the group. I have no idea if any of them are still making music or not.
libertad - 08/16/06 01:48
you hooked me at your pool. This show is like crack and there is plenty to go around.
you hooked me at your pool. This show is like crack and there is plenty to go around.
carolinian - 08/16/06 00:56
I love that show! It's pure sleaze with almost no actual redeeming values, apart from a cool viking helmet and reliving the Public Enemy phase I went through in middle school. It kicks ass.
But if you want to try to distill some useful moral out of the show, I think it would be "have respect for yourself and don't put your self worth into other people's hands."
Let's be honest: Flav is a man and getting paid good money (and perhaps getting put up into a mansion if he doesn't own it) to have sex with upwards of two dozen attractive women every week on national TV. He gets to see said beautiful women literally claw at each other to be with him, which must be such an ego trip, especially with millions of people watching it. As long as Miss Right is never really found or splits with him soon after, the party keeps on continuing for Flav. Is there really any kind of incentive to pick one contestant and settle down?
Any self-respecting person would either milk the free publicity for all its worth and not take it seriously, or would refuse to be played like a violin and they'd leave. Being like New York last season and basing all her self-worth on her prospects of becoming Mrs. Flav is a lesson on "how not to act".
I love that show! It's pure sleaze with almost no actual redeeming values, apart from a cool viking helmet and reliving the Public Enemy phase I went through in middle school. It kicks ass.
But if you want to try to distill some useful moral out of the show, I think it would be "have respect for yourself and don't put your self worth into other people's hands."
Let's be honest: Flav is a man and getting paid good money (and perhaps getting put up into a mansion if he doesn't own it) to have sex with upwards of two dozen attractive women every week on national TV. He gets to see said beautiful women literally claw at each other to be with him, which must be such an ego trip, especially with millions of people watching it. As long as Miss Right is never really found or splits with him soon after, the party keeps on continuing for Flav. Is there really any kind of incentive to pick one contestant and settle down?
Any self-respecting person would either milk the free publicity for all its worth and not take it seriously, or would refuse to be played like a violin and they'd leave. Being like New York last season and basing all her self-worth on her prospects of becoming Mrs. Flav is a lesson on "how not to act".
08/11/2006 20:46 #23087
i know you wanna get all up in my bootyBUT DAMN!
so someone rammed my ass today. i was sitting at a red light on transit, talking to my mom, and this girl just plowed into my bumper. it was like one of those volkswagen commercials where people are driving talking, shooting the shit, when they suddenly get side swiped out of nowhere.
i swear if my mom was not in my car today, no one would believe me that these accidents are not my fault. if i came home today saying that someone hit me again, they'd think that it has to be my driving. last time i had a 120 y/o judge hit me. and the time before that, someone ran me off the thruway and made me loose control of my car and plow into the divider at 50 miles an hour. luckily only my sternum was broken.
i had a doctors visit today. this is a continuing saga of unexplainable upper back right side shoulder and headache pain. x-ray and ultrasound were normal. all blood work was normal except for vitamin b-12 levels. they were about 200, where the normal range is 200-1100. so the doctor said that since b12 deficiencies can be responsible for neurological issues, this could be why i'm in pain. so she decided to bring me in every week for a month for b12 shots, starting today. this still doesn't disprove my self diagnosis of multiple sclerosis as the two are very closely associated. it has been thought that b12 deficiency is associated with the cause of MS as it destroys the myelin sheath of nerve cells, which is what MS consists of. i think i'll bring this up to my doctor next week.
also, i went to see world trade center today. i did cry the entire time, but i'm not sure if it was because the movie was extraordinary or anything like that, it's an emotional subject, so just about everyone was crying including (e:des) . i'd give it 3.5 out of 5.
so someone rammed my ass today. i was sitting at a red light on transit, talking to my mom, and this girl just plowed into my bumper. it was like one of those volkswagen commercials where people are driving talking, shooting the shit, when they suddenly get side swiped out of nowhere.
i swear if my mom was not in my car today, no one would believe me that these accidents are not my fault. if i came home today saying that someone hit me again, they'd think that it has to be my driving. last time i had a 120 y/o judge hit me. and the time before that, someone ran me off the thruway and made me loose control of my car and plow into the divider at 50 miles an hour. luckily only my sternum was broken.
i had a doctors visit today. this is a continuing saga of unexplainable upper back right side shoulder and headache pain. x-ray and ultrasound were normal. all blood work was normal except for vitamin b-12 levels. they were about 200, where the normal range is 200-1100. so the doctor said that since b12 deficiencies can be responsible for neurological issues, this could be why i'm in pain. so she decided to bring me in every week for a month for b12 shots, starting today. this still doesn't disprove my self diagnosis of multiple sclerosis as the two are very closely associated. it has been thought that b12 deficiency is associated with the cause of MS as it destroys the myelin sheath of nerve cells, which is what MS consists of. i think i'll bring this up to my doctor next week.
also, i went to see world trade center today. i did cry the entire time, but i'm not sure if it was because the movie was extraordinary or anything like that, it's an emotional subject, so just about everyone was crying including (e:des) . i'd give it 3.5 out of 5.
des - 08/13/06 14:28
now god damnit I told you I wasnt crying, you got salt in my eye throwing popcorn ;)
Did I mention I hate Nicholas Cage?
now god damnit I told you I wasnt crying, you got salt in my eye throwing popcorn ;)
Did I mention I hate Nicholas Cage?
metalpeter - 08/12/06 19:39
I wish you luck in getting better. Hopefully the shots do the trick. At least the doctor is trying to treat the problem as opposed to the pain and numbeness. Often in this country we fight the symptoms instead of the underlying problem. Hopefully it is just low b vitimins.
I wish you luck in getting better. Hopefully the shots do the trick. At least the doctor is trying to treat the problem as opposed to the pain and numbeness. Often in this country we fight the symptoms instead of the underlying problem. Hopefully it is just low b vitimins.
libertad - 08/11/06 23:13
Shots? Can't you take something internally? What foods have b12? Nuts? I hope you are ok. Looks like you are at your centenial post.
Shots? Can't you take something internally? What foods have b12? Nuts? I hope you are ok. Looks like you are at your centenial post.
imk2 - 08/11/06 23:08
noo, nooo, i really dont want to have ms, but that's what i thought i had. the back shoulder headache are really weird tho. it's like the entire upper right hand side of my body is different. everything is weird feeling. i cant really explain it. it tingles and it burns and it falls asleep and there is a spot on my back about six inches long and two inches wide that is numb all the time for like the past 4 years. everything on the right hand side feels different. teeth, tonsil (yes i can feel it) eye, ear, etc. so that's what i mean by pain. and it's getting progressively worse as the years go on. now my hand and right hip are falling asleep at night. i almost feel like giving up, like i will never find an answer.
noo, nooo, i really dont want to have ms, but that's what i thought i had. the back shoulder headache are really weird tho. it's like the entire upper right hand side of my body is different. everything is weird feeling. i cant really explain it. it tingles and it burns and it falls asleep and there is a spot on my back about six inches long and two inches wide that is numb all the time for like the past 4 years. everything on the right hand side feels different. teeth, tonsil (yes i can feel it) eye, ear, etc. so that's what i mean by pain. and it's getting progressively worse as the years go on. now my hand and right hip are falling asleep at night. i almost feel like giving up, like i will never find an answer.
jenks - 08/11/06 22:51
holy shite... "only" your sternum was broken? that's not an easy bone to break.... Glad you're ok this time... Not sure I agree that your B12 level explains shoulder pain.... but that's not really my area... And the shots can't hurt anything... (well except literally). You don't want to have MS though.
holy shite... "only" your sternum was broken? that's not an easy bone to break.... Glad you're ok this time... Not sure I agree that your B12 level explains shoulder pain.... but that's not really my area... And the shots can't hurt anything... (well except literally). You don't want to have MS though.
08/10/2006 01:04 #23086
smokeythe last post was a question i got today at a job interview. i wanted to see what you guys would say. oddly enough faben and i had the same answer.
i forgot to tell you that i bought myself a pipe when i was in china. a friend of mine laughed at me when he heard this and said, "ok, so, you're having NO sex, not doing any drugs, not drinking, not going out ANYWHERE....um so when are you going to start collecting cats?"
after tasting that tobacco in (e:ladycrofts) hookah, i wanted to see if it would be the same from a pipe. cigarettes taste so gross sometimes and i really want to smoke something, so i'm hoping that this'll hit the spot. i'm not even sure how youre supposed to smoke a pipe. there are so few people around that do it. maybe i should take a trip to the deep south and scour some porches.
i don't understand why it seems that i type so many goddamned journals and everyone that's new and has been here for half as long as me, has already surpassed me. WTF people! slow the fuck down! let this old crusty woman catch the fuck up.
on a sad note, i just watched the most depressing movie i've seen in a good while. if you like the artsy, indie type movie, japanese story will, without a doubt, make you weep like your daddy would if he caught you steeling booze out the liquor cabinet.
i forgot to tell you that i bought myself a pipe when i was in china. a friend of mine laughed at me when he heard this and said, "ok, so, you're having NO sex, not doing any drugs, not drinking, not going out ANYWHERE....um so when are you going to start collecting cats?"
after tasting that tobacco in (e:ladycrofts) hookah, i wanted to see if it would be the same from a pipe. cigarettes taste so gross sometimes and i really want to smoke something, so i'm hoping that this'll hit the spot. i'm not even sure how youre supposed to smoke a pipe. there are so few people around that do it. maybe i should take a trip to the deep south and scour some porches.
i don't understand why it seems that i type so many goddamned journals and everyone that's new and has been here for half as long as me, has already surpassed me. WTF people! slow the fuck down! let this old crusty woman catch the fuck up.
on a sad note, i just watched the most depressing movie i've seen in a good while. if you like the artsy, indie type movie, japanese story will, without a doubt, make you weep like your daddy would if he caught you steeling booze out the liquor cabinet.
olemanrunin - 08/10/06 21:42
...you need a tractor and to wear suspenders to smoke a pipe - i remember my neighbor - when i was a kid - he was a farmer, drove past our house driving his tractor, going to the fields - he always attempted to hide his pipe so us kids wouldn't be influenced...he was Bud, a typical farmer
...you need a tractor and to wear suspenders to smoke a pipe - i remember my neighbor - when i was a kid - he was a farmer, drove past our house driving his tractor, going to the fields - he always attempted to hide his pipe so us kids wouldn't be influenced...he was Bud, a typical farmer
metalpeter - 08/10/06 19:23
That was a preaty thought provoking question for an interview there are so many ways you can take that question. I will admit I'm kinda sad only me and one other person answered it, it would have been cool to how others would answer it.
In terms of a pipe only hit one once. I think you are supposed to light the tobbacoo and then breath the fumes in from the part you put on your lips. The thing is that Often smoke comes out of the open end so maybe you can suck that in to not really sure. On a side note (kidding here) I forgot that when you went to China I was supposed to ask you to bring me home a Chinese girl [one of the old school variety ). I will admit I have never heard of the movie, but I can't watch depressing movies.
That was a preaty thought provoking question for an interview there are so many ways you can take that question. I will admit I'm kinda sad only me and one other person answered it, it would have been cool to how others would answer it.
In terms of a pipe only hit one once. I think you are supposed to light the tobbacoo and then breath the fumes in from the part you put on your lips. The thing is that Often smoke comes out of the open end so maybe you can suck that in to not really sure. On a side note (kidding here) I forgot that when you went to China I was supposed to ask you to bring me home a Chinese girl [one of the old school variety ). I will admit I have never heard of the movie, but I can't watch depressing movies.
leetee - 08/10/06 17:48
Oh, ok... thanks. I just thought it was a japanese story, meaning it took place in Japan, not that it was the name of the film. I appreciate you clarifying for me. :O)
Oh, ok... thanks. I just thought it was a japanese story, meaning it took place in Japan, not that it was the name of the film. I appreciate you clarifying for me. :O)
imk2 - 08/10/06 14:35
oh you must have glanced over it lee, it's japanese story :)
oh you must have glanced over it lee, it's japanese story :)
leetee - 08/10/06 10:30
What's the name of the film?
What's the name of the film?
mrmike - 08/10/06 09:40
If you are old and crusty, I got to be friggin ancient. Take your time, it's not a sprint
If you are old and crusty, I got to be friggin ancient. Take your time, it's not a sprint
thanks for all the kind words everyone. i will be starting on 9/11 and will be working in carlton house. since i live in tonawanda (northern suburb of buffalo) i will have no choice but to drive. i kind of dread the parking as well, especially in the winter, but i dont think i have a choice.
Hooray for you!!
It's totally awesome that you got a job you really really wanted - welcome aboard! (which is funny because i haven't even started yet either...)
I really hope to meet up with you guys at Roswell - and actually - I kind of want to ask how you all get there - car? metro? walk? bus?
I've been kind of spooked by the things I've heard about parking, ie, vandalism, etc.(I'd be stationed in the Trico lot, I guess - *great*), so I'm wondering how others manage.
When do you start? Where will you be working?
yay! i knew you could do it :)
Congratulations. Now we can eat lunch together. I am a big fan of cafe 59 now.
Many congrats, it must be a great feeling. Savor it, I'm sure you'll knock em dead
I'm glad to hear it is offical and wish you the best of luck. I'm sure there will be a lot of new things to learn and new challanges. That being said when you do a job that is rewarding and will wind up benifiting someone it is worth it. I'm sure doing something new can be stressfull at first but i'm sure you will learn and pick up things as you go along and you will be fine.
paul, enknot, me and chicoschica
Other than Paul, i didn't know there were other epeeps working at Roswell. I'm so out of the loop.. but what else is new!
Hope you love the job!!
Congratulations! Jason was here first!