i had a terrible nightmare in china that i was sitting at pmt's house, chillin, when terry, out of the blue, told me how much he and everyone here disliked me and how much of a looser i was and how lame i was and looked at me with such disgust that it almost made me cry.
i was so shocked and shamed that i tried to excuse myself to run home but kept running into everyone from estrip. i was jumping fences in back yards while looking for my car and kept seeing terry chatting with all the estrippers all the while talking smack about and laughing at my expense. i was so put off by my dream that i was actually MAD at estip when i woke up and told my self i was never coming back.
Imk2's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/01/2006 13:50 #23083
you people give me nightmares07/23/2006 13:11 #23082
BON VOYAGE, e:peeps !ok, peeps.
the time has come for me to bid you farewell and head off to the far east.
at the crack of dawn, i will be on my way to beijing, china! the journey there and back will be horrendous. we leave buffalo at 6am heading to detroit, where we will sit for 7 hours. we'll then board a plane to tokyo, which will last over 14 hours. once in tokyo, we change planes again and head to beijing for 4 hours. we leave tomorrow morning and will not arrive until 9pm tuesday night.
oh i am so super stoked! i will try to smuggle my camera everywhere and take pictures of everything, hoping the commies don't snatch it away. but if they do, i'll just proclaim my polish commie-hood, pay a few people off, and pretend it never happened.
i'll try to check in from some internet cafes and give a few updates, but i'll save the pics for later and i'll make sure to eat enough dim sum for each and everyone of you.
ok, peeps, time to pack. see ya in a while. dsai-jian!
the time has come for me to bid you farewell and head off to the far east.
at the crack of dawn, i will be on my way to beijing, china! the journey there and back will be horrendous. we leave buffalo at 6am heading to detroit, where we will sit for 7 hours. we'll then board a plane to tokyo, which will last over 14 hours. once in tokyo, we change planes again and head to beijing for 4 hours. we leave tomorrow morning and will not arrive until 9pm tuesday night.
oh i am so super stoked! i will try to smuggle my camera everywhere and take pictures of everything, hoping the commies don't snatch it away. but if they do, i'll just proclaim my polish commie-hood, pay a few people off, and pretend it never happened.
i'll try to check in from some internet cafes and give a few updates, but i'll save the pics for later and i'll make sure to eat enough dim sum for each and everyone of you.
ok, peeps, time to pack. see ya in a while. dsai-jian!
metalpeter - 07/24/06 19:19
Have A great time and remember it is a vacation and find some relaxing time aswell. Secondly be carefull. There a couple practices that legal here but not legal in china, but I'm sure you knew that. Most importantly have fun and enjoy your self!!!!!!
Have A great time and remember it is a vacation and find some relaxing time aswell. Secondly be carefull. There a couple practices that legal here but not legal in china, but I'm sure you knew that. Most importantly have fun and enjoy your self!!!!!!
theecarey - 07/23/06 23:14
Have a splendid trip.. hope you can sneak some really great photos. See ya when you get back! :)
Have a splendid trip.. hope you can sneak some really great photos. See ya when you get back! :)
imk2 - 07/23/06 22:42
i am going on vacation and i will be back not next week but the following week tues.
i am going on vacation and i will be back not next week but the following week tues.
jenks - 07/23/06 19:59
when do you get back?
when do you get back?
paul - 07/23/06 14:53
Have fun , we will miss you.
Have fun , we will miss you.
mrmike - 07/23/06 13:50
Safe journey!!
Safe journey!!
07/22/2006 13:06 #23081
swimming canceledsure, the one day that i pick to invite people to swim, is the day that it rains.
i've decided to hold off the swimming till i get back. will do to the movies instead, so anyone who wants to join ladycroft and i, just holla.
i've decided to hold off the swimming till i get back. will do to the movies instead, so anyone who wants to join ladycroft and i, just holla.
07/21/2006 20:51 #23080
come over for swimming!!07/18/2006 23:17 #23079
love is a sicknesswho ever said it is better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all is a fucking moron.
maybe it's passion that's the problem, not love. passion is what makes you do stupid things, passion makes you sick and demented. it's funny because i was working on a post about how i figured out that it's passion that i was missing and that's why i was feeling miserable, but now i've changed my mind.
passion is an infection, a sickness. it's like drug, when you don't have it you want it, and when you do have it, you STILL want it and you become completely blind sighted when high on it.
i want an off switch for desire.
i just watched the most depressing movie ever made. asylum
and it features my newest hottie Marton Csokas
god, that man is the hottest thing walking on two legs, i probably would throw myself off of a building for him too.
shit, there it goes again.
maybe it's passion that's the problem, not love. passion is what makes you do stupid things, passion makes you sick and demented. it's funny because i was working on a post about how i figured out that it's passion that i was missing and that's why i was feeling miserable, but now i've changed my mind.
passion is an infection, a sickness. it's like drug, when you don't have it you want it, and when you do have it, you STILL want it and you become completely blind sighted when high on it.
i want an off switch for desire.
i just watched the most depressing movie ever made. asylum

god, that man is the hottest thing walking on two legs, i probably would throw myself off of a building for him too.
shit, there it goes again.
des - 07/19/06 22:16
desire is probally at its worse when coupled with self imposed celibacy. Hopefully you can get over one or the other without to much a to do over it. I'm rootin for ya.
desire is probally at its worse when coupled with self imposed celibacy. Hopefully you can get over one or the other without to much a to do over it. I'm rootin for ya.
metalpeter - 07/19/06 18:19
That first line in your post is great.
Yeah love is sickness but it is a sickness I would kinda like to have. Ok so maybe just a cuttie pie in my bed and we could call it love weather it was or not. No maybe I would really like to have if it was a mutual thing but when it only goes one way it can be a killer.
I have to disagree with ya on Passion (unless you mean romantic passion that is differant). Passion is often what drives people to be great and excel at things or atleast make the attempt and to keep trying. The passion is the love of something and that is usaly a good thing unless it becomes bliding.
Desire is so complicated and there are so many types of it. I often see some female in a day that I desire. But it is so much more then that. If it wasn't for desire playboy, penthouse, Fox, and alot of other adult businesses would go out of business.
All that being said I hope You feal better . I think it would be good if we could turn of desire cause it along with passion and love can often be verry painfull. I think we can with out knowing turn off love. I know I have met a few cool ladies and there was just not that fealing, so it may be off in me. Or maybe i can't feal it because the passion is gone. I think that we do have the ablitly to turn these thing off. But it is not done on purpose, our body and mind do it as a way to protect us, and most of us can't figure out how to turn them on and off on there own with out self medicating.
That first line in your post is great.
Yeah love is sickness but it is a sickness I would kinda like to have. Ok so maybe just a cuttie pie in my bed and we could call it love weather it was or not. No maybe I would really like to have if it was a mutual thing but when it only goes one way it can be a killer.
I have to disagree with ya on Passion (unless you mean romantic passion that is differant). Passion is often what drives people to be great and excel at things or atleast make the attempt and to keep trying. The passion is the love of something and that is usaly a good thing unless it becomes bliding.
Desire is so complicated and there are so many types of it. I often see some female in a day that I desire. But it is so much more then that. If it wasn't for desire playboy, penthouse, Fox, and alot of other adult businesses would go out of business.
All that being said I hope You feal better . I think it would be good if we could turn of desire cause it along with passion and love can often be verry painfull. I think we can with out knowing turn off love. I know I have met a few cool ladies and there was just not that fealing, so it may be off in me. Or maybe i can't feal it because the passion is gone. I think that we do have the ablitly to turn these thing off. But it is not done on purpose, our body and mind do it as a way to protect us, and most of us can't figure out how to turn them on and off on there own with out self medicating.
mrmike - 07/19/06 16:31
Never hit the desire off button. It may be a little idle at the moment, but desire and passion can awaken in no time. Give yourself sometime, don't sit around waiting on either. The beauty behind passion is how it returns just as fast as it cruises. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Just don't indict yourself so soon. I've got a full decade of hopelessness ahead of you and I'm not altogether clear about what I'll be when I grow up.
Never hit the desire off button. It may be a little idle at the moment, but desire and passion can awaken in no time. Give yourself sometime, don't sit around waiting on either. The beauty behind passion is how it returns just as fast as it cruises. I'm not sure if that makes sense. Just don't indict yourself so soon. I've got a full decade of hopelessness ahead of you and I'm not altogether clear about what I'll be when I grow up.
jason - 07/19/06 10:40
dang ol dang ol dang ol love?
dang ol dang ol dang ol love?
uncutsaniflush - 07/19/06 00:11
I suspect that you might be speaking of limerence.
But what do I know, (e:paul) doesn't trust me anymore with the writing of help files for (e:strip), so perhaps you shouldn't trust me with giving you advice about affairs of the heart.
I suspect that you might be speaking of limerence.
But what do I know, (e:paul) doesn't trust me anymore with the writing of help files for (e:strip), so perhaps you shouldn't trust me with giving you advice about affairs of the heart.
Ohhh, I hate hate hate when I have a dream that makes me feel so strongly bad!! I had a dream a few months ago that (e:zobar) broke up with me, and I felt very real grief over it for days. I would be terribly, sickeningly sad, and not know why, and then remember, "oh Z dumped me," and then I'd have to remember, "That didn't really happen!"
It was weird how deeply it affected me.
Of course, he hasn't. But if he did I would just be so bummed. I'm so used to him, I don't think I could get used to not-him again...
Welcome back, btw. :)
Odd, considering....we don't like you at all....I'm of course teasing. We miss you madly and I hope the trip has been a one for the ages.
well just for the record I dont like you very much at all. (but off the record dont take anymore long internetless trips for awhile)
That was an odd dream. Maybe it was a withrdraw syptom from (e:strip). Or maybe you where having so much fun not worring about posting your mind wanted that to continue so it caused that dream. The odd part is how much you belived it. Sometimes a dream can be more real then reality itself. Not sure if you are still in china but if you are hope you enjoy the rest of your time there and if not I hope you had a great time. I know for a fact that there are at least a few (e:peeps) who like you. That being said it is amazing how ones mind (or maybe just mine) can think do they really like me or are they just being nice. Hope you don't have anymore nightmares.
Yet somehow... you just couldn't stay away. Funny, I know that feeling. :) Welcome back to the land of good teeth.
Come back. You are having serious (e:strip) withdrawal.
boogedy-boogedy boo!