Category: writing
12/02/08 08:39 - 30ºF - ID#46928
NaNo Failure
NaNoWriMo is an annual event where people all over the globe try to write 50,000 words in the thirty days of November.
Sadly, I got only a bit over half of that. 30,000 words, about. It's my first year, though, so I guess it was to be expected. But I am a little disappointed with myself!
Oh well, I'll just finish the book and be done. Then I'll just wait for next year, maybe someone else will join me ;D .
My NaNo profile is here:
Add me as a buddy if you're interested! I'd love to share creative ideas. (Not mine really, but I'd love to hear yours, heh.)
Permalink: NaNo_Failure.html
Words: 120
Category: cars/internet/music
07/12/07 09:04 - 72ºF - ID#40087
Scion Commercial/Dj Cutler
I've had odd nightmares about this commercial.
Not that I'm scared of the little deviant's more so the cross-eyed sheep people.
That and world of warcraft.'s weird. took me nearly five times to figure out that this was a scion commercial. Really, the car and the SCION.COM just flew over my head the first four times.
But anyway, after making this discovery, I decided, "Hey, why not?" and I headed off to the Scion website.
I was a little dissapointed to find that the site is not as "little deviant" oriented as i had hoped. But either
So as I perused through the....*interestingly* skinned cars I noticed a window on the side of the page.
It was music player filled with folders of mixed cds people had apparently sent in for some...contest? I'm not sure.
So I decided to listen to the Intro song of each.
I had a nice little suprise to hear one chant "BUFFALO....NEW YORK!"
I looked into it a little and found out that the cd was made by someone named DJ Cutler in a (I quote) "Buffalo-based group called Pseudo Slang."
Who would've known?!
I'm not sure if changes my view on the Yaris commercial at all though.
Permalink: Scion_Commercial_Dj_Cutler.html
Words: 236
06/28/07 02:56 - 80ºF - ID#39837
Gary the Imaginary Person
They're just like real people, (or better, in my case.)
So I would like to introduce you to Gary! Gary is a lazy bum...he'd be a genius if he actually cared to be, but instead, Gary sleeps.
Here's a profile I worked on for him:
Name: Gary
Age: ???
Weight: 52kg
Height: 165cm
Climate: Alpine
BloodType: AB
Hair: Manatee
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Onyx
Food: Seaweed
Color: Gray
Hobby: Spacing out
Friend: Matthew
Enemy: None
Likes: Meditation
Dislikes: Activity
Birth: 11 / 3
Electronic: Cd player
Fingerprint: Loop
Drink: Iced tea
Shirt: Pajama
Pants: Pajama
Logo: Gray bubbles
And here's his picture:
Well, if Gary had an abnormally sized head, that's what he would look like.
'Kay then, that was another piece of random junk from me today.
Have a great summer!
Permalink: Gary_the_Imaginary_Person.html
Words: 138
05/30/07 07:47 - 81ºF - ID#39465
A drawing
This picture was drawn in BLUE pen before it was scanned in grayscale. I've put it in photoshop and I'm weighing whether I should go through the trouble of coloring it or leave it as is.
But to explain, this is the same character in my avatar or "profile picture" though on a more serious note.
He's just a tad evil.
Permalink: A_drawing.html
Words: 65
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