02/03/06 04:33 - 41ºF - ID#24228
shredding the movement
first of all. i found out that my best man friend is actually on (e:strip). granted, he only has like 3 entries...but still. my jon simon is really (e:jacksmack). about as weird as when i found out keith was (e:keith).
ok that isn't that weird - but i am getting to the good stuff.
weird thing #1:
ok this is really awful - but apparently a girl with the same name as me is a baby killer. i have never heard of anyone else with same name as me - and this first one has to be for something like this. people were emailing this article to me all day:

weird thing #2:
ok this is vaguely embarrassing on my part. yesterday on the way to work i was scanning through the radio. i happen to catch the tail end of a conversation in which they were discussing the subway tunnels. this intrigues me. ( i am obsessed with mole people.) . i wanted to know more. the embarrassing part is that i was listening to shredd and regan. when i got to work i emailed mr. shredd:
Original Message
From: coleman8227@aol.com [mailto:coleman8227@aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 10:36 AM
To: Shredd@wedg.com
Subject: subway tunnels and breasts
hey guys -
i caught the end of you talking about subway tunnels under the pink this morning and it has been driving me nuts. what were you talking about? i am intrigued? can you send me a link or something?
jessica coleman
i entitled it as i did because i wanted something to get his attention. i figured with all the email they must receive he wouldn't read it with out a catchy subject line. i got this 10 minutes later:
From: Ted Shredd
To: coleman8227@aol.com
Subject: RE: subway tunnels and breasts
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2006 11:16:47 -0500
I don't know of a link. I guess there are a series of tunnels under Buffalo that were used during Prohibition, and one goes from The Pink to the subway on Main. By the way your message subject said tunnels and breasts. Where do the breasts come into this?
weird thing #3
apparently the shredster doesn't get as much email as i thought. my dad called me tens minutes later questioning as to why i was emailing shredd about my breasts. apparently they mentioned on air and used my full name. i should claimed the baby killer sent it. god now people think i listen to shred and reagan.
went to see this show last nite with (e:jacksmack) and paul. (speaking of paul there is a beamer show tonite at merlins you all should be at.) it was at the polish social club on filmore. actually it was a lot of fun. awesome beer selection for very cheap. jon was telling me how the last time he had been was after the mass nude photo taken at the train station. i launched into a story of my old boss and how he took his daughters to that, about his lazy eye and about how weird he was. not a few minutes later - i kid you not - my old boss strolled in. into a fairly hardcore show at the polish social club.
goes to show you have to be careful what you say in public. buffalo is a smaller town then we think! everyone is listening.
also i finally talked to my crush. he came up and asked what my problem was because i was staring at him last nite. apparently i am creepier then i thought. regardless, he asked if (e:jacksmack) was my boyfriend. i said no. upon hearing this (e:jacksmack) replied, "no, no you can fuck her if you want." (nice, nice friend.) the guy actually replied, "cool. can i fuck you too?" blah, he's part of the movement. what a disappointment.

Permalink: shredding_the_movement.html
Words: 679
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/02/06 02:20 - 46ºF - ID#24227
groundhogs and artillery smut
oh man this is totally a mundane entry that was being referred to in other posts. sorry. i will follow this up with something scandalous - i swear.
i wonder if the interior condition of my car says anything about my personality. i know i have written about my car being a landfill before...but i took a survey today:
-16 empty packs of parliments
-3 empty packs of camels
-8 empty mountain dew bottles
-4 empty red bull cans
-2 half eaten boxes of girl scout cookies
-4 scarves
-1 pair of ferragamo vintage flats
-1 pair gray sauconys
-1 pair black flip flops
-approx 178 atm reciepts
-2 copies of salingers "nine stories" (why i have 2 i am still not sure)
-7 artvoices
-2 empty saranac bottles
-parking passes from:
* the downtown garage off chippewea -9
*the parking lot off monroe ave in rochester -3
*the VIP parking lot at darien lake - 6
this was an overview. i didn't even venture to the trunk or under the seats. my roommate calls me a slob - but i prefer archivist. i don't care when people complain about sitting in the back seat. it is my shit and its staying back there. i like it there. i might need those girl scout cookies if i ever get stranded somewhere.
jon simon is dragging me to some show tonite on filllmore. if anyone knows what this is please let me know.
my friends becky and dave decided to drive to pauxatoney yesterday morning. they have kept me updated via phone:
yesterday -12:22pm: "we are drunk in pauxatoney! it is awesome here! woohooo!"
yesterday -2:58pm: "people in gobblers knob have an accent. its wierd."
yesterday -6:45pm: "we are playing groundhog bingo! you have to yell 'GROUNDHOG!'...and i won a groundhog shaped basket! we are bringing you back a groundhog sweatshirt!"
yesterday -9:52pm: "we are soooo bored i don't know how we are going to make it all nite...this place fuckin sucks"
i lost contact after that. more updates later from the remainder of their trip.

Permalink: groundhogs_and_artillery_smut.html
Words: 374
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/01/06 04:30 - 33ºF - ID#24226

on the brighter side of things, i also found the funniest website ever. someone apparently found a bunch of weightwatchers recipe cards in their basement and scanned them. they are hysterical.

this morning i woke up to the suspicious smell of paint. when i walked out the door to go to my car i spotted splatters of orange spray paint all over the driveway. i am nervous (considering my housemates) where this is from. hopefully i didn't drive to work this morning with a large orange penis on the passengers side of my car.
oh - also my lunch special made it to the menu today in the cafeteria. it is called the "Little Jessica." it may have been my proudest moment when i overheard someone ordering it. what the little jessica consists of is grilled peppers, onions, and mushrooms, cheese, diced veggie burger, cheese and tons of hot sauce in a wrap. yum... i am a genius.

Permalink: mackerelly.html
Words: 211
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/31/06 11:43 - 33ºF - ID#24225
damn you carrot cake
- i don't know if i mentioned this is for an office birthday. everyone takes turns making cakes for peoples birthdays here. i fucking hate it. (although i got that cookie cake friday which was awesome.) seriously, though, it is someone's birthday every other day. (yes like the seinfeld episode.) my desk is situated right next to where they always put the cake, too. i don't even like cake - but i seriously eat like 3 pieces a day. my teeth are going to rot out. and i am not going to fit in my corporate cas'.
anyways. when i went to go through the checkout line i seriously had to same clerk i had last nite. no joke. and she remembered me and said, "carrot cake didn't go so well, huh." bitch.
AND look at this email i just got:

in case the text is too small to read, in which i am sure it is, it reads:
Thank you to Jason who has generously provided donuts to celebrate my birthday. They are in the usual spot by the scanning station. Enjoy!
some dude randomly brought in krisy kreme and gets all the credit! not one mention of my cake.
i just reread this and realize what a baby i sound like. i apologize.

Permalink: damn_you_carrot_cake.html
Words: 300
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/30/06 05:36 - 45ºF - ID#24224
birthday wrap up

here is the picture that i thought looks like (e:terry)'s headshot twin. he is in the background wearing a black shirt.
anyways...i did everything on my birthday checklist. and more. i am not super proud of it. i feel like crap. i didn't sleep all weekend. my body HATES me. but here are some highlights:

-sang leather and lace at tudor - and kevin was the WORST don henley ever

-danced so violently everywhere that we literally knocked people over in the pink

-had a bowie dance party til 9am at my house that got kinda wierd
at the gallery opening friday i got propostioned for a pornogrpahic photo session from an elderly black man. apparently this is a retirment project he is working on. i gratiously declined - but kept his card if anyone is interested in "money & erotica."
the zepplin tribute show saturday was awesome. i am sad i missed (e:salvatore) tho :(
oh and if anyone knows a good recipe for carrot cake let me know. i need to make on for an office birthday tomorrow.

Permalink: birthday_wrap_up.html
Words: 203
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/27/06 03:27 - 37ºF - ID#24223
i found this awesome website today. it shows Olivo Barbieri's work - who takes these crazy aerial shots that make things look like models.

schedule of rocking out for evening:
6:30 pm - leave work
6:45 pm - get home
7:45 pm - eat a fish fry
9:00 pm - go to opening at 1hour gallery
11:00 pm - go to karoke nite at tudor
1:00 am - go to hardware
2:30 am - go to pink
3:45 am - make out in a shadowy corner
4:00 am - be dragged out by theresa
4:30 am - have a bowie dance party at my house

Permalink: rock.html
Words: 122
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/27/06 12:13 - 16ºF - ID#24222
the usual
people were getting pissed at the $2 cover charge recently instilled at the door of luna. i find this amusing. they are free drinks people. are you not going to go anymore now because you have to pay $.10 a drink. come on.
the boys got throw out of big shots for mancing. seriously. i don't know what is funny - that they were at big shots or were thrown out for dancing to sexually with eachother.
speaking of - i have a picture of them dancing last nite with who i think is (e:terry) in the background. or maybe his twin. i can't get the picture up though. i will try tmw. it is driving me nuts.

Permalink: the_usual.html
Words: 122
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/25/06 12:26 - 32ºF - ID#24221
in case you give a crap...
- i love when people call me kiddo
- i have always driven stick
- my parents are sickeningly in love
- i am vaguely terrified of clowns and jack-in-the-boxes
- i am obsessed with binary code
- i watch david lynch's daily weather report every morning
- my younger brothers are both 3 times the size of me
- i am really scared of my basement - i have only been down there once since i moved in
- i can't say the words 'specifically' and 'particularly'
- i get really, really pissed when people don't say 'bless you' when i sneeze

Permalink: in_case_you_give_a_crap_.html
Words: 109
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/23/06 01:12 - 38ºF - ID#24220
planned on only going out for an hour or so. went to a party on lexington. kicked some butt in pictionary - drew 'incest' and my roommate actually got it. i got her representation of 'bloated.' a lot more people showed up and i soon forgot the early bed time i had set for myself.
after a bunch of calls from the girls that nite i figured something kinda weird was going on. but i would have never expected what it actually was. they hunted me down at this party with no one else then collen in tow. she had driven up from queens to surpize me! regardless it ended up being a late nite.
let me tell you. waking up at 9am on a saturday morning after a late nite pink nite is probably one of the worst things in the whole world. especially when it is to go shopping. i puked at the mall.
now on to the party
a.) thank you so much for those of you estrippers that came! i feel terrible i didn't get to talk to a lot of you. i was kinda overwhelmed.
b.) seriously i knew like 10 people there. the people i expected to show up didn't. which is crap. and there was like 593470 dudes there.
c.) someone got beat up in my backyard. if it is anyone reading right now i am really, really sorry. my housemates are Neanderthals.
d.) there was a bowie dance party in my living room til 7am. and that was sweet
e.) i played spin the bottle at mr. goodbar at 3:30am.
f.) in the morning i woke up to broken glass everywhere. projectile vomit covering the couch and the walls. basically hiroshima on ashland.
h.) someone drank a really nice bottle of champagne i got for my birthday and i am pissed.
i.) happy birthday (e:paul) !
also. my partner in crime here at work just briefed me on CES in vegas. we got specs on some awesome new electronics coming through the pipeline. the theme this year, it seems, was basically ramping up technology. a lot of time there will be an amazing new innovation. this year it was making what is already out bigger and better. and the HDDVD vs blueray debate. (blueray is the clear winner it seems as sony and apple picked it up)
the funniest part of CES is that everyear it in the same convention hall as the AVM convention...so it was one big jumble of nerds and porn stars.

Permalink: whoa.html
Words: 429
Location: Buffalo, NY
01/20/06 06:08 - 46ºF - ID#24219
smokin in the boys room
while waiting, a man, probably pushing about 60, grabbed my attention as he walked out of his room naked and tried to grab his bag of clothes from behind the triage station. when the nurses tried to stop him he just started screaming in frustrastion - "i am getting out of here! do you know how long i've been here!" then, no joke, lit up a cigarette and just starting smoking in the middle of the ER. i seriously have never laughed so hard.
i kinda sympatized with the poor guy. believe me, that is the last place i wanted to be sitting at 6am too. luckily i was clothed.

Permalink: smokin_in_the_boys_room.html
Words: 144
Location: Buffalo, NY
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