01/24/12 07:47 - ID#55978
There is a lot of good stuff too, but right now I am sad for the things that make people sad.

Permalink: Sad.html
Words: 100
Last Modified: 01/24/12 07:47
01/09/12 07:37 - ID#55878
"That woman can't seem to find good "wood" anywhere."

Permalink: hahahahaha_.html
Words: 9
Last Modified: 01/09/12 07:37
01/09/12 02:39 - ID#55877
Sorry Elin Nordegren
Last week, we brought you the story of Elin Nordegren's curious-at-the-time decision to knock down a $12 million mansion. It seemed, at first glance, a rather conspicuous display of wealth -- I've got so much money I can demolish a mansion and build a new one! A divorce from Tiger Woods, it seemed, was the gift that kept on giving.
Well, turns out that there was a pretty good reason for razing the estate: termites. A report in People magazine indicated that the 1920s-era mansion fell short of current hurricane safety codes, and combined with a termite infestation, that was enough to warrant blasting it down to the sand.
Also of note: Nordegren offered a local Habitat for Humanity chapter a month to take whatever it could from the mansion before demolition. (No, don't go all, "Oh, so generous, donating termite-infested wood!" on Elin. It was a nice gesture.)
Still, as you can see from the pre-demolition photo, that was a good-lookin' little shack there, regardless of what evil lurked behind its walls:
Courtesy of Pacific Coast News
Apparently Elin thinks so too, because she's filed plans with the Palm Beach County Department of Planning, Zoning and Building that seem to indicate that the new mansion will look a whole lot like the old one. There'll be nine bedrooms, two kitchens, two Jacuzzis, a pool cabana and a three-bedroom guest house.
Tiger Woods, meanwhile, will somehow manage to suffer through his day-to-day life in his meager $50 million-plus bachelor pad.

Permalink: Sorry_Elin_Nordegren.html
Words: 312
Last Modified: 01/09/12 02:39
01/07/12 05:17 - ID#55867
Elin Nordegren's disgusting waste

I'm far from perfect in many ways, but I would like to believe that no matter how much money I had, I wouldn't do what she did. If I had 12 million dollars, I would never dream of wasting it just because I had 100 million more. Money is power, but not happiness, good luck to her if this is what she thinks will fill her void.

Permalink: Elin_Nordegren_s_disgusting_waste.html
Words: 175
Last Modified: 01/07/12 05:17
12/26/11 06:22 - ID#55801
Coopervision recall
Coopervision had a recall on lenses but it doesn't include the ones I am wearing. The problem was that they had a silicone residue on them after the manufacturing process. I feel convinced that mine should be on the recall list and am going to go to find a new eye doctor when I go back. This really will put me out of a lot of money to have to get a new supply of contacts that my insurance won't cover.
This is the lot number of my contacts that I think should be included on the recall list: 508305000316

Permalink: Coopervision_recall.html
Words: 163
Last Modified: 12/26/11 06:22
12/13/11 08:35 - ID#55727
New recycling initiative
City residents will start using new, green totes and move to twice-a-month pickups as part of a new recycling initiative officially unveiled today.
Delivery of about 70,000 new totes — which will be able to track how much is being recycled in each container — begins Wednesday and will take about a month to complete citywide, Mayor Byron W. Brown said.
Under the new program, more types of items will be accepted — including nearly all types of plastics, pizza boxes and pots and pans.
Last January, the city released data showing recycling rates here at one-fifth of the national average.
Residents who have 65- or 95-gallon garbage totes will receive 64-gallon recycling totes. Those who have 35-gallon garbage totes will receive 35-gallon ones.
The new totes will contain a tag that transmits a radio frequency, which will allow it to be tracked in case of loss, as well as to document the weight of recyclables from each cart.
While the change in scheduled pickups isn't planned until March, city officials are encouraging residents to begin to use the twice-a-month schedule as soon as they receive their new totes.
Brown outlined the city's goals for the new program during an afternoon press conference at the city engineering garage on Seneca Street.
The goals of the program are to double the amount of material the city recycles every year while reducing the amount of material the city landfills.
Also, the city will earn more revenue if more is recycled, and those funds will help prevent increases in the garbage user fee, Brown said.
"This is a new opportunity for recycling in the City of Buffalo," he said.
Manpower and fuel expenses would drop under the new program, which cuts in half the number of pickups.
Residents of the North District will be the first to receive the new totes, which will come with information on what can be recycled.
The city has a four-year, lease-to-own plan for the carts with Cascade Engineering of Grand Rapids, Mich., at a cost of $600,000, said Public Works Commissioner Steven J. Stepniak.
The expected life span of the new recycling totes is greater than the 10- to 15-year useful lives of the old garbage totes, Stepniak said, because they generally handle less weight.
Being able to track the amount of recycled material will help ensure the city is getting reimbursed properly by Allied Waste Services, the vendor paid to provide collection, he said.
Under the existing program, the city spent approximately $1.9 million annually on recycling. Under the new initiative — which has been in the works more than a year and delayed several times — the city expects to save about $500,000 a year in the first four years, Stepniak said.
The savings will increase once the city owns the totes, he said.
Currently, about 8 percent of material placed at the curb in the city is recycled, and city officials hope to boost that to 16 percent.
Every increase of 1 percent in the recycling rate would save the city between $70,000 and $100,000, Stepniak said.
Residents with questions about the new program should look for information on the city website, on the government-access cable channel or dial the city's 311 non-emergency calling system.

Permalink: New_recycling_initiative.html
Words: 562
Last Modified: 12/13/11 08:35
12/05/11 06:10 - ID#55658
I love Pippi and Pippi loves spunk!
I was thinking of getting Pippi Goes on Board for one of my nieces. It was either that or Animal Farm because she likes animals. So Pippi it is since Animal Farm is really scary and maybe she is too young for that kinda craziness.

Permalink: I_love_Pippi_and_Pippi_loves_spunk_.html
Words: 68
Last Modified: 12/05/11 06:10
11/21/11 07:32 - ID#55570
So I am pretty sure I want a Mac Mini. I believe the total cost will be $800. I don't think that seems that unreasonable of a price for what it is. I also have made some financial improvements including raising my FICO score to the good range and stashing a little money away. I feel like I can maybe get a 760 within a year unless catastrophe occurs. That is the entire point though of Suze's instance on an 8 month emergency fund, so that you don't screw up a numerical score that can make us or break us.
What should I do? Should I buy this thing? I want it and might buy it regardless of what you or Suze might say but I am interested to hear what you all might think. By the way, Suze absolutely loves Apple products.

Permalink: DENIED_.html
Words: 195
Last Modified: 11/21/11 07:32
09/26/11 09:30 - ID#55199
Saying goodbye

Permalink: Saying_goodbye.html
Words: 68
Last Modified: 10/20/11 07:29
09/12/11 10:55 - ID#55144
Shoreline Sweep Fall 2011
Honestly, I don't know why I even bother. I'm so disgusted by people in general. The trash is overwhelming.
I think this time I might focus on sweeping up all the glass. I see kids throwing glass botttles all the time and I have gotten probably like 10 flats this season. I never used to get flats, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I even spent extra money on Kevlar tires and I wish I didn't cause I have only gotten more flats. At least if I clean up the glass I might get less flat tires. If I clean up the trash they just come and dirty it all up again in as little as a day.

Permalink: Shoreline_Sweep_Fall_2011.html
Words: 134
Last Modified: 09/12/11 10:55
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I said
To lilho:
I have to say, I really, really, hate silver. ...
To tinypliny:
I hate apply flavored anything with a passion. ...