03/16/07 07:26 - 24ºF - ID#38484
The Best Palm Reading Site.

That started a google search on palm reading and I came across this palm reading site.

This site has Japanese comics on the left and the English translations on the right... seems like the translator is learning English. It's a good site.
If Casey's cut did have the power to alter his head line he would change from being a romantic to a realist.

Casey just yelled at me for leaving spoiled mink on the counter. Is that romantic or realistic?
I don't think it's either.
I was going to get to throwing it away...
I'm a mess, nothing new about that.

Permalink: The_Best_Palm_Reading_Site_.html
Words: 137
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: self-indulgence
03/14/07 06:50 - 58ºF - ID#38450
My Sleeping Patterns
It's currently 5:48 AM. The original Star Trek is on the television. What makes me a Romulan rather than a Vulcan? Casey is asleep softly snoring. The Cat, Sweetiepie is curled up in my spot. I've smoked so many cigarettes I can taste a foul yellow coat lining my mouth. I'm waiting for the sunrise. I love the sunrise. I've seen it for the past few days.
The giant monitor is looming and glaring around the clock. I've discovered many shows. Earlier I passively took in "Dirt" the FX series. It's a fun time when stereotyped characters exhibit traits of mental illness. VH1's reality shows consumed my time earlier. I Love New York too.
She's a drag queen minus the package.
As far as my bizarre sleeping patterns go... I wouldn't say they are aligned with my excessive electronic intake. Last summer in Greensboro at the Elsewhere Artist co-op, I took on the job of night watchman. I'd curl op on a couch, down in the store and read poorly written romance novels throughout the night. My fellow artists seemed to think I had a bizarre sleeping rhythm. When I was in my solitary little place in Buffalo nobody took any particular interest in my unusual state of being. I seem to be throwing Casey's schedule off...
At this time I could be more bored and lazy than usual. I've never been a huge fan of the original Star Trek. I've always been partial to The Next Generation. Now I've seen 3 original episodes in the past 2 days. I'm actually impressed, not as impressed as I was with Rocky II, but still quite awed by the inventive mind of Gene Roddenberry. Hell, I even watched an episode of Voyager tonight. I can't stand the Doctor on Voyager. He ain't got shit on Dr. Beverly Crusher.
But on to more interesting subjects... I've started an Alliance character in Area 52. Nothing magic, just a strong woman with big tits. I can feasibly start living a simulated double life.... To bad this laptop gives pain in the neck after a while.
I need to get out of my comfort rut. Casey has recently rented an office space so he'll be out of the house more often. I visited the space today. It looks like an art gallery, tall ceilings, white walls and a polished cement floor.
It's strange living here because so little of my material being shows itself in this apartment. It's really Casey's place. He's told me to use his desk and computer in the living room but I'm stagnant. I need a room of my own. Yes, I've been corrupted by Virginia Woolf's essay A Room Of One's Own.

Woolf's recipe for creating was...
... it is necessary to have five hundred [pounds] a year and a room with a lock on the door if you are to write fiction or poetry." (Virginia Woolf)
so... money, privacy, space and time are her key ingredients. Not that I'm bitching because I want to be a poet... I want to work with words and images. I think Woolf's recipe can apply to a range of creative activities.
... at the moment... I have time. Money, privacy and space are things I need to work for. If I work for the money my time will be compromised. I've got to sort out these things, find some balance. These odd hours must give me an edge in some kind of field, however, it's not apparent.
Blah blah blah

Permalink: My_Sleeping_Patterns.html
Words: 592
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/28/07 05:58 - 29ºF - ID#38304
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Permalink: The_Secret_Life_of_Walter_Mitty.html
Words: 7
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/25/07 07:13 - 30ºF - ID#38279

more later

Permalink: robinbird.html
Words: 10
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/14/07 06:28 - 14ºF - ID#38153
I've got a cold

Permalink: I_ve_got_a_cold.html
Words: 1
Location: Buffalo, NY
Category: r.e.m.
02/12/07 03:33 - 26ºF - ID#38108

I don't know if I've posted about this already but lately I've been dreaming about oddly shaped hummingbirds. This drawing is from the first dream. In the drawing there is a 16 year old boy in a hummingbird suit that he made himself. He flew up to me while I was sitting on my parent's front porch and scared the cats. He was a sweet kid. I thought he was innovative for making himself such an unusual functioning flying suit. It was furry like a teddybear with a body shaped like a punching bag(the kind you hit and it pops up again.) The wings were tiny, smaller than I drew them but they fluttered so quickly like a hummingbirds and kept the boy afloat in the air. I think that boy is me, how I want to be.

Permalink: dreamlife.html
Words: 140
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/09/07 07:17 - 21ºF - ID#38091
a few pictures....

This one was taken a couple of minutes after the "marriage." Zoë Lavatelli and Mike Louie went as our witnesses. Anna had to work but she went shopping with me the night before. Casey has lipstick all over his face.

This is while we were waiting to be called. It was all very bureaucratic but still fun. I'm glad we missed the stress of planning a big wedding. I do feel pretty guilty for getting married when so many of my friends can't legally get married.

Here is one where we got to kiss! I got a little tongue yawl. Is that why the justice of the peace is looking at us like that?

And finally here we are in our hotel room. We had to kick Zoë out after getting her all tipsy with some bubbly. Then we got to consummate, ah yeah, sadly only three times before red monster came.

Permalink: a_few_pictures_.html
Words: 195
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/08/07 06:48 - 18ºF - ID#38073
gettin' hitched
more later...

Permalink: gettin_hitched.html
Words: 11
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/03/07 11:51 - 10ºF - ID#38003
69 confession questions
1. The phone rings. Who do you want it to be?
Someone with something good to say.
2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
I put it wiith the carts nearest to the car.
3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
listener, unless i get going on a story.
4. Do you take compliments well?
i like to think i've gotten better but i get embarassed.
5. Do you play Sudoku?
6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
depends. is it hot? cold? is there food? will animals eat me?
I kind of doubt it. I can't see very well withouot contacts. If it were Lord Of The Flies I'd be the fat kid.
8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
No but I went to vacation bible school... which was not like camp at all... nor like a vacation.
9. What was your favorite game as a kid?
Girl Talk.
10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you?
nope, I got a man.
12. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
yeah... I think pretty much everyone has different beliefs al least on a subtle level.
13. Do you like to pursue or be pursued?
both, kind of the same thing.
14. Use three words to describe yourself?
pensive, mutable humdinger
15. Do any songs make you cry?
pretty much any song can if my hormones or the circumstances are right.
16. Are you continuing your education?
not formally.... Fuck a PhD
17. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
Yes but I hate the kick so I haven't done it since I was a kid.
18. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
Depends.... The children.... the aminals.... or my laptop. That's in order of importance.
19. How often do you read books?
Whenever the modds strikes.... usually between 9 to 30 a year.
20. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
past.... I'm always trying to figure out what just happened and why.
21. What is your favorite children's book?
The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein.
22. What color are your eyes?
Dark Red Brown
23. How tall are you?
5'5 1/2 (same as Marilyn Monroe)
24. Where is your dream house located?
a cliff by the ocean.
25. Best vacay ever?
the one I'm going to take with Casey.
26. Coolest picture?
of me??
I don't know. There are a ton of pics of me. I think the one julie perini took of me eating a buffalo wing at Duff's was a classic.
27. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth
Yes, all the time.
28. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
Can't remember but I like the place.
29. How about the movies?
In Atlanta, I watched Volver. It's a spanish movie mostly about strong women, death and a ghost. It was good, made me tear up.
30. Where was the furthest place you traveled today?
I guess at midnight I was in one of the Carolina's and I got here to brooklyn. So around 700 or so miles.
32. Do you like mustard?
NO, I love it.
33. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
34. Do you look like your mom or dad?
nose, hands, feet, eye size = Mama
face shape, skin, eye shape=Daddy
35. How long does it take you in the shower?
I like baths but I'd say between 10 to 30 minutes.
36. Can you do a split?
no but I can put my legs behind my head.
37. What movie do you want to see right now?
nothing, whatever.
39. What did you do for New Year's?
Got drunk and fucked Casey.
40. Do you think The Grudge was scary?
I can't remember if I've seen it.
41. Do you laugh a lot?
more than I cry.... but not that much more.
42. Do you own a camera phone?
No... hell my phonme hardly works. but I do have a video camera.
44. Was your mom a cheerleader?
God no and she never would let me or my sister be one either.
45. What's the last letter of your middle name?
46. how many hours of sleep do you get a night?
between 7 and 13.... well that's usually in the day.
47. Do you watch MTV?
Sure... jackass. Sometimes. Did y'all see Jackass II? It's the gayest movie ever.
48. Do you like care bears?
yeah, I used to have a sunshine bear.
49. What do you buy at the movies?
a coke.
50. Do you know how to play poker?
5 card draw but I've never gambled.
51. Do you wear your seatbelt?
yeah usaully but I hate those cars that beep at you when you forget it.
52. What do you wear to sleep?
a tank top and panties most of the time.
53. Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
nothing good from what I know.... The civil war.
54. How many meals do you eat a day?
I don't know... at least 2
55. Is your tongue pierced?
56. Do you always read MySpace bulletins?
57. Most visited webpage?
yahoo mail (even though it sucks) or google
58. Do you like funny or serious people better?
59. Ever been to L.A.?
nope, never been to cali
60. Did you eat a cookie today?
no but i did have a brownie a la mode with a cherry on top
61. Do you use cuss words in other languages?
yeah... german and spanish
62. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
i don't know... both but i prefer the term borrow
63. Do you hate chocolate?
64. What do you and your parents fight about the most?
my lack of employment...
65. Are you a gullible person?
yeah, I just take people word for truth a lot of the time.... until i learn not to but i give everyone that chance.
66. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?
No, I'm never happy all the time and never sad all the time.
67. If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what would it be?
a person who pulls people off stage with a wodden and hooked cane.
68. Are you easy to get along with?
most of the time... but I am a little difficult to live with due to my excessively laid back attitude.
69. What is your favorite time of day?

Permalink: 69_confession_questions.html
Words: 1046
Location: Buffalo, NY
02/03/07 10:57 - 10ºF - ID#38002
bad things
We all share 80% of DNA with our siblings. It's amazing we can feel sso disconnected sometimes.

Permalink: bad_things.html
Words: 137
Location: Buffalo, NY
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