So It dawned on me that I never really talk about wrestling on here. Yes sometimes I may post some pictures but I never really talk about it.
So Yes I'm now officaly old since I think wrestling was better in the old days, yes that makes me old. But that isn't really what I think but there are some things I miss about the old days of wrestling.
When I was growing up you had 3 Major Promoitons AWA, NWA and WWE. You could see all of them on TV if you had Cable. The fact that you had 3 of them was pretty important for a multiple reasons. I guess the biggest is that the product was different. I don't know enough about it to say how exactly but it was different. You would see guys move from AWA on then on up to the big leagues or what ever.
After what ever happened to the AWA things started to change. I'm still not sure when NWA world Championship Wrestling turned into WCW. Yes there where some goofy things in WCW, but I won't get into that. But they also came up with lots of cool crazzy matches that I neve saw. Things like cages on cages and all sorts of stuff. But WCW used to have that if you throw someone over the top rope you are disqualifeid and that changed. But there is a point in time when that was wrestling aimed at the family. I found it funny that the Promotion of the South had the 1st Black Heavy Weight Champion and not WWF.
My Favorite Promotoin was ECW. I loved ECW. I will admit I didn't see it at the very beging but watched it on cable. One Cool thing was the production value was kinda bad, yes that made it cooler. The ECW style was great. It was run by the wrestlers not suits who gave them a story line that didn't fit them. Some people think that ECW was all blood and gore, but far from it. Yes I have seen some bad matches and chanted with Fans You fucked Up You Fucked up. I wish I had, had the means to go to Philly or NYC and be there when people handed objects to the wreslters when they fought in the crowd, that was amazing it truely was. But ECW was also about great wrestlers wrestling. When you saw two or more wrestlers enter for a match you knew what kind of match it was going to be and that was great. Yes I sadly miss ECW and going to the events at ECC.
I can't say that ECW didn't take Ideas from other promotions, cause I'm guessing they did. But WCW and WWF took a lot of what they saw in ECW (TABLES ANYONE, how about when New Jack jumped off a balcony and you see his feet hit the floor before his body hits the table, yeah he fucked up and then goes through the table yes he fucked up his muscles also) and to their viewers many who never saw ECW thought this was WCW's and WWF's Ideas. I remember when WCW wanted to use the tables and the way they made them legal was said they where an extenstion of the Ring, that was two funny.
Well that lead to the Monday Night wars and Yes at the time I think it was great for wrestling. But it also changed things. WWE had tha attitude area and Kids sure couldn't watch WWE anymore. At one time It was like ECW on Friday nights, Smackdown on Tuesday Monday Night Raw and Nirto on mondays and then WCW had Thunder that was on like thursdays. It is hard to remember. Some of my wrestling fans friends make a comment please and help me out here. It was tough for me being a wrestling fan cause Nitro you couldn't tape cause sometimes it would go over by 5 minutes and sometimes 35 minutes it was a a crazzy time. I can remember I would watch one show and tape the other show but then I would have to watch the one I taped before the next episode of it aired, man it was crazy back then.
The Point that I getting to is that I think those wars in the long run really hurt Wrestling. Yes you had Loyal WCW people who hated WWE and vice versa. But what I think it did was that wrestling changed and the two brands got more like each other and that cut down on varitey. In the end it lead to WCW being bought out by WWF. I don't think I will ever forget that night. I was watching Raw and I forget the exact story line something with shane McMahon and they show him on WCW and that was the night that made wrestling much tougher on wrestlers. WWE owned WCW and ECW by then I think in the end they wound up owning the rights to ECW so you might as well say they owned them. So there was only one big Company on TV.
If you didn't like WWF Well that was to bad. Yeah you could see your WCW guys for sometime but it wasn't the same. But what also happened some where along the way was that story line became such a big part of wreslting that it was a soap opera. Yes I do like the story line part of it, it is what brings you back to watch more of it. But this was not the wrestling of old. Yes many things where the same like if you get DQ'd you don't lose the tittle and yes there where a lot of new kinds of matchs. But there was no Variety at all.
I'm a wrestling fan so I'll watch what is on and enjoy the parts that are good, and sigh at the bad shit. Not sure how many years ago I saw my first TNA PPV. I liked it and thought some of it was goofy. I would watch TNA every so often. But it is tough to get into when you don't know the wreslters. I've gotten back into it now Since they Went Live On some Mondays and You got the Old WCW crew Hall, Nash, HOGAN, Flair , Biscoff not all wrestling of course. It is different then WWE and that is why I like it. They had all kinds of things like a 6 sided ring and a six sided cage. They have some pretty good wreslters. My Favorite Wrestler joined RVD. I have all ways loved the wrestling and like how he speaks on the mic where ever I've seen him wrestle.
I know that there is a lot more wrestling then TNA and WWE. There is an entire independent scene that I know nothing about. I think there might even be a lengends league (used to be) where you go to see the old guys wrestle and then they have people wrestle who are young and who you may never even heard of. The Point I'm trying to get to is when will a 3rd Promotion make the National TV scene? I think there needs to be one more. Yes WWE has cut back a lot of the graphic stuff and there are wrestlers like Mysterio and Cena who a lot of kids like. But it would be nice if there was another choice out there. Not only for the fans but for the wrestlers as well. Yes Cutting a good interview (Hot Rod) is important but that shouldn't be what gets you a main event. I just wish there was another wrestling choice so that people would have more of a choice of what to watch.
I know there is stuff that I'm missing and I didn't proff read this so I have no idea if this makes any sense. But if you want to leave comments go ahead..............
Metalpeter's Journal
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05/20/2010 18:43 #51691
Miss the Old daysCategory: wrestling
05/19/2010 20:28 #51683
argh What the fuck is wrong with meCategory: peterazzi
This blog is mainly for me but feel free to read it and comment if ya want. Just gotta get this shit off my chest:
What the fuck is wrong with me seriously.
Often Times I just feel like I want to be left alone, I don't want to deal with anyone (This Isn't true of you (e:peeps)). Now I know some of it is just being tired. Plus I have a lot of shit to deal with People wise at work, oh god I don't even want to get into that. I do like people at work, but argh some times the bullshit and lazyness and I can't really explain it. But there is a lot of shit that drives me crazy. LIke today this one person had to leave early and this other person is all nosing into what happened to this person, and the nosy person doesn't even like the other person, arghh..............
I was a single child for a lot of my life so I get the flying solo thing. But still the wanting to just be left alone there is something really wrong with that.
I'm 37 why does my mother, and sis (Neice doesn't really count) want me on a family vacation on a beach. Yeah it will be fun maybe if it happens. But you know what would be more fun, not dealing with them and being alone away from their what ever.
I don't know maybe I just need to find an opeium bar and play Mahjong by my self, argh I don't fucking know. Maybe I just need some Linkin Park or something.
I don't know how to express things in words, so hopefully some comedy will help. I know somethings have to change (less photos for one, not to stop but to cut down on the numbers) but what else not sure, but something needs to.................
What the fuck is wrong with me seriously.
Often Times I just feel like I want to be left alone, I don't want to deal with anyone (This Isn't true of you (e:peeps)). Now I know some of it is just being tired. Plus I have a lot of shit to deal with People wise at work, oh god I don't even want to get into that. I do like people at work, but argh some times the bullshit and lazyness and I can't really explain it. But there is a lot of shit that drives me crazy. LIke today this one person had to leave early and this other person is all nosing into what happened to this person, and the nosy person doesn't even like the other person, arghh..............
I was a single child for a lot of my life so I get the flying solo thing. But still the wanting to just be left alone there is something really wrong with that.
I'm 37 why does my mother, and sis (Neice doesn't really count) want me on a family vacation on a beach. Yeah it will be fun maybe if it happens. But you know what would be more fun, not dealing with them and being alone away from their what ever.
I don't know maybe I just need to find an opeium bar and play Mahjong by my self, argh I don't fucking know. Maybe I just need some Linkin Park or something.
I don't know how to express things in words, so hopefully some comedy will help. I know somethings have to change (less photos for one, not to stop but to cut down on the numbers) but what else not sure, but something needs to.................
05/17/2010 17:48 #51671
Robin Hood and moreCategory: moives
So The last time I saw a Robin Hood Movie was most likely the one with Kevin Costner, bye the way what ever happened to him. That was so long ago I can't compare the two. Other then to say if you have seen the ads you may know that this movie is about how Robin Hood becomes Robin Hood. Yes Russell crowe does remind me of this south park episode where he goes from town to town beating everyone one up. Over all I think it was a pretty good movie. They stayed true to it, like they didn't over do the gore or do the artistic blood or anything like that. The only thing that I found odd was and maybe this was just me. The Music and the battle sounds where louder then the talking. It did seem like a battle movie to me, and I liked it.
On Cable I tried to watch The Grilfriend Experance . It stars Sasha Grey, yes the porn star. I can't rate it cause I was to tired to stay awake for it all. It took the form of a narative or kinda a documentary with out being one.
On Pay Per View I ordered Daybreakers. It is a Vampire Movie where Humans are the blood source and they are running out. I thought it was good but thought it would be more something some how, but still enjoyed it.
When I first saw the Hangover I thought it was funny. But I didn't get why everyone thought it was so funny. This changed when I watched it on HBO. Yes the 2nd time I thought it was much funnier.
On Cable I tried to watch The Grilfriend Experance . It stars Sasha Grey, yes the porn star. I can't rate it cause I was to tired to stay awake for it all. It took the form of a narative or kinda a documentary with out being one.
On Pay Per View I ordered Daybreakers. It is a Vampire Movie where Humans are the blood source and they are running out. I thought it was good but thought it would be more something some how, but still enjoyed it.
When I first saw the Hangover I thought it was funny. But I didn't get why everyone thought it was so funny. This changed when I watched it on HBO. Yes the 2nd time I thought it was much funnier.
metalpeter - 05/18/10 18:53
That is great. But What I think found funnier this time is that the next dude goes in and checks. Hey I love tigers But there is no way I'm going into that bathroom. I also found it funny how at first (zAch's charater) looks at it and just pisses on the floor like nothing is wrong then freaks out. I'm not sure why it was better the 2nd time (I wasn't under the influnce of anything either time so).......
That is great. But What I think found funnier this time is that the next dude goes in and checks. Hey I love tigers But there is no way I'm going into that bathroom. I also found it funny how at first (zAch's charater) looks at it and just pisses on the floor like nothing is wrong then freaks out. I'm not sure why it was better the 2nd time (I wasn't under the influnce of anything either time so).......
ladycroft - 05/18/10 09:06
i love when they find the tiger in the bathroom!
i love when they find the tiger in the bathroom!
05/14/2010 18:18 #51570
Wish #5 Loved rides and flightCategory: wishes
Amusement Parks have never really been my thing. Don't get me wrong there are somethings I do like about them like Bumper Boats, water slides and that one water ride that you get soaked on. But for the most part I don't like rides.
Part of it is I'm down to earth and like to keep my feet on the floor. But also there is that trust thing. Like does some kid who is doing this for a little spending money during the summer really going to notice if something is wrong with the ride, but that isn't what I'm supposed to be writing about.
I wish I could enjoy the spinning rides. Some of them look so fun. I thin so I get tossed pretty good. My stomach just can't take it. That is the same problem or at least pretty close with flume rides and roller coasters. Do they look fun, yeah of course but for other people. Some of the old ones look so shaky. I wish that I could go on the ones where you hang on by you arms and you go backwards and upside down and your feet dangle over water and all the different kinds they make, but it just isn't me.
Those same kind of feelings go onto other things as well. Is it parasailing where they pull you behind a boat? Looks fun but no way am I doing that. Bungee Jumping in all sorts looks so much fun. But I can't even handle going off the High Diving board, man that huge one at shirkston looked like a blast when I was little, but no fucking way you gotta be insane. I know it can be very dangerous but cliff jumping looks fun to, but not for me. flying through the air looks like so much fun and I wish I could do it but I just can't. Oh yeah how about the Luchadore style in wrestling that looks fun to climb up on something and do a flip and land on someone. But once i go upside down I can't find where my feet are so that is out, wish I could do skiing freestyle but I can't.
Well I guess that is all I can say about that.
Part of it is I'm down to earth and like to keep my feet on the floor. But also there is that trust thing. Like does some kid who is doing this for a little spending money during the summer really going to notice if something is wrong with the ride, but that isn't what I'm supposed to be writing about.
I wish I could enjoy the spinning rides. Some of them look so fun. I thin so I get tossed pretty good. My stomach just can't take it. That is the same problem or at least pretty close with flume rides and roller coasters. Do they look fun, yeah of course but for other people. Some of the old ones look so shaky. I wish that I could go on the ones where you hang on by you arms and you go backwards and upside down and your feet dangle over water and all the different kinds they make, but it just isn't me.
Those same kind of feelings go onto other things as well. Is it parasailing where they pull you behind a boat? Looks fun but no way am I doing that. Bungee Jumping in all sorts looks so much fun. But I can't even handle going off the High Diving board, man that huge one at shirkston looked like a blast when I was little, but no fucking way you gotta be insane. I know it can be very dangerous but cliff jumping looks fun to, but not for me. flying through the air looks like so much fun and I wish I could do it but I just can't. Oh yeah how about the Luchadore style in wrestling that looks fun to climb up on something and do a flip and land on someone. But once i go upside down I can't find where my feet are so that is out, wish I could do skiing freestyle but I can't.
Well I guess that is all I can say about that.
05/09/2010 14:56 #51530
Food Shopping So there are many different ways to shop for food. Some people get meat packages from meat places. Some people shop at multiple places in the same day to get their food. I do the getting what is on sale thing. I hardly ever use coupons. 1st you have to get them. 2nd with the savings often times the knock offs are still cheaper.
Price Rite:
It is great for when I'm out of food. It is also great when I buy certain things I like there like frozen pies and such. Well not to mention that they are close. But often times they lack selection. What I mean is that they have a brand of food but don't have all the different verities with in that food.
Yes I admit I like them. I go there when stuff I like is on sale. I also like the lay out of the store. I also like the layout of the ads. It also helps that they sell my bus passes. I used to pay bills there. Plus they sell tickets there.
I do admit that their layout is kinda goofy. What is all that stuff in the middle of the store. But what I like is that to get to the frozen section you don't have to go down isles you just go to that end of the store. I love the beer wall they have in the back that is so nice and I don't like beer. They are over all so much nicer then tops and that is nothing bad about tops.
They also have stuff tops doesn't.

Thought you might enjoy some pictures. It isn't like I did an entire study or anything just my take on the places quickly.
Price Rite:
It is great for when I'm out of food. It is also great when I buy certain things I like there like frozen pies and such. Well not to mention that they are close. But often times they lack selection. What I mean is that they have a brand of food but don't have all the different verities with in that food.
Yes I admit I like them. I go there when stuff I like is on sale. I also like the lay out of the store. I also like the layout of the ads. It also helps that they sell my bus passes. I used to pay bills there. Plus they sell tickets there.
I do admit that their layout is kinda goofy. What is all that stuff in the middle of the store. But what I like is that to get to the frozen section you don't have to go down isles you just go to that end of the store. I love the beer wall they have in the back that is so nice and I don't like beer. They are over all so much nicer then tops and that is nothing bad about tops.
They also have stuff tops doesn't.

Thought you might enjoy some pictures. It isn't like I did an entire study or anything just my take on the places quickly.
metalpeter - 05/14/10 17:15
It seems odd that they wouldn't use english. I get it if they are anti-american. But you I would think that there are so many people who if they don't speak it at least have it as a second Language do to The British ruling so many places in the past. There was a part of me that just wanted to get one of everything and try all that candy.
It seems odd that they wouldn't use english. I get it if they are anti-american. But you I would think that there are so many people who if they don't speak it at least have it as a second Language do to The British ruling so many places in the past. There was a part of me that just wanted to get one of everything and try all that candy.
ladycroft - 05/13/10 09:34
I did enjoy that actually! Rory and I always comment how much we enjoy just walking through a grocery store in the US because there are so many choices - compared to here. I think I've learned most of my French trying to buy food here, because they seem to list every language but English on their packages :)
I did enjoy that actually! Rory and I always comment how much we enjoy just walking through a grocery store in the US because there are so many choices - compared to here. I think I've learned most of my French trying to buy food here, because they seem to list every language but English on their packages :)
jason - 05/11/10 17:10
Yeah Peter, it's a local product, you should try it out sometime. Glass bottles even.
Yeah Peter, it's a local product, you should try it out sometime. Glass bottles even.
metalpeter - 05/11/10 16:17
I have never tried it, is that the one that is local from around here or is it national? The reason I ask is there is compay with Ryan in its name that makes a logenberry (Mighty Taco Has it) that is really good. There is a difference between Real sugar and Sugarcane Sugar but I have no idea what it is........
I have never tried it, is that the one that is local from around here or is it national? The reason I ask is there is compay with Ryan in its name that makes a logenberry (Mighty Taco Has it) that is really good. There is a difference between Real sugar and Sugarcane Sugar but I have no idea what it is........
jason - 05/11/10 15:28
Mexican coke is good, but honestly the best cola I think is Johnnie Ryan's. Just awesome. I don't say that about soda usually.
Mexican coke is good, but honestly the best cola I think is Johnnie Ryan's. Just awesome. I don't say that about soda usually.
tinypliny - 05/11/10 15:23
What on earth is a botan rice candy?!
What on earth is a botan rice candy?!
metalpeter - 05/11/10 15:13
wish I was brave enough to try some of that other stuff as well........
wish I was brave enough to try some of that other stuff as well........
paul - 05/11/10 01:30
I am obsessed with those botan rice candies like the ones in the first pic.
I am obsessed with those botan rice candies like the ones in the first pic.
metalpeter - 05/10/10 18:23
You make a good point.
1. The Fruit and Veggies I don't hit those up. I should but..... I like them but don't buy them. I could eat an entire thing of Strawberries and Blueberries and Raspberries with out a problem, I can't imagine what it would do to my insides though.
2. Also wanted to mention I haven't bought meat anyplace in a long time.
A. Stopped making Chili and not sure why
b. Don't have a place to fry burgers
C. Cold cuts are good but the bread all ways go bad (plus how fresh is the stuff?)
3. I won't buy milk. Here is the reasons:
A. It has to be very cold otherwise it doesn't taste right, almost so cold it hurts your teeth.
B. It goes bad so quickly if you forget a day it can go bad like that
c. I forget to buy the flavored stuff
I also wanted to mention that all that candy looks so good, even though I have no idea what most of it is, Am I brave enough to try stuff, like what is ginger candy. That being said I love how Death Note (animated and the movies I have seen with some (e:peeps)) Makes the candy look, I would love to try that.
You make a good point.
1. The Fruit and Veggies I don't hit those up. I should but..... I like them but don't buy them. I could eat an entire thing of Strawberries and Blueberries and Raspberries with out a problem, I can't imagine what it would do to my insides though.
2. Also wanted to mention I haven't bought meat anyplace in a long time.
A. Stopped making Chili and not sure why
b. Don't have a place to fry burgers
C. Cold cuts are good but the bread all ways go bad (plus how fresh is the stuff?)
3. I won't buy milk. Here is the reasons:
A. It has to be very cold otherwise it doesn't taste right, almost so cold it hurts your teeth.
B. It goes bad so quickly if you forget a day it can go bad like that
c. I forget to buy the flavored stuff
I also wanted to mention that all that candy looks so good, even though I have no idea what most of it is, Am I brave enough to try stuff, like what is ginger candy. That being said I love how Death Note (animated and the movies I have seen with some (e:peeps)) Makes the candy look, I would love to try that.
tinypliny - 05/09/10 17:30
This made me smile - the aisles I hit are probably not the aisles you hover around. :-)
This made me smile - the aisles I hit are probably not the aisles you hover around. :-)
Great point. Never thought of it that way. The thing is that there are people that I do like and do like to be around (Not just the (e:peeps)). The thing is that though On this Vaction thing is I think I knda have to go. Maya is like way to much for my sis to deal with and mother on a beach or what ever (well I guess assuming they want to have fun at least). Well last night the comedy did help.......
At some point you realize that you are happier on your own than with others. It's a long road to this state of being utterly comfortable with yourself and by yourself.
I don't think you should be worried. Just be who you are. Change will happen when you are ready.