So in my previous post I mentioned that I had a Cross Country flashback. Where you see the split in the road is the way we came down the hill. You had the option to run up it and down or run around it. No idea how each person made their choice really. I know I don't remember.

I thought that sign was funny since there is no ice they just leave it attached all year I guess. The Picture of the Albright Knox is interesting in that there is an ambulance up there. So I squatted down and the angle I took it at you can't see it, hence the picture above.

One thing about the rose garden as you can tell taking Flower Pictures is fun. As anyone who is reading this can tell there are people on here who could do a much better job of making the flowers look nice in picture format. One thing I can never really tell or figure out is if it is better to show a bunch of flowers or a close up. Also different flowers are in different states of bloom. Yes I was thinking about that as I was taking the pictures.

Well this is where I have to leave off with my look on Buffalo for a bit. I just have to say that not sure what was up on that Saturday but my mind was someplace else or somewhere I'm not used to being. I haven't been to that Museum since I was a little kid. I only was outside here. But it felt weird. It was like where is Music IS art? It felt odd without stages and places to eat and a DJ area it really was odd and no one around, it was surreal it really was. One thought Did cross my mind, and that was how amazing it would be to Have an MIA VIP pass. That way I could be up on that fenced in area and look at the stages and it would be easy to go from one stage to the other. I think if I could pay for one I would. Hey maybe on facebook I should send MIA and Robby a message about that, or maybe not we shall see. Hope the holiday was well to anyone reading this. Oh yeah that part where it says stuff was often used as a place to stand at MIA.
Yes that would be the house all right. It does look amazing, I can't Imagine what the inside must look like.
I love that house that is near the pedestrian bridge. I think its owned by the guy that owns ricks tally ho. I suppose that would be Rick.
I went to Leonardo DaVinci , back then that meant you ran for Grover. I will admit I didn't get to a picture of that yet I was hoping to but ran out of time, so that will be in part 2.
aww, spring time. I miss spring and flowers and trees and grass and bunny rabbits and rain and fresh air.........
What high school did you go to?