Ok one thing I need to touch on: The Harness: When I first saw them and leashes was in Canada. My first thought was that it was cruel or just wrong. But then once I thought about it, I decided it only looks that way and is really a great idea. The modern form of this is a back pack version. Little kids move pretty fast sometimes and since they are short they are easy to lose, very easy. You try and see someone as high as a pair of knees and and thiner then a pair of normal legs among legs it can be tough. The Back Pack version is even better. I think it is a great idea and wish more parents would do it. That being said it isn't to be used as a leash, like that is far enough from mom come over here so I can emotionaly smother you or a hard tug like you would with a dog. Ok back to the walk.

Great point. Never thought of it that way. The thing is that there are people that I do like and do like to be around (Not just the (e:peeps)). The thing is that though On this Vaction thing is I think I knda have to go. Maya is like way to much for my sis to deal with and mother on a beach or what ever (well I guess assuming they want to have fun at least). Well last night the comedy did help.......
At some point you realize that you are happier on your own than with others. It's a long road to this state of being utterly comfortable with yourself and by yourself.
I don't think you should be worried. Just be who you are. Change will happen when you are ready.