Last night I was out to dinner celebrating a friend's 30th birthday. Our very French Chef insisted on serving us the bottle of Champagne we had to toast her 30th. He took the bottle and told us he was going to "chop it's head off". He then returned us the bottle with the top portion of the bottle cut off. I was amazed. After googling this I've discovered this is known as "Champagne Sabering". I'm kind of obsessed with learning how to do this now.

That I have never heard of , but I can say that is one bottle you don't want to drink right out of. Also does anyone know when you crispin a ship what happens to what ever was in that bottle? I wonder what cutting the bottle like this does to the taste?
I saw this on the travel channel a few months back and ran home to check it out youtube.
this is my fav entry of yours to date. good job.
ive seen that done a million times, get with the program, i am actually quite a champagne saberer myself...j/k
I love that quote. I've never heard it before and I'm now also obsessed with it!
"Champagne! In victory one deserves it; in defeat one needs it!" - Napolean