do people really think praying is going to save the people in haiti???
i think organization and planning and swift efforts will save more people.
i think about my life, and what i do daily... it's so hard not to feel like a greedy selfish person.
i do honestly wish i could help, but how much will $50 help? how much will a prayer help?
i am not there. if i could just take one child and feed and bathe them and put a smile on their face. even if it was just one smile, it would be worth it.
i can't stand seeing children suffer. it all makes me sad.
sometimes i want to leave america, because i feel like i will never really appreciate my life until i see how others live. i feel like i will fall deeper into a materialistic abyss.
so many people here have money and no true character. they look down upon people who aren't upper middle class. i don't want to be that person.
it seems like all i care about is makeup and clothes, but it can be a front because i don't want everyone to know how truly soft my heart is.
if i had the money i would so adopt a child. i think that is a new life goal of mine...
send me the needy babies!!!!!
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/18/2010 00:36 #50840
helping through prayer???01/17/2010 16:14 #50838
censorship what?Apparently this site is too naughty for work because I am have been blocked from the site through the hospital system.
No Perez at work. Now no estrip.I will not let them break my spirit though!
I have my blackberry and they cannot take it away from me. Or can they?
Things and people here are at an all time high as far as backstabbing and hostility goes.
I am responding to the gate with love. As any good ho would do.
My mom told me I work too much which makes no sense because she taught me how to be a work horse.
Also I have to pay for the pony and petting zoo party and blo and nyc. I'm working hard to play hard peaches!! Woot woot!
Back to work...
No Perez at work. Now no estrip.I will not let them break my spirit though!
I have my blackberry and they cannot take it away from me. Or can they?
Things and people here are at an all time high as far as backstabbing and hostility goes.
I am responding to the gate with love. As any good ho would do.
My mom told me I work too much which makes no sense because she taught me how to be a work horse.
Also I have to pay for the pony and petting zoo party and blo and nyc. I'm working hard to play hard peaches!! Woot woot!
Back to work...
01/12/2010 23:33 #50808
flyest kicks eva!i had to return an ugly gifted pair of sneaks... and found these in return. this makes me perhaps the happiest i have been in a few weeks at least. i have needed some new ones forever and these were exactly what i was looking for an a steal.
holla nordstrom rack!!!
i'll be straight up pimpin at work tomorrow. scrubs included.
baby zooey's bday planned:
baby animals and pony at the party:
giant lawn sign that says, "stop! the party starts here!":
go me. i must now go back to sleep and back to work because work is all i do.
annnnd, i am buying a blo nyc ticket in the next two weeks.......

holla nordstrom rack!!!
i'll be straight up pimpin at work tomorrow. scrubs included.
baby zooey's bday planned:
baby animals and pony at the party:
giant lawn sign that says, "stop! the party starts here!":
go me. i must now go back to sleep and back to work because work is all i do.
annnnd, i am buying a blo nyc ticket in the next two weeks.......

tinypliny - 02/04/10 23:01
Love those colours. How much were they?
Love those colours. How much were they?
lilho - 01/14/10 11:36
yes she is getting a pony. she is a diva. and my mom bought the sneaks and doesn't even know what a blog is. she hates the new ones and she hates the party but she has no choice. im working hard for the money and baby will be treated right.
yes she is getting a pony. she is a diva. and my mom bought the sneaks and doesn't even know what a blog is. she hates the new ones and she hates the party but she has no choice. im working hard for the money and baby will be treated right.
flacidness - 01/14/10 03:28
those kicks are the nuts!!!! A one year old is getting a pony? Whose riding it?
those kicks are the nuts!!!! A one year old is getting a pony? Whose riding it?
metalpeter - 01/13/10 18:24
Well Everyone's View on what makes a Sneaker ugly or pretty is very different. For example when I was growing up I loved the British Knights with Snake Skin but I'm sure other people hated them.
Well Everyone's View on what makes a Sneaker ugly or pretty is very different. For example when I was growing up I loved the British Knights with Snake Skin but I'm sure other people hated them.
businesscheese - 01/13/10 12:06
What if the person who gifted you those sneakers reads your blog? They would probably be sad to hear you call them "ugly".
What if the person who gifted you those sneakers reads your blog? They would probably be sad to hear you call them "ugly".
terry - 01/13/10 10:08
a 1 year old is getting a pony for her Bday??
a 1 year old is getting a pony for her Bday??
01/10/2010 22:04 #50793
this irks mei went hiking saturday and sunday(today), and this lady coming down the mountain had on a head scarf not just the head scarf though; she was also covered from head to toe. i saw nothing showing but her face and her hands.
she looked so beautiful and fit. no woman should ever have to cover herself this way.
i am so happy i was raised to be proud of my womanliness.
woman should celebrate themselves everyday.
i have also noticed lately many men who fell they can talk and treat women as second class citizens. sorry guys, but this is america and we (i hope) are not willing to accept that treatment.
part of my 2010 plan is give respect to earn respect. i also want to open the eyes of individuals who are ignorant on this matter.
i fear the latter of my task will be much harder. wish me luck.
my blogs are lacking but i am so busy... worky, worky. moving to a new house somewhat soon. packy, throwy away. and then the spring semester.
i am going to go all out warrior style... early bedtimes little socialization. lots of exercise.
6.5 miles hiked this weekend. back to the mountain thurs morning for another 4. woot!
in my country there is problem, and the problem is ...
she looked so beautiful and fit. no woman should ever have to cover herself this way.
i am so happy i was raised to be proud of my womanliness.
woman should celebrate themselves everyday.
i have also noticed lately many men who fell they can talk and treat women as second class citizens. sorry guys, but this is america and we (i hope) are not willing to accept that treatment.
part of my 2010 plan is give respect to earn respect. i also want to open the eyes of individuals who are ignorant on this matter.
i fear the latter of my task will be much harder. wish me luck.
my blogs are lacking but i am so busy... worky, worky. moving to a new house somewhat soon. packy, throwy away. and then the spring semester.
i am going to go all out warrior style... early bedtimes little socialization. lots of exercise.
6.5 miles hiked this weekend. back to the mountain thurs morning for another 4. woot!
in my country there is problem, and the problem is ...
lilho - 01/18/10 00:19
how is this liberating. even if they have some valid argument i still dislike it.
how is this liberating. even if they have some valid argument i still dislike it.
metalpeter - 01/12/10 19:30
Hey there are a lot of women in this country who could really learn what Modesty means. Think about the people who wear clothes that don't fit them and that they are hanging out of as an example. Yes I love the pretty ladies who wear tight jeans and show of there ass, and tops that show off the boobs. But there are also a lot of women who show it off and then if you aren't one of the people who they are showing off for and you look they get mad, say it is for "The Frat Douche Bag type" and you are "The skater". There are also lots of women who think they need to show off the good to get atention. Wouldn't it be nice to know you Just through that thing on, well put it on how ever the socail standard says to, and you don't need to show off all the goods. Plus I wonder with some of those countries being very hot if that is a very comfotable way to dress. I'm not saying that I agree with the holding of women down. But I'm sure there are a lot of people in those types of outfits that think how others dress is sluty even if it isn't (shorts and work out wear).
Hey there are a lot of women in this country who could really learn what Modesty means. Think about the people who wear clothes that don't fit them and that they are hanging out of as an example. Yes I love the pretty ladies who wear tight jeans and show of there ass, and tops that show off the boobs. But there are also a lot of women who show it off and then if you aren't one of the people who they are showing off for and you look they get mad, say it is for "The Frat Douche Bag type" and you are "The skater". There are also lots of women who think they need to show off the good to get atention. Wouldn't it be nice to know you Just through that thing on, well put it on how ever the socail standard says to, and you don't need to show off all the goods. Plus I wonder with some of those countries being very hot if that is a very comfotable way to dress. I'm not saying that I agree with the holding of women down. But I'm sure there are a lot of people in those types of outfits that think how others dress is sluty even if it isn't (shorts and work out wear).
businesscheese - 01/12/10 12:53
Some women find it liberating to wear the hijab and do so by choice. Just sayin'.
Some women find it liberating to wear the hijab and do so by choice. Just sayin'.
terry - 01/11/10 10:03
01/01/2010 14:53 #50712
congratulations mei managed to stay out of trouble last night and i did not get jacked.
i don't get why people are so into fighting???? i think instead people should have debates and win with words or freestyle and duke it out that way. so much more fun.
pretty sure it was just that the whole proj decided to come out and be ghetto. but i kept it classy for the most part.
now, i have to pull it together and get to work because it's my favorite, like elf's favorite is smiling. my favorite is work.
65 hours this week, 65 hours next week. and i have a third job pending which makes me officially insane, but i need to get out of debt and julie's house at some point and if i don't hustle it won't happen.
my new year's res is to be a hustler, not the shady kind, but the kind who gets things done right!
(e:mike), your card was so cute thank you peach!!!!!!!!!!!
blo trip pending...
i don't get why people are so into fighting???? i think instead people should have debates and win with words or freestyle and duke it out that way. so much more fun.
pretty sure it was just that the whole proj decided to come out and be ghetto. but i kept it classy for the most part.
now, i have to pull it together and get to work because it's my favorite, like elf's favorite is smiling. my favorite is work.
65 hours this week, 65 hours next week. and i have a third job pending which makes me officially insane, but i need to get out of debt and julie's house at some point and if i don't hustle it won't happen.
my new year's res is to be a hustler, not the shady kind, but the kind who gets things done right!
(e:mike), your card was so cute thank you peach!!!!!!!!!!!
blo trip pending...
jacob - 01/01/10 15:54
Happy New Year!!
Love you too, I'm glad you classed your way into 2010.
Make that money!
Happy New Year!!
Love you too, I'm glad you classed your way into 2010.
Make that money!
I believe praying helps.
In Terms Of Haiti I lot of people where suffering before the quake. Not as bad as now but.....
Praying is complex. There are somepeople who really do think that it will help people over there. Then some people think that by adding those people to what they prey about it will ad them to God's Favor. But for some preying isn't that at all, it is like a way to cope or deal with life. But there is another aspect to it. some people prey for others or aren't as good as them. It is like they prey so that those people over there will find the faith that they are. Well that is my 2 cents.
"much will $50 help" -- $50 feeds one person for about 5 weeks.
i want to go to nyc!