Just bought my tickets! And I'm renting a car for blo! Baller! Woot woot!
March 14-18.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/22/2010 14:38 #50884
blo and nyc here i come!Category: travel
01/22/2010 14:37 #50883
blo and nyc here i come!Category: travel
Just bought my tickets! And I'm renting a car for blo! Baller! Woot woot!
tinypliny - 02/04/10 22:51
Wow, you are driving cross-country?!
Wow, you are driving cross-country?!
01/21/2010 01:08 #50872
past present and future goodi am still sad about losing all my data from the maclappy. i have some stuff saved through gmail though...
wanted to share some pics of aruba and the fam and me of course. aruba 2.0 should happen this august, woot woot!!!!!
my precious baby niece who turns 1 years old soon!!!

my brother and the babes.

baby lioness... rarrrrrrr!



tall enough to enter club in aruba. i am so tan here, i fit right in.

aruba party time

almost same hiking pic as before

(e:hodown) is hating on something over there...

she like the flowers and the sun

making a bday wish...


me and a coug. my mom.

my hot new pink heels. whoop whoop!

wanted to share some pics of aruba and the fam and me of course. aruba 2.0 should happen this august, woot woot!!!!!
my precious baby niece who turns 1 years old soon!!!

my brother and the babes.

baby lioness... rarrrrrrr!



tall enough to enter club in aruba. i am so tan here, i fit right in.

aruba party time

almost same hiking pic as before

(e:hodown) is hating on something over there...

she like the flowers and the sun

making a bday wish...


me and a coug. my mom.

my hot new pink heels. whoop whoop!

tinypliny - 02/04/10 22:56
Hmm.. the green seems to start at 1.0 metre there. I am mildly shocked that its tall enough.
Hmm.. the green seems to start at 1.0 metre there. I am mildly shocked that its tall enough.
metalpeter - 01/22/10 20:39
Love the Heals.
Aruba Looks very Nice.
Is all that Hair on your niece Real? It doesn't look like it could be, that is a lot of hair (in a good way)?
Love the Heals.
Aruba Looks very Nice.
Is all that Hair on your niece Real? It doesn't look like it could be, that is a lot of hair (in a good way)?
joshua - 01/21/10 19:59
Sarah, looking beautiful as always.
Sarah, looking beautiful as always.
lilho - 01/21/10 18:27
Those shoes are hot. They are not influenced by AZ I love pink and heels. I have owned other pink heels before AZ. I own red and blue too.
Those shoes are hot. They are not influenced by AZ I love pink and heels. I have owned other pink heels before AZ. I own red and blue too.
paul - 01/21/10 18:01
Those pink suede shoes are so arizona. I knew this would happen to you.
Those pink suede shoes are so arizona. I knew this would happen to you.
flacidness - 01/21/10 04:44
looks like mecca!!! Love the heels! Did you salsa or samba any??
looks like mecca!!! Love the heels! Did you salsa or samba any??
01/19/2010 14:01 #50858
a potluck of thoughts/thingsi tried to do a good thing and help my friend out by buying her a plane ticket home for her uncle's funeral and i bought the ticket the entirely wrong month and days.
this makes me question myself. when i am reincarnated i am sure to reappear as a ditzy gay man, or a blonde.
i have good intentions, but sometimes they get lost in the confusion of my brain.
so, now i have to wait to get my money back. i am also waiting to get paid from my service provider job(where i work with the little girl). i never seem to get paid on time, or even really get paid the right amount.
i will wait until friday, and then see if i have received my direct deposit. maybe it's because of the holiday, and my timesheets were a few days late. this job is ideal for me in many ways, and i love it for the most part. i do not, however like having to fill out my own timesheets. i can never find any blank sheets and then i fill them out and lose them and i must prefer the fingerpad punch in at the hospital, because i punch in and out and get paid; done.
the point of this ramble is that i want to donate some money to the haiti earthquake relief... i suppose they won't run out of money by friday will they? it's only doing a little, but it is something. thanks (e:james) for that comment. paying to feed a child for a few weeks will help.
I can't wait to be a licensed teacher. I will be able to help more then, and I definitely want to travel and see how other people live. A part of me wants to balance out the insanity of my love for all things shiny and expensive by adding meaning in there somewhere. I feel like helping children is a good start.
i just realized that i go back and forth between capitalizing and not. perhaps i feel some sentences are more important than others? my grammar needs major help...
this makes me question myself. when i am reincarnated i am sure to reappear as a ditzy gay man, or a blonde.
i have good intentions, but sometimes they get lost in the confusion of my brain.
so, now i have to wait to get my money back. i am also waiting to get paid from my service provider job(where i work with the little girl). i never seem to get paid on time, or even really get paid the right amount.
i will wait until friday, and then see if i have received my direct deposit. maybe it's because of the holiday, and my timesheets were a few days late. this job is ideal for me in many ways, and i love it for the most part. i do not, however like having to fill out my own timesheets. i can never find any blank sheets and then i fill them out and lose them and i must prefer the fingerpad punch in at the hospital, because i punch in and out and get paid; done.
the point of this ramble is that i want to donate some money to the haiti earthquake relief... i suppose they won't run out of money by friday will they? it's only doing a little, but it is something. thanks (e:james) for that comment. paying to feed a child for a few weeks will help.
I can't wait to be a licensed teacher. I will be able to help more then, and I definitely want to travel and see how other people live. A part of me wants to balance out the insanity of my love for all things shiny and expensive by adding meaning in there somewhere. I feel like helping children is a good start.
i just realized that i go back and forth between capitalizing and not. perhaps i feel some sentences are more important than others? my grammar needs major help...
- I don't care if my borther hates the pony party and thinks it is too much and zooey wont like it. i know she will like it, she is related to me. And why is there ever too many parties for a baby????- that is a somewhat quote from (e:hodown). Can i call zooey's bday a hodown??????????????????????????
tinypliny - 02/04/10 22:58
So when are you getting your teaching license?
So when are you getting your teaching license?
01/18/2010 00:36 #50840
helping through prayer???do people really think praying is going to save the people in haiti???
i think organization and planning and swift efforts will save more people.
i think about my life, and what i do daily... it's so hard not to feel like a greedy selfish person.
i do honestly wish i could help, but how much will $50 help? how much will a prayer help?
i am not there. if i could just take one child and feed and bathe them and put a smile on their face. even if it was just one smile, it would be worth it.
i can't stand seeing children suffer. it all makes me sad.
sometimes i want to leave america, because i feel like i will never really appreciate my life until i see how others live. i feel like i will fall deeper into a materialistic abyss.
so many people here have money and no true character. they look down upon people who aren't upper middle class. i don't want to be that person.
it seems like all i care about is makeup and clothes, but it can be a front because i don't want everyone to know how truly soft my heart is.
if i had the money i would so adopt a child. i think that is a new life goal of mine...
send me the needy babies!!!!!
i think organization and planning and swift efforts will save more people.
i think about my life, and what i do daily... it's so hard not to feel like a greedy selfish person.
i do honestly wish i could help, but how much will $50 help? how much will a prayer help?
i am not there. if i could just take one child and feed and bathe them and put a smile on their face. even if it was just one smile, it would be worth it.
i can't stand seeing children suffer. it all makes me sad.
sometimes i want to leave america, because i feel like i will never really appreciate my life until i see how others live. i feel like i will fall deeper into a materialistic abyss.
so many people here have money and no true character. they look down upon people who aren't upper middle class. i don't want to be that person.
it seems like all i care about is makeup and clothes, but it can be a front because i don't want everyone to know how truly soft my heart is.
if i had the money i would so adopt a child. i think that is a new life goal of mine...
send me the needy babies!!!!!
tinypliny - 02/04/10 22:59
I believe praying helps.
I believe praying helps.
metalpeter - 01/20/10 18:24
In Terms Of Haiti I lot of people where suffering before the quake. Not as bad as now but.....
Praying is complex. There are somepeople who really do think that it will help people over there. Then some people think that by adding those people to what they prey about it will ad them to God's Favor. But for some preying isn't that at all, it is like a way to cope or deal with life. But there is another aspect to it. some people prey for others or aren't as good as them. It is like they prey so that those people over there will find the faith that they are. Well that is my 2 cents.
In Terms Of Haiti I lot of people where suffering before the quake. Not as bad as now but.....
Praying is complex. There are somepeople who really do think that it will help people over there. Then some people think that by adding those people to what they prey about it will ad them to God's Favor. But for some preying isn't that at all, it is like a way to cope or deal with life. But there is another aspect to it. some people prey for others or aren't as good as them. It is like they prey so that those people over there will find the faith that they are. Well that is my 2 cents.
jim - 01/18/10 11:50
"much will $50 help" -- $50 feeds one person for about 5 weeks.
"much will $50 help" -- $50 feeds one person for about 5 weeks.
Maybe I should really come up to you and say a few lines more. You know. In addition to the 3 I said last time.