My flight is delayed again. It's times like these that I really wish I had a private jet.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/29/2008 13:21 #47210
again12/20/2008 16:26 #47121
Red Letter DayToday is the day I'm choosing to celebrate my birthday. I started out by a visit to Bumble and Bumble in the West Village to get my roots touched up. I love nothing more than fancy salons and hair treatments. After that I decided to walk around a bit, since I avoid that part of town like the plague (it's way to fancy for me). I walked by Julian Schnabel's crazy pink building
. Then I decided to head over to Marc Jacobs and buy some fun things. I'm not going to lie I loved carrying that bag around. Then I decided to keep walking and head over to see puppies at Le Petite Puppy. After I kept walking, enjoying the day. I happened to walk past a couple taking a picture with a mailman. I thought it was really odd that anyone would want the picture of the mailman. Then I realized it was Kieffer Sutherland (thank you lilho for telling me the name). I then hopped down to Century 21 and scored a pair of Fry boots for $89! I actually haven't owned a pair of boots in years for a reason that's too complex to get into.
And the best part- I still have LIZA tonight.
Note: I wish lilho was going with me. I feel like even though she doesn't love her, she'd appreciate the camp as much as me...

And the best part- I still have LIZA tonight.
Note: I wish lilho was going with me. I feel like even though she doesn't love her, she'd appreciate the camp as much as me...
- Obligatory myspace/macbook picture because Paul claims more people will like my journal with pictures.

ladycroft - 12/22/08 04:29
Happy Birthday...early or belated....I'm not sure where I am on the spectrum. Enjoy it nonetheless!
Happy Birthday...early or belated....I'm not sure where I am on the spectrum. Enjoy it nonetheless!
metalpeter - 12/21/08 10:37
Hope you have fun celebrating your birthday. I wonder why Kiefer was dressed as a Mail man, I'm guessing something was being filmed, I doubt he would get a job as a Mailmen to research a role but you never know.
Hope you have fun celebrating your birthday. I wonder why Kiefer was dressed as a Mail man, I'm guessing something was being filmed, I doubt he would get a job as a Mailmen to research a role but you never know.
mike - 12/20/08 18:55
tell Liza I said hi!!!!!
tell Liza I said hi!!!!!
12/18/2008 15:34 #47104
This morningI walked in and saw this at my desk. I seriously almost cried it was so sweet and thoughtful. My co-worker decorated my desk and put together the most thoughful, funny, wonderful gifts for me. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have certain people in my life.

PS Thats Liza singing Happy Birthday to me!

PS Thats Liza singing Happy Birthday to me!
libertad - 12/20/08 20:53
Here are my belated birthday wishes. I'm glad you had a good one!
Here are my belated birthday wishes. I'm glad you had a good one!
mike - 12/19/08 14:41
metalpeter - 12/19/08 14:39
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/17/2008 10:11 #47087
What I've managed to do so far today12/09/2008 16:33 #47008
Julia AllisonNormally I hate her and her vapid life. Actually I just hate her nonsociety business partners. Actually I just can't stand Mary. But, today she posted pretty much the most relevant, heartfelt blog post ever. It helps that I feel pretty much the exact same way.

Best part of her post:
The truth is, sometimes I’m a big pile of mush who just wants someone special to snuggle with at night.
Okay, then, now I’ve been honest with you. I actually feel a little ill.
And yeah, I could use a hug.
Oh Julia, maybe I do heart you after all..

Best part of her post:
The truth is, sometimes I’m a big pile of mush who just wants someone special to snuggle with at night.
Okay, then, now I’ve been honest with you. I actually feel a little ill.
And yeah, I could use a hug.
Oh Julia, maybe I do heart you after all..
Its grand snow here!
hope you've made it in by now! we got uber lucky with a perfectly clear day for our arrival. We were early coming into the states, and early coming into B-lo. Unheard of!
I can't even remember the last time I flew out of any NY area airport on time. I think the standard has devolved into varying levels of lateness.