I've officially ended things with Mr. Broadway. It's a long story, but I felt the need to send him an email explaining to him exactly why. The original was slightly vengeful. I sent the modified one to Tom so he could give me his thoughts. This is our conversation:
Tom: was that the toned down one?
Jessica: yes
Tom: wow...it was more sharp than that?
Jessica: do you not know me?
Tom: ok...it was kind of rhetorical
Jessica: the orginal had more of a fuck you tone
Tom: and that one didn't?!!?
Jessica: that was my "taking the higher road" tone
Tom: with a double middle finger salute as you walk down that road
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/14/2009 14:05 #47407
A conversation..01/13/2009 16:20 #47395
Blogs (not mine)Just moments ago I encountered the best blog of 2009.
Feel free to thank me profusely.

Feel free to thank me profusely.

tinypliny - 01/13/09 22:20
I thank you profusely. I needed that laugh. :)
I thank you profusely. I needed that laugh. :)
libertad - 01/13/09 21:59
I love this blog. I wish it were mine.
I love this blog. I wish it were mine.
tinypliny - 01/13/09 18:25
Ah! That's it. I am going to time my future Spot visits with (e:Joshua). I could maybe hack into that camera on that intersection and see when you are going there. There *must* be something* special in your coffee for people to want to take it. I am certainly not going to miss out. Thank you!
Ah! That's it. I am going to time my future Spot visits with (e:Joshua). I could maybe hack into that camera on that intersection and see when you are going there. There *must* be something* special in your coffee for people to want to take it. I am certainly not going to miss out. Thank you!
hodown - 01/13/09 16:39
There are so many I can't decide:
Excessive Litterbug (side note: when tourists litter in NYC I want to chase after them with their trash and tell them I don't litter in their town so don't effing litter in mine)
Undecided Voter
Concert Pusher
Cast of Real World Brooklyn
Traveler with Giant Backpack on Subway
Self-Important Bluetooth Guy
Tandem Sidewalk Tourists
There are so many I can't decide:
Excessive Litterbug (side note: when tourists litter in NYC I want to chase after them with their trash and tell them I don't litter in their town so don't effing litter in mine)
Undecided Voter
Concert Pusher
Cast of Real World Brooklyn
Traveler with Giant Backpack on Subway
Self-Important Bluetooth Guy
Tandem Sidewalk Tourists
- Ok so maybe I want to punch everyone. This is an issue I'm working on.
joshua - 01/13/09 16:28
Right... rant over! Don't take my coffee at Spot y'all - just saying.
- 56 is familiar - I guard my coffees like a hawk when I'm waiting at Spot. Way too many times have I had obvious visitors just scoop whatever cup is at the bar, taking my shit and thus leaving me to tell the barista about the situation. I'm sure they love making drinks twice simply because some oblivious human debris can't wait for and/or verify their own orders!
Right... rant over! Don't take my coffee at Spot y'all - just saying.
01/02/2009 17:10 #47255
Happy New Year!Update in bullet point:
- AZ was really nice.
- Had a great time in Buffalo, as always.
- Lost my ID at some point, but still was able to fly home. Guess I know what I'll be doing on Saturday.
- Dude from the summer that put me into a severe funk EMAILED ME. Not sure what I'm going to do about that.
- Glad to be back in the city, but am missing everyone I love already.
12/29/2008 13:21 #47210
againMy flight is delayed again. It's times like these that I really wish I had a private jet.
tinypliny - 12/31/08 11:26
Its grand snow here!
Its grand snow here!
ladycroft - 12/31/08 08:06
hope you've made it in by now! we got uber lucky with a perfectly clear day for our arrival. We were early coming into the states, and early coming into B-lo. Unheard of!
hope you've made it in by now! we got uber lucky with a perfectly clear day for our arrival. We were early coming into the states, and early coming into B-lo. Unheard of!
joshua - 12/29/08 13:36
I can't even remember the last time I flew out of any NY area airport on time. I think the standard has devolved into varying levels of lateness.
I can't even remember the last time I flew out of any NY area airport on time. I think the standard has devolved into varying levels of lateness.
12/20/2008 16:26 #47121
Red Letter DayToday is the day I'm choosing to celebrate my birthday. I started out by a visit to Bumble and Bumble in the West Village to get my roots touched up. I love nothing more than fancy salons and hair treatments. After that I decided to walk around a bit, since I avoid that part of town like the plague (it's way to fancy for me). I walked by Julian Schnabel's crazy pink building
. Then I decided to head over to Marc Jacobs and buy some fun things. I'm not going to lie I loved carrying that bag around. Then I decided to keep walking and head over to see puppies at Le Petite Puppy. After I kept walking, enjoying the day. I happened to walk past a couple taking a picture with a mailman. I thought it was really odd that anyone would want the picture of the mailman. Then I realized it was Kieffer Sutherland (thank you lilho for telling me the name). I then hopped down to Century 21 and scored a pair of Fry boots for $89! I actually haven't owned a pair of boots in years for a reason that's too complex to get into.
And the best part- I still have LIZA tonight.
Note: I wish lilho was going with me. I feel like even though she doesn't love her, she'd appreciate the camp as much as me...

And the best part- I still have LIZA tonight.
Note: I wish lilho was going with me. I feel like even though she doesn't love her, she'd appreciate the camp as much as me...
- Obligatory myspace/macbook picture because Paul claims more people will like my journal with pictures.

ladycroft - 12/22/08 04:29
Happy Birthday...early or belated....I'm not sure where I am on the spectrum. Enjoy it nonetheless!
Happy Birthday...early or belated....I'm not sure where I am on the spectrum. Enjoy it nonetheless!
metalpeter - 12/21/08 10:37
Hope you have fun celebrating your birthday. I wonder why Kiefer was dressed as a Mail man, I'm guessing something was being filmed, I doubt he would get a job as a Mailmen to research a role but you never know.
Hope you have fun celebrating your birthday. I wonder why Kiefer was dressed as a Mail man, I'm guessing something was being filmed, I doubt he would get a job as a Mailmen to research a role but you never know.
mike - 12/20/08 18:55
tell Liza I said hi!!!!!
tell Liza I said hi!!!!!
Man, and you used to be crazy about Mr. Broadway. I definitely relate to the "used to be crazy about you" think. I remember thinking with past girlfriends, man, I'm not going to get anyone better than her, I'm a fuckup - but after a while you see that their nose is crooked and they pick their nose, are rude to people and...man they weren't all that fucking sweet to begin with.