Normally I'm a little afraid of hamsters. This fear originated when I was in the third grade and took the class pet home for a weekend. The one rule (told to me by both the teacher and my parents) was: do not take the hamster out of the cage unless there is an adult around. Ever since I was a tike I've been all "Eff rules. I'm too smart for rules to apply to me."
Long story short. I took the hamster out of the cage. It nibbled my finger. I freaked out (I didn't have a lot of exposure to live animals in my youth) and dropped it. It ran under my little white bookshelf. I lifted the bookshelf up to look for it. Put the bookshelf down. Well, you know what happened. Don't make me re-live it.
My fear diminished a bit today after seeing this. Now I want both a hamster and a piano.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/09/2008 12:06 #47006
Hamster on Piano12/08/2008 17:07 #46999
All I want for Christmasbesides an awesome boyfriend to makeout with is:

I've been good all year!
Ok no I haven't, but those rings would look so pretty on my finger.

I've been good all year!
Ok no I haven't, but those rings would look so pretty on my finger.
gardenmama - 12/08/08 19:32
If you like to shop for gems you might want to check out
It's a jewelry channel auction site that has some very reasonable stuff(mostly rings)with gems set in sterling, yellow gold, and white gold. They sometimes sell loose gem stones too.
If you like to shop for gems you might want to check out
It's a jewelry channel auction site that has some very reasonable stuff(mostly rings)with gems set in sterling, yellow gold, and white gold. They sometimes sell loose gem stones too.
hodown - 12/08/08 17:22
They are just gems in 14k gold. I found them on because i like to shop for gems in my free time..
They are just gems in 14k gold. I found them on because i like to shop for gems in my free time..
matthew - 12/08/08 17:20
I like that amber colored one. Are they any stone in particular? Pretty!
I like that amber colored one. Are they any stone in particular? Pretty!
12/08/2008 15:00 #46997
Control RoomI go through Documentary phases. Usually I have to curb these phases because I watch them and get all "workers of the world unite". I'm in one of those phases now.
My latest from Netflix is: Control Room. A 2004 documentary about Al Jazeera and the coverage of the beginning of the Iraq war.
Before watching this I had little knowledge of this TV station other than it was the main news outlet for the Middle East and may or may not be associated with terrorists.
After watching this documentary I want to punch George Bush. I already wanted to punch him, but now honestly if I ever saw him I can't say that I wouldn’t spit on him (and with that sentence the FBI beings to wire tap my phone calls).
Some key points from the film:
Josh Rushing, a press officer from US Central Command (Cent Com) (and I quote): "Doesn't understand how the people of the Middle East can't separate in their minds the Palestine conflict from the overall conflict in the Middle East."
He also, after the fall of Iraq, states that the people of Iraq should be responsible for the protection of their own heritage sites and that the US Military has no responsibility for the museum looting. A BBC reporter, in complete astonishment, repeats this and states that from the mobs she saw she thought it would take a tank or men with guns to hold back the mobs. Again he stated it was not the responsibility of the US.
A reporter from Al Jazeera also analyzed the iconic moment when the Iraqi's took down the Statue of Saddam in the Square. She noted:
I understand that propaganda is a necessary part of any war, but the fact that this was a war built on GW's bullshit lies (weapons of mass destruction?!) just infuriates me. It was also a good reminder to view all media with a bit of doubt.
My latest from Netflix is: Control Room. A 2004 documentary about Al Jazeera and the coverage of the beginning of the Iraq war.
Before watching this I had little knowledge of this TV station other than it was the main news outlet for the Middle East and may or may not be associated with terrorists.
After watching this documentary I want to punch George Bush. I already wanted to punch him, but now honestly if I ever saw him I can't say that I wouldn’t spit on him (and with that sentence the FBI beings to wire tap my phone calls).
Some key points from the film:
Josh Rushing, a press officer from US Central Command (Cent Com) (and I quote): "Doesn't understand how the people of the Middle East can't separate in their minds the Palestine conflict from the overall conflict in the Middle East."
He also, after the fall of Iraq, states that the people of Iraq should be responsible for the protection of their own heritage sites and that the US Military has no responsibility for the museum looting. A BBC reporter, in complete astonishment, repeats this and states that from the mobs she saw she thought it would take a tank or men with guns to hold back the mobs. Again he stated it was not the responsibility of the US.
- Ironically he later joined Al Jazeera English after leaving the US military.
A reporter from Al Jazeera also analyzed the iconic moment when the Iraqi's took down the Statue of Saddam in the Square. She noted:
- The Us Military rode into the square where they knew all the press would be.
- All the people in the Square were males of the same age. There were no women, children or older men. No one came out of their homes to see what was happening. Only these few young men ventured out?
- The flag they used was a flag from 1991 Iraq. So this kid in his teens just happened to have a flag from 10 years ago? Do you have a flag from the US when we only had 30 states?
- Basically her point was the whole thing looked very orchestrated. After hearing her argument, it made a lot of sense.
I understand that propaganda is a necessary part of any war, but the fact that this was a war built on GW's bullshit lies (weapons of mass destruction?!) just infuriates me. It was also a good reminder to view all media with a bit of doubt.
drew - 12/08/08 15:17
I love documentary.
I also think it is important to think critically regarding all media, except, of course, for what is read on estrip. It is all true.
I love documentary.
I also think it is important to think critically regarding all media, except, of course, for what is read on estrip. It is all true.
12/05/2008 16:09 #46975
Le bebe12/05/2008 12:24 #46971
Not being an assholeOn certain days I'm not a huge asshole. Days when I don't elbow anyone on the train, silently judge outfits, give the look of death to everyone around me. Today is one of those days. I'm always pleasantly surprised what happens when I'm nice.
It started this morning when I went to go grab coffee at Starbucks before work. There was this couple in front of me in line. They were clearly tourists that spoke no English. The "barista"/cashier was being a super huge asshole about some coupon they were trying to use for a free latte. It was only good for 3 kinds of drinks and they looked so confused. To top it off the wife was getting mad at the husband. He looked kinda scared. It pissed me off that the cashier was being so mean. Tourists are going to be one of the things that keeps the economy in NYC afloat. I stepped in to help out. Problem solved, coupon redeemed.
I then started to walk to work and there was the source of the free coupons. The dude gave me a free latte coupon and TWO bags of coffee.
Flash forward to lunch time. I go to grab a egg salad sandwich on rye. I walk into the deli and order. The owner is behind the counter yelling at everyone, basically being douchy. I give the guy who is making my sandwich a "yeah what a douche" look. He smiles back. He then proceeds to cut me a fresh pickle (note: I love pickles and getting a fresh one is a huge score).
Then I walk over to redeem my coupon for coffee. I go to exit Starbucks with sandwich in one hand and coffee in the other. This guy pulls open the door from the outside, I thank him and he tells me how pretty I am! Ok so he was missing a few teeth and about 20 yrs older than me. But let’s be honest, I'll take compliments where I can get them these days..
You’d think this would teach me to be nice all the time. But let’s be honest, that is not going to happen.
It started this morning when I went to go grab coffee at Starbucks before work. There was this couple in front of me in line. They were clearly tourists that spoke no English. The "barista"/cashier was being a super huge asshole about some coupon they were trying to use for a free latte. It was only good for 3 kinds of drinks and they looked so confused. To top it off the wife was getting mad at the husband. He looked kinda scared. It pissed me off that the cashier was being so mean. Tourists are going to be one of the things that keeps the economy in NYC afloat. I stepped in to help out. Problem solved, coupon redeemed.
I then started to walk to work and there was the source of the free coupons. The dude gave me a free latte coupon and TWO bags of coffee.
Flash forward to lunch time. I go to grab a egg salad sandwich on rye. I walk into the deli and order. The owner is behind the counter yelling at everyone, basically being douchy. I give the guy who is making my sandwich a "yeah what a douche" look. He smiles back. He then proceeds to cut me a fresh pickle (note: I love pickles and getting a fresh one is a huge score).
Then I walk over to redeem my coupon for coffee. I go to exit Starbucks with sandwich in one hand and coffee in the other. This guy pulls open the door from the outside, I thank him and he tells me how pretty I am! Ok so he was missing a few teeth and about 20 yrs older than me. But let’s be honest, I'll take compliments where I can get them these days..
You’d think this would teach me to be nice all the time. But let’s be honest, that is not going to happen.
lilho - 12/05/08 21:23
awww. i like this post, best post in a while. makes me feel warm inside.
awww. i like this post, best post in a while. makes me feel warm inside.
joshua - 12/05/08 18:12
Interesting, I've been traveling there for 20 years and haven't gotten that.
Interesting, I've been traveling there for 20 years and haven't gotten that.
tinypliny - 12/05/08 16:49
Don't you think that kind of defeats the purpose of the coupons if they went to so much trouble to redeem them and then gave a coupon to you?
@(e:Joshua): I have been to NYC >5 times now and each time, I have found the people in Manhattan and beyond equally friendly. Many of them went out of their way (quite literally) to help me out all the time.
Don't you think that kind of defeats the purpose of the coupons if they went to so much trouble to redeem them and then gave a coupon to you?
@(e:Joshua): I have been to NYC >5 times now and each time, I have found the people in Manhattan and beyond equally friendly. Many of them went out of their way (quite literally) to help me out all the time.
joshua - 12/05/08 13:32
Yeah, that is an anomaly in NYC. I've found that people in the city are the type of deeply obnoxious, vile individuals that can only be found in NYC. On the other hand, I've had a lot of pleasant experiences with average New Yorkers outside of Manhattan. You saved their day, those tourists - I would have done the exact same thing. Let's face it, baristas aren't exactly in the position to be able to justify being bitchy to ANYBODY. If people behaved more like you did, rather than caged animals, I think NYC would be a significantly more pleasant place to live and visit.
Yeah, that is an anomaly in NYC. I've found that people in the city are the type of deeply obnoxious, vile individuals that can only be found in NYC. On the other hand, I've had a lot of pleasant experiences with average New Yorkers outside of Manhattan. You saved their day, those tourists - I would have done the exact same thing. Let's face it, baristas aren't exactly in the position to be able to justify being bitchy to ANYBODY. If people behaved more like you did, rather than caged animals, I think NYC would be a significantly more pleasant place to live and visit.
Have you seen the teeth on those things when they yawn, though?? Our school pet hamster ate its babies. We were traumatized. They are damn cute and fluffy, though.