On certain days I'm not a huge asshole. Days when I don't elbow anyone on the train, silently judge outfits, give the look of death to everyone around me. Today is one of those days. I'm always pleasantly surprised what happens when I'm nice.
It started this morning when I went to go grab coffee at Starbucks before work. There was this couple in front of me in line. They were clearly tourists that spoke no English. The "barista"/cashier was being a super huge asshole about some coupon they were trying to use for a free latte. It was only good for 3 kinds of drinks and they looked so confused. To top it off the wife was getting mad at the husband. He looked kinda scared. It pissed me off that the cashier was being so mean. Tourists are going to be one of the things that keeps the economy in NYC afloat. I stepped in to help out. Problem solved, coupon redeemed.
I then started to walk to work and there was the source of the free coupons. The dude gave me a free latte coupon and TWO bags of coffee.
Flash forward to lunch time. I go to grab a egg salad sandwich on rye. I walk into the deli and order. The owner is behind the counter yelling at everyone, basically being douchy. I give the guy who is making my sandwich a "yeah what a douche" look. He smiles back. He then proceeds to cut me a fresh pickle (note: I love pickles and getting a fresh one is a huge score).
Then I walk over to redeem my coupon for coffee. I go to exit Starbucks with sandwich in one hand and coffee in the other. This guy pulls open the door from the outside, I thank him and he tells me how pretty I am! Ok so he was missing a few teeth and about 20 yrs older than me. But let’s be honest, I'll take compliments where I can get them these days..
You’d think this would teach me to be nice all the time. But let’s be honest, that is not going to happen.
Hodown's Journal
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12/05/2008 12:24 #46971
Not being an asshole12/04/2008 11:26 #46953
A Poem for Le CreusetA haiku dedicated to my favorite dish:
Creuset casserole
A dish that I so beloved
Broken and betrayed

I was baking a piece of chicken and it just cracked in the oven. I had a hard time bringing myself to throw it out. This haiku is my way of dealing with the pain.
Creuset casserole
A dish that I so beloved
Broken and betrayed

I was baking a piece of chicken and it just cracked in the oven. I had a hard time bringing myself to throw it out. This haiku is my way of dealing with the pain.
lilho - 12/05/08 21:24
well, have no fear. there will be another!
well, have no fear. there will be another!
tinypliny - 12/04/08 19:47
The Le Creuset pots and pans were on sale on Amazon's thanksgiving sale for $16 a piece.
The Le Creuset pots and pans were on sale on Amazon's thanksgiving sale for $16 a piece.
heidi - 12/04/08 16:03
Oh!!! that's so sad!!!! I love my Le Creuset saucepan and frying pan. I thought they were cast iron with enamel coating! Uh oh. I'd better be much more careful. (I got them at a Le Creuset outlet store in Maryland for about $45!)
Oh!!! that's so sad!!!! I love my Le Creuset saucepan and frying pan. I thought they were cast iron with enamel coating! Uh oh. I'd better be much more careful. (I got them at a Le Creuset outlet store in Maryland for about $45!)
matthew - 12/04/08 11:53
I'm sorry for your loss, but now you have something to ask your mother for Xmas.
I'm sorry for your loss, but now you have something to ask your mother for Xmas.
12/02/2008 15:06 #46925
Wow Tina, just wow
tinypliny - 12/04/08 09:43
OMG, she looks awesome! :)
\m/ TinaTurner \m/
OMG, she looks awesome! :)
\m/ TinaTurner \m/
- We used to say her name in one fast breath in a game we used to play back in the 80s... She was insanely popular in South India in the 80s. LIKE INSANELY POPULAR. EVERYONE and their grand-grandma knew her songs. My favourite is the Golden Eye theme! :)
jacob - 12/03/08 02:03
I think she's trying to attract Trekies.
I think she's trying to attract Trekies.
james - 12/02/08 22:10
Tina, Tina, Tina. You know better than that.
Tina, Tina, Tina. You know better than that.
mike - 12/02/08 18:08
how dare tina steal my christmas outfit!
how dare tina steal my christmas outfit!
iriesara - 12/02/08 17:18
in fact, she might be getting ready to belt out "we don't need another hero" as we speak!
Great, now that song's in my head.
Not the best moment for Tina, for sure, but better than getting beat down by Ike!
in fact, she might be getting ready to belt out "we don't need another hero" as we speak!
Great, now that song's in my head.
Not the best moment for Tina, for sure, but better than getting beat down by Ike!
iriesara - 12/02/08 17:15
true, but it's not that far away from Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome. That (or those, I don't know) were some seriously bad outfits.
true, but it's not that far away from Mad Max Beyond the Thunderdome. That (or those, I don't know) were some seriously bad outfits.
hodown - 12/02/08 17:06
Agree about the bod- but the vulcan head piece? I mean they don't make one to match her skin tone? Ok and really just the head piece in general.
Agree about the bod- but the vulcan head piece? I mean they don't make one to match her skin tone? Ok and really just the head piece in general.
iriesara - 12/02/08 17:01
She's like over 70 and has a bod like that. As far as I'm concerned, she can do whatever the fuck she wants. Plus, she's Tina, ya can't mess with that.
She's like over 70 and has a bod like that. As far as I'm concerned, she can do whatever the fuck she wants. Plus, she's Tina, ya can't mess with that.
12/02/2008 13:50 #46923
I can not believethat there is a human being that does not know about what happened in India over the holiday weekend.
I work with someone who had NO FUCKING IDEA about the massacre in Mumbai and any sort of background on the story.
One of my biggest pet peeves are people who are clueless about the world we live in and the political/social context that shapes it.
I know at times I come off a vapid or self absorbed, but I read up on politics/current events like a mo fo. It just blows my mind that someone who watches TV could have missed the news updates.
Alright, I'm done with my rant. I just had to get that out.
I work with someone who had NO FUCKING IDEA about the massacre in Mumbai and any sort of background on the story.
One of my biggest pet peeves are people who are clueless about the world we live in and the political/social context that shapes it.
I know at times I come off a vapid or self absorbed, but I read up on politics/current events like a mo fo. It just blows my mind that someone who watches TV could have missed the news updates.
Alright, I'm done with my rant. I just had to get that out.
metalpeter - 12/02/08 19:15
There are some people who don't watch the news or read stuff other then sports because they don't care. Some of it is that they think all those other countries are god forsaken and no good anyways. But then there is the other view that all the news does is show the bad and not the good stories. There is also the view that it is all about money and that is all the news cares about so because of that you get tag lines and nothing in depth. Then some people don't follow the news because all it does is depress them. I will admit all of these are good reasons not to watch it, read it or listen to it. Besides if people talk about things at work then why not just get there take. I won't bring up the fact that maybe the person does follow the news but because of traveling or the holiday didn't see anything about it over that period of time. I know I don't like the news myself but I still expose my self to it anyways to see what I see that is interesting.
There are some people who don't watch the news or read stuff other then sports because they don't care. Some of it is that they think all those other countries are god forsaken and no good anyways. But then there is the other view that all the news does is show the bad and not the good stories. There is also the view that it is all about money and that is all the news cares about so because of that you get tag lines and nothing in depth. Then some people don't follow the news because all it does is depress them. I will admit all of these are good reasons not to watch it, read it or listen to it. Besides if people talk about things at work then why not just get there take. I won't bring up the fact that maybe the person does follow the news but because of traveling or the holiday didn't see anything about it over that period of time. I know I don't like the news myself but I still expose my self to it anyways to see what I see that is interesting.
jenks - 12/02/08 15:23
yeah, I'm super clueless, and even I knew about this.
And a guy at work (a rabbi) told me that the rabbi that was killed was a good friend of theirs. :( How awful.
yeah, I'm super clueless, and even I knew about this.
And a guy at work (a rabbi) told me that the rabbi that was killed was a good friend of theirs. :( How awful.
12/02/2008 12:52 #46922
40% off Boxed Sets at BordersUse code: CM2008 for 40% off all boxed set DVDs at Borders today. Limit of 2 sets of DVDs. I just used it and it works!
james - 12/02/08 13:39
YES! Murder She Wrote season 18 you will be mine!
YES! Murder She Wrote season 18 you will be mine!
awww. i like this post, best post in a while. makes me feel warm inside.
Interesting, I've been traveling there for 20 years and haven't gotten that.
Don't you think that kind of defeats the purpose of the coupons if they went to so much trouble to redeem them and then gave a coupon to you?
@(e:Joshua): I have been to NYC >5 times now and each time, I have found the people in Manhattan and beyond equally friendly. Many of them went out of their way (quite literally) to help me out all the time.
Yeah, that is an anomaly in NYC. I've found that people in the city are the type of deeply obnoxious, vile individuals that can only be found in NYC. On the other hand, I've had a lot of pleasant experiences with average New Yorkers outside of Manhattan. You saved their day, those tourists - I would have done the exact same thing. Let's face it, baristas aren't exactly in the position to be able to justify being bitchy to ANYBODY. If people behaved more like you did, rather than caged animals, I think NYC would be a significantly more pleasant place to live and visit.