I just sent off my gift list to my mom. It had mostly books on it. I have this whole thing about asking for specific things. It's not like I'm 10 and can't afford anything. For the most part I can buy the things I need and if I want something I'll save up for it. If you have a gift list, why not just exchange piles of cash? I never ask people what they want. I like to give people gifts that are a surprise. Honestly I'd rather my mom just knit me an awesome scarf or sew me some pot holders. Things I can't make myself, but would love. That will never happen though. Instead my family always wants to do this extravagant gift exchange. It makes me sad.
Hodown's Journal
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12/01/2008 10:18 #46901
Gift Lists11/30/2008 10:47 #46889
AwkwardTo know me is to know my love of tacos. Specifically fish and chorizo tacos from the Taqueria in my neighborhood. I have to have one taco a week or else. Well I'm not sure exactly what would happen because I've yet to go a week without one, but I'm sure it would not be pretty.
So now that my adoration of tacos has been established on to me dilemma. There's this dude in my hood. He's worked at the coffee shop and also the taco place. We have a friendly rapport. I see him walking around etc. A few weeks back I saw him on the street. We stopped and chatted. He had quit working at the taco place and was taking time off to concentrate on his band, blah blah. In the process he asked for my number, said we should hang out. I was like, whatever, fine. So he called and we'd make plans to hang out, but he was kinda flaky. He'd call last minute, or make plans and back out due to band practice and then call back and want to hang. So eventually I just stopped answering his calls/texts. I mean he was in a heavy metal band, it could never work.
Flash forward to last night when I was having a major chorizo taco craving. I go grab a 6 pack of Presendante beer and head over to the Taqueria. Lo and behold who is at the counter taking orders other than the very guy I'd been avoiding. Luckily I saw him through the window before I walked in. So he's back at the Taqueria. This poses a HUGE problem for me. Either I forgo tacos until he quits again (how long will that take?) or limit my taco eating to weekend mornings when he doesn't work (the owners work the brunch crowd- don't ask how I know this).
This is a real problem for me. I'm calling it "Taco crisis '08".

Don't let the smile fool you, I'm not happy about the taco situation.
So now that my adoration of tacos has been established on to me dilemma. There's this dude in my hood. He's worked at the coffee shop and also the taco place. We have a friendly rapport. I see him walking around etc. A few weeks back I saw him on the street. We stopped and chatted. He had quit working at the taco place and was taking time off to concentrate on his band, blah blah. In the process he asked for my number, said we should hang out. I was like, whatever, fine. So he called and we'd make plans to hang out, but he was kinda flaky. He'd call last minute, or make plans and back out due to band practice and then call back and want to hang. So eventually I just stopped answering his calls/texts. I mean he was in a heavy metal band, it could never work.
Flash forward to last night when I was having a major chorizo taco craving. I go grab a 6 pack of Presendante beer and head over to the Taqueria. Lo and behold who is at the counter taking orders other than the very guy I'd been avoiding. Luckily I saw him through the window before I walked in. So he's back at the Taqueria. This poses a HUGE problem for me. Either I forgo tacos until he quits again (how long will that take?) or limit my taco eating to weekend mornings when he doesn't work (the owners work the brunch crowd- don't ask how I know this).
This is a real problem for me. I'm calling it "Taco crisis '08".

Don't let the smile fool you, I'm not happy about the taco situation.
lilho - 12/01/08 00:04
the tacos there are sooo good! i don't even really like tacos, and i love those things. but usually tacos means nasty ground beef creation. anyway ignore him and go for the taco. and then maybe a date? or a makeout for free tacos?
the tacos there are sooo good! i don't even really like tacos, and i love those things. but usually tacos means nasty ground beef creation. anyway ignore him and go for the taco. and then maybe a date? or a makeout for free tacos?
paul - 11/30/08 11:40
You could just tell him you got married and where a ring to fake it.
You could just tell him you got married and where a ring to fake it.
metalpeter - 11/30/08 11:17
Well see here is the problem, if he thinks you are avoiding him then he may pass the word "hey this girl ditched Me" "Then that goes to hey if you see her do something to her Taco". So any taco could be tainted, so the best thing to do is to go in and have a mending of the ways maybe face to face". Another factor is, is the Taco Place one of the those places where you can see them make the Taco cause then you might be safe. Maybe you could say something like "Sorry, I was 2nd to your band, I've heard you where good, why didn't you invite me to watch instead of blowing me off, I'm not Yoko I don't want to break up the band". Or walk in "um what are you doing here I thought you left this place for the band". Hey maybe if he was the Jerk he might even give you some free food. Bottom line Tacos are to good to give up, if you go when you think he doesn't work he might be there. You saw him so did he see you also?
Well see here is the problem, if he thinks you are avoiding him then he may pass the word "hey this girl ditched Me" "Then that goes to hey if you see her do something to her Taco". So any taco could be tainted, so the best thing to do is to go in and have a mending of the ways maybe face to face". Another factor is, is the Taco Place one of the those places where you can see them make the Taco cause then you might be safe. Maybe you could say something like "Sorry, I was 2nd to your band, I've heard you where good, why didn't you invite me to watch instead of blowing me off, I'm not Yoko I don't want to break up the band". Or walk in "um what are you doing here I thought you left this place for the band". Hey maybe if he was the Jerk he might even give you some free food. Bottom line Tacos are to good to give up, if you go when you think he doesn't work he might be there. You saw him so did he see you also?
11/28/2008 10:02 #46868
Post Thanksgiving11/26/2008 11:34 #46849
Feds warn of terror plotting against NYCFeds warn of terror plotting against NYC subways
WASHINGTON (AP) â€" Federal authorities are warning law enforcement personnel of a possible terror plot against the New York City subway system during the holiday season.
An internal memo obtained by The Associated Press says the FBI has received a "plausible but unsubstantiated" report that al-Qaida terrorists in late September may have discussed attacking the subway system.
Anti-terror agencies say they have no specific details to confirm the plot has moved "beyond aspirational planning," but are issuing the alert out of concern that an attack could come during the holiday season," warns the memo, which is dated Tuesday.
While federal agencies often issue all sorts of advisory warnings, the language of this one is particularly forceful.
WASHINGTON (AP) â€" Federal authorities are warning law enforcement personnel of a possible terror plot against the New York City subway system during the holiday season.
An internal memo obtained by The Associated Press says the FBI has received a "plausible but unsubstantiated" report that al-Qaida terrorists in late September may have discussed attacking the subway system.
Anti-terror agencies say they have no specific details to confirm the plot has moved "beyond aspirational planning," but are issuing the alert out of concern that an attack could come during the holiday season," warns the memo, which is dated Tuesday.
While federal agencies often issue all sorts of advisory warnings, the language of this one is particularly forceful.
- I can't wait to take the train home. I wondered what was up- the trains have been swarming with cops lately.
yeah, my mom is bugging me for a xmas list too. It's always hard for me to think of things I want- b/c usually I buy them for myself. And yeah, I hate asking for something specific and knowing what it cost.
But my mom refuses to give gift cards. she thinks it's a cop out.
And I kind of agree. I think it's a lot nicer to put some time and thought into picking a gift out for someone.
(I certainly don't mean to offend anyone that gives gift cards.)
now that i look back at my childhood i never got excited about 'wanting' something for christmas because we never made lists for santa. we just got a few small things sitting in a chair christmas morning (wrapping paper cost too much money). maybe it was best that way, you do appreciate whatever comes your way, and it certainly is a surprise :)
If a gift list is done right what you get will be a surprise see many things are listed and then the person chooses one or a couple of things or something based on that list, but you don't know what it is if there are many items.
I'm not a jerk. I think you SHOULD give me what you choose. I mean otherwise what's the point?
you are a huge jerk. i am not asking again. you get what i choose... it will be fabulous.
My mom wants gift lists, too. I find it reminds me of being wee and making a list for santa, only the theme is far more boring since it is usually things i have to struggle to think of.
Like you, i prefer a gift to be a happy surprise. I just wish that i was better at it... i have so little practice.
Maybe next year, i will just take my chances and tell everyone to get me something they think i might like... or that they made.