12/05/2008 16:09 #46975
Le bebeI'm obsessed with the idea of babies lately. To go with this theme I've found the place to birth my child:
12/05/2008 12:24 #46971
Not being an assholeOn certain days I'm not a huge asshole. Days when I don't elbow anyone on the train, silently judge outfits, give the look of death to everyone around me. Today is one of those days. I'm always pleasantly surprised what happens when I'm nice.
It started this morning when I went to go grab coffee at Starbucks before work. There was this couple in front of me in line. They were clearly tourists that spoke no English. The "barista"/cashier was being a super huge asshole about some coupon they were trying to use for a free latte. It was only good for 3 kinds of drinks and they looked so confused. To top it off the wife was getting mad at the husband. He looked kinda scared. It pissed me off that the cashier was being so mean. Tourists are going to be one of the things that keeps the economy in NYC afloat. I stepped in to help out. Problem solved, coupon redeemed.
I then started to walk to work and there was the source of the free coupons. The dude gave me a free latte coupon and TWO bags of coffee.
Flash forward to lunch time. I go to grab a egg salad sandwich on rye. I walk into the deli and order. The owner is behind the counter yelling at everyone, basically being douchy. I give the guy who is making my sandwich a "yeah what a douche" look. He smiles back. He then proceeds to cut me a fresh pickle (note: I love pickles and getting a fresh one is a huge score).
Then I walk over to redeem my coupon for coffee. I go to exit Starbucks with sandwich in one hand and coffee in the other. This guy pulls open the door from the outside, I thank him and he tells me how pretty I am! Ok so he was missing a few teeth and about 20 yrs older than me. But let’s be honest, I'll take compliments where I can get them these days..
You’d think this would teach me to be nice all the time. But let’s be honest, that is not going to happen.
12/04/2008 11:26 #46953
A Poem for Le CreusetA haiku dedicated to my favorite dish:
Creuset casserole
A dish that I so beloved
Broken and betrayed
I was baking a piece of chicken and it just cracked in the oven. I had a hard time bringing myself to throw it out. This haiku is my way of dealing with the pain.
12/02/2008 15:06 #46925
Wow Tina, just wow12/02/2008 13:50 #46923
I can not believethat there is a human being that does not know about what happened in India over the holiday weekend.
I work with someone who had NO FUCKING IDEA about the massacre in Mumbai and any sort of background on the story.
One of my biggest pet peeves are people who are clueless about the world we live in and the political/social context that shapes it.
I know at times I come off a vapid or self absorbed, but I read up on politics/current events like a mo fo. It just blows my mind that someone who watches TV could have missed the news updates.
Alright, I'm done with my rant. I just had to get that out.
The dressing closets should be pink too.
.. and with French? :)