- Ate at Pano's. It was tasty, just as I had anticipated it would be.
- Dressed up as Joan from Mad Men. The costume went as well as could be expected considering I got ready at a dudes house. They just never have all the things that you need like a girl does.
- The party: Totally fun. It was nice seeing people I haven't see in a while, although I admit it wasn't as fun as it would have been if (e:lilho) was there. Went to bed at 5am.
- The after-party: Amazingly we were all up before 10am and cleaning. Paul cleaned. He asked me for an internet retraction of me calling him lazy. This is it.
- Saturday night: More good times and late night chorizo cooking and carrot taste testing. Ok, so I didn't cook so much as give my input as to how it should be done (note: no one followed my directions).
- Sunday: More hanging out followed by a lamb going away dinner made by Paul. Super tasty. Then we got a special guest appearance by Tony and Megan and their ultra adorable, cute, beautiful kids. OMG I wanted to just squeeze both of them. Neither one of them were down for it (not that I blame them- I looked a bit rough around the edges after 3 days of boozing it up).
- Nerd dater: Tony called me out as a nerd dater and then had various questions about it. Guilty as charged. Who doesn't love nerds though?
- Airport: Got there 35 minutes before my flight boarded. In true Buffalo airport fashion I had plenty of time to make my flight.
- Home sweet home: I took the subway home and it was quite pleasant. Rocked out with my Bose headphones and was home in an hour.
- Various thoughts: I hadn't been to Buff in a year. I had no idea how much I missed it. I'm really glad I decided to go. There's something about going home that recenters you. Already I miss it :(
-Oh an the new user picture. That's all Paul. He thinks it looks like me bossing people around, which seems to be a "skill" of mine.
ok, a few things. you userpic is scary, and i thin you should change it, no matter what (e:pauls) says. also, i would like to say thank you for missing me at the party; meet you there next year?? and your costume rocked, i am proud to call you my sister, for no at least...
hey- since you're no longer on facebook (apparently the only way I communicate with my friends), I'll let you know here- I'm going to be in the city thurs-tues. if you're free and want to eat or drink... lemme know!