Here's to the fact that (e:lilho) went her first day with out a dressing on her MERSA wound.
Everyone should send her well wishes!
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/04/2008 15:36 #46519
Hip Hip Horray11/04/2008 11:16 #46509
VoteI voted this morning. I haven't felt so proud of our country in a very long time. The line was around the block of people waiting to vote. No matter who you vote for I think it's so important to participate in the voting process.
I'm going to be glued to NPR all day (much to my cubemate's dismay). I actually have a knot in my stomach.
This may be a xanax kinda day. Ok not really, but I am really excited to watch Wolf on tv tonight with the returns!!
I'm going to be glued to NPR all day (much to my cubemate's dismay). I actually have a knot in my stomach.
This may be a xanax kinda day. Ok not really, but I am really excited to watch Wolf on tv tonight with the returns!!
11/03/2008 14:51 #46494
BuffaloI'm feeling lazy today so I'll give a update of my trip via bullet points:
-Oh an the new user picture. That's all Paul. He thinks it looks like me bossing people around, which seems to be a "skill" of mine.
- Ate at Pano's. It was tasty, just as I had anticipated it would be.
- Dressed up as Joan from Mad Men. The costume went as well as could be expected considering I got ready at a dudes house. They just never have all the things that you need like a girl does.
- The party: Totally fun. It was nice seeing people I haven't see in a while, although I admit it wasn't as fun as it would have been if (e:lilho) was there. Went to bed at 5am.
- The after-party: Amazingly we were all up before 10am and cleaning. Paul cleaned. He asked me for an internet retraction of me calling him lazy. This is it.
- Saturday night: More good times and late night chorizo cooking and carrot taste testing. Ok, so I didn't cook so much as give my input as to how it should be done (note: no one followed my directions).
- Sunday: More hanging out followed by a lamb going away dinner made by Paul. Super tasty. Then we got a special guest appearance by Tony and Megan and their ultra adorable, cute, beautiful kids. OMG I wanted to just squeeze both of them. Neither one of them were down for it (not that I blame them- I looked a bit rough around the edges after 3 days of boozing it up).
- Nerd dater: Tony called me out as a nerd dater and then had various questions about it. Guilty as charged. Who doesn't love nerds though?
- Airport: Got there 35 minutes before my flight boarded. In true Buffalo airport fashion I had plenty of time to make my flight.
- Home sweet home: I took the subway home and it was quite pleasant. Rocked out with my Bose headphones and was home in an hour.
- Various thoughts: I hadn't been to Buff in a year. I had no idea how much I missed it. I'm really glad I decided to go. There's something about going home that recenters you. Already I miss it :(
-Oh an the new user picture. That's all Paul. He thinks it looks like me bossing people around, which seems to be a "skill" of mine.
lilho - 11/03/08 22:18
ok, a few things. you userpic is scary, and i thin you should change it, no matter what (e:pauls) says. also, i would like to say thank you for missing me at the party; meet you there next year?? and your costume rocked, i am proud to call you my sister, for no at least...
ok, a few things. you userpic is scary, and i thin you should change it, no matter what (e:pauls) says. also, i would like to say thank you for missing me at the party; meet you there next year?? and your costume rocked, i am proud to call you my sister, for no at least...
jenks - 11/03/08 15:53
hey- since you're no longer on facebook (apparently the only way I communicate with my friends), I'll let you know here- I'm going to be in the city thurs-tues. if you're free and want to eat or drink... lemme know!
hey- since you're no longer on facebook (apparently the only way I communicate with my friends), I'll let you know here- I'm going to be in the city thurs-tues. if you're free and want to eat or drink... lemme know!
10/30/2008 19:52 #46433
Live blog-o-ramaI've arrived at the brand spanking new JetBlue terminal 5. I'm just going to get right to it: It's effing sweet. Maybe I'm just impressed with shiny and new- but I think it's new design improved upon the old terminal by leaps and bounds (yes, this entry is going to be loaded with cliches). Everything is centrally located and easy to locate. And there's a Lacoste store- so yeah that pretty much sold me. Oh, and did I mention the spa where you can get a manicure?! I mean there was a spa in the old terminal, but this one is nicer.
I feel like I should also mention that the new terminal makes people take their shoes off. I'm not a fan of this. The person sitting beside me (who thinks I'm insane judging by the look he gave me as I was taking pictures of my manicure) has his shoes off and the couple across the aisle from me also has their shoes off (and they are barefoot-ew).
Ok, I'm going to go have a drink because as me and my friends have all admitted drinking in airport bars is fun (thank god they fessed up because I thought I was the only one who found joy in this activity).
Below I grace you with a picture of my pretty red nails:

I feel like I should also mention that the new terminal makes people take their shoes off. I'm not a fan of this. The person sitting beside me (who thinks I'm insane judging by the look he gave me as I was taking pictures of my manicure) has his shoes off and the couple across the aisle from me also has their shoes off (and they are barefoot-ew).
Ok, I'm going to go have a drink because as me and my friends have all admitted drinking in airport bars is fun (thank god they fessed up because I thought I was the only one who found joy in this activity).
Below I grace you with a picture of my pretty red nails:

mrmike - 11/02/08 10:23
It's still JFK and of all places to be shoeless, this doesn't make the top ten by a long shot
It's still JFK and of all places to be shoeless, this doesn't make the top ten by a long shot
jenks - 10/31/08 07:37
i was just there too, yeah i like it. the food ordering system needs to have the kinks worked out, though. Like the fact that there are no prices written on anything. but way better than the old one, for sure.
i was just there too, yeah i like it. the food ordering system needs to have the kinks worked out, though. Like the fact that there are no prices written on anything. but way better than the old one, for sure.
lilho - 10/30/08 23:53
pretty nails, go snaggle tooth... raaarrr!
pretty nails, go snaggle tooth... raaarrr!
10/30/2008 10:13 #46422
MemoriesReading Paul's blog brought back so many memories.
Oh I guess this is the biggest news of all. I proposed to Jessica. i really lve her for sure. Everyday without her seems so empty compared to when she's with me. I am glad that I came here to find that out because now I really know. I hope she accepts. I wrote it in a letter from Italy and were still not home home yet to find out.
I still remember that letter. I opened it in my dorm room and cried. I think I give him a lot of crap about being a shitty boyfriend, but in retrospect we were so young. I think he really did love me as much as he was able to. He's really the only guy who has ever written me bonified love letters. One time he made a notebook with 100 reasons why he loved me. He's also the first guy who ever truly broke my heart.
I'm not really sure what the point of this is. I guess it's amazing that through everything Paul and I are still friends. And I still love him dearly.
Oh I guess this is the biggest news of all. I proposed to Jessica. i really lve her for sure. Everyday without her seems so empty compared to when she's with me. I am glad that I came here to find that out because now I really know. I hope she accepts. I wrote it in a letter from Italy and were still not home home yet to find out.
I still remember that letter. I opened it in my dorm room and cried. I think I give him a lot of crap about being a shitty boyfriend, but in retrospect we were so young. I think he really did love me as much as he was able to. He's really the only guy who has ever written me bonified love letters. One time he made a notebook with 100 reasons why he loved me. He's also the first guy who ever truly broke my heart.
I'm not really sure what the point of this is. I guess it's amazing that through everything Paul and I are still friends. And I still love him dearly.
haha. yup. sorry!
Ok enough butt drainage convo on my blog. Time to take the wound talk over to (e:lolho)'s blog. Or (e:Paul)'s blog. He like the medical talk..
Most skin infections are strep or staph. MRSA is Methicillin Resistant Staph Aureus. If it's not MRSA there's a good chance is MSSA (Meth. Sensitive Staph). Which is better. Resistant bacteria are scary. (but still treatable, you just need 'bigger' antibiotics).
Though either way, the main treatment is drainage, not abx.
If it's not mrsa then what is it?
it's mrsa, and it turns out that it's prop not mrsa. and yes congrats is in order!