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10/29/2008 17:47 #46409

So a few years back I was a sexy secretary. I can't find the pictures, maybe I'll see if they are still on my camera and I'll update this. Anyways that goes against my whole anti slutty halloween.

This year I'm thinking 80's secretary? Huge glasses, taupe pantyhose (or thigh highs because when else do you get to wear them?), pumps and a tacky dress? Either that or Joan from Mad Men. Really that's my goal for everyday though, to be Joan.

Is it played out to recycle a costume? Should I just be a bedazzled ghost? Or should I just be drunk and bitter as planned?

Help me people what should I do?

Keep in mind I leave tomorrow. Have to pack tonight and have NOTHING ready. Yeah, I'm so on top of things.

jenks - 10/29/08 19:04
p.s. sexy does not have to be slutty. that's the key.
jenks - 10/29/08 19:03
Someday I swear I'm going to put a sheet over my head and be a ghost.

I recycle costumes if I've moved to a new city (i.e. people haven't seen it.)

I just finished my costume... have to admit I'm actually a little bit psyched about it. Now just to hope I don't get called to the ER, b/c I'm hoping to make an appearance- although I'm supposed to go to Cozumel too.

Oh, and Jess- I'll be in NYC next week for a course. the 6th-11th. Busy during the days, but free nights. rock on.
janelle - 10/29/08 18:35
oops. that bad idea was (e:drew), not janelle.
janelle - 10/29/08 18:34
Roll yourself up in a tan sheet and be a burrito.
tinypliny - 10/29/08 18:19
I vote Joan from whereever with those crazy unreal bras and clothes!

10/29/2008 09:01 #46404

To clear up a few things:

Jason/Josh: Ok that TMI weekly is a result of this girl Julia Allison getting some sort of deal with the Next New Networks. Long story short her and her friends are like a trainwreck. Painful, but you can't stop looking.

Which leads into Facebook:

I deleted my account because I was too into stalking randoms along with the fact that my entire family wanted to friend me. I'm sorry but I dislike a great deal of my extended family and I'm not interested in having them know all the dirty details of my life. I mean they could find my blog, but I doubt they would. It was becoming distracting and the cherry on top was I couldn't stand looking at the pictures of me and the dude- it was just making me too sad seeing how happy I was. And also I like blogs better. In a blog I'm the boss, it's not interconnected with anyone or anything else.

Which leads into Paul's pep talk last night:

The gist was:

Paul: Jess come to Buffalo, you need a change of scene. Also we need to think of costumes.

Me: I already told you I'm going to be drunk and bitter.

Paul: I know that's what YOU are, but what's your costume going to be?

Me: I'm not wearing one.

Paul: OMG you're going to be a bedazzled ghost. We'll put sparkles and bows on it.

Me: (In my head thinking how the hell does Paul know exactly how to make me smile) Sigh, fine.

tinypliny - 10/29/08 18:17
YAY!!! I finally get to meet many virtual pixels... er. I mean people. PEOPLE!! I LOVE PEOPLE!
mrmike - 10/29/08 09:19

10/28/2008 17:28 #46390

This is exactly why I deleted my profile:

jenks - 10/28/08 21:05
i freaking love facebook. sorry. I admit it.
joshua - 10/28/08 19:57
"TMI Weekly?" Gossip went trashier? Whoa.
jason - 10/28/08 18:34
What is this I just clicked on?!? Are you trying to emasculate me?

10/28/2008 14:32 #46387

Do I stay or do I go?
I have a ticket to Buffalo leaving this Thursday. I really do not feel like going. It's cold and snowy there. I also do not feel up to a house party. If I do decide to go I really should get my shit together tonight (laundry, lug out the suitcase, find my travel size facewash).

Ugh, what to do?
mike - 10/28/08 16:29
if you don't come i will nevwer, AND I MEAN NEVER, call you from a new kids on the block concert to let you hear their sweet live music again!
mrmike - 10/28/08 15:19
c'mon, it's supposed to be 60 on Friday, don't taunt us like that
joshua - 10/28/08 15:08
It isn't snowy - yet! We'll see after tonight.
libertad - 10/28/08 15:02
What a tease! Get your ass on that plane!

10/27/2008 14:17 #46367

Just say no
Remember Nancy Reagan with her "Just say no to drugs" campaign? Well it didn't work very well. Lots of people I know who grew up in that era totally smoked pot or whatever. She should have gone with this method instead:

Yeah, I can say with 100% certainty I will never be doing meth.
tinypliny - 10/28/08 00:17