This year I'm thinking 80's secretary? Huge glasses, taupe pantyhose (or thigh highs because when else do you get to wear them?), pumps and a tacky dress? Either that or Joan from Mad Men. Really that's my goal for everyday though, to be Joan.
Is it played out to recycle a costume? Should I just be a bedazzled ghost? Or should I just be drunk and bitter as planned?
Help me people what should I do?
Keep in mind I leave tomorrow. Have to pack tonight and have NOTHING ready. Yeah, I'm so on top of things.

p.s. sexy does not have to be slutty. that's the key.
Someday I swear I'm going to put a sheet over my head and be a ghost.
I recycle costumes if I've moved to a new city (i.e. people haven't seen it.)
I just finished my costume... have to admit I'm actually a little bit psyched about it. Now just to hope I don't get called to the ER, b/c I'm hoping to make an appearance- although I'm supposed to go to Cozumel too.
Oh, and Jess- I'll be in NYC next week for a course. the 6th-11th. Busy during the days, but free nights. rock on.
oops. that bad idea was (e:drew), not janelle.
Roll yourself up in a tan sheet and be a burrito.
I vote Joan from whereever with those crazy unreal bras and clothes!