10/24/2008 12:20 #46300
My worst fear(besides being spinster-ish which I think may have already occured) is anything spider related. This picture of a spider eating a bird freaks me the fuck out:
- Also related. A spider fell on my head last night when I walked in my door. OMG I almost had a heartattack. For reals.
10/22/2008 17:39 #46252
It's that time of year againOur company annual Golf Outing. I organize it. I find it amusing that I'm the one who does this considering I have zero idea about golf. I mean I used to play in Buffalo, but that was a lifetime ago. Anyway every year we have it at a different club. 2 years ago was the best when I was quarantined to a small room, because I was not a member, while everyone else played for 4.5 hours. This year the club is a tad more leinant (or so they say) and apparently I'll be allowed to roam about. I was looking over the club rules to determine what I need to wear (2 changes of clothes- one outfit for registration and one for dinner- just call me fashion golf barbie). As I was looking at the Club rules I came across this which I found hillarious and utterly pretentious:
20. Honoring of the club rules will enable the entire membership to enjoy life at woodcrest at its' highest social level.
I copied that exactly. They are all about the "highest social level" yet they don't capitalize the name of their own club?
Anyway, expect lots of blogging tomorrow if they do indeed have wifi as I'll be bored out of my mind.
10/21/2008 16:07 #46236
Guitar HeroA new Guitar Hero is about to be released. I was reading about it on cnn and saw this quote:
Why did you add a beginner level?
KH: Our whole objective with "Guitar Hero" is to make it as broadly accessible as possible. By adding this beginner mode, we can get even young kids, who are 5, 6, 7 and who maybe can't coordinate pressing a button on the guitar and strumming at the same time. . .to make it really easy for them. All they have to do is strum
Me: Uh beginner level is for 6 yr olds? That's the only level I can sorta play on. Really I'm not even good at that level. Embarassing.
10/17/2008 09:50 #46156
SadTom left this morning we said goodbye and I cired. I'm not sure why. Now I'm kinda sad.
10/15/2008 15:13 #46128
Travel in StyleMy boss's husband just called me. He bought me a FIRST CLASS roundtrip ticket to Arizona for Christmas. Sweet!
This is the third time I've flown there 1st class. A few other times I've gone business. What happens when the Depression hits and I'm forced to travel by Grayhound bus? It's like the Seinfeld episode where Jerry tells Elaine she has to fly coach because she's never flown 1st class and he has. Once you travel in style it's hard to slum it again.
- Update: I just reviewed the ticket and noticed on a 5 hour flight they only give you a snack even if you're in 1st class? WTF? I mean granted last time I flew the meal they served was beyond disgusting looking (I say "looking" because I didn't even bother to take a meal it was so gross). Still, for that kinda cash I expect them to at least make the effort to offer me a meal. Looks like I'll be on the all liquid diet (the one thing they haven't done away with is the free unlimited booze in first class).
oh dear god, please take it down!
That pic is so thoroughly disgusting - YUCK!
Because Mike if I have to live my life in fear of spiders so do you. It fell on my head and I felt it walk around before i touch it and realized. It makes me need a Xanax even thinking about it.
omg, that is the scariest picture
why do you post scary things like that that will make me never sleep again....or walk through doors without an umbrella