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10/14/2008 14:30 #46112

Work crush
Ok email flirtation is one of my all time favorite ways to pass time at work. My work crush is totally indulging this and it's not helping my crush situation.

He cc'd me on an email requesting an iphone because I had given him some tips on how to finesse one out of IT. My route to an iphone didn't work and below is the email trail that ensued:

From: Ho, Jessica
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 1:12 PM
To: [redacted]
Subject: RE: iPhone

Thanks for rubbing my incompetence in.

Also the golf trinkets are on their way for delivery tomorrow.


Then he sent:

At least you have cool headbands....

[redacted], Source of Jessica Ho's current angst

  • OMG he totally loves my adorable headband as much as I do. Or at least he pretends to (either one is fine with me). And he's started sending me morning updates on his day. Sigh..

10/14/2008 12:54 #46109

Just because:


  • For the record I am not the only one obsessed with Mad Men/ Joan. This was in the Sunday NY Post and there was a 3 page spread about her. So there.

  • Also for the record she is totally my new girl crush.
ajay - 10/15/08 02:11

Redheads Rock.
tinypliny - 10/14/08 18:41

10/13/2008 13:22 #46092

This weekend
I was very domestic (aka broke and didn't go out). I was also contemplating moving. When I have a big decision to make, I'm stressed or sad I cook and clean. Yes, I've turned into my mother.

Friday night:
  • Note to self: no matter how cheap snow crablegs may seem ($6.99 a lb.) They are NOT worth the effort to get the meat out. I'm a king crab leg only kinda girl.
  • This is prob the most wasteful invention ever, but I know Maria Visco totes uses these. They are bags you can microwave veggies in. They were $1 a box on sale. They actually work pretty well.

This is one of my favorite foods- Eggplant. I love it breaded and baked. I made this and ate it all day Saturday.

  • Bean and pancetta soup. OMG this is so good (and low cal). The one drawback is sometimes I think I'm cooking for me and my family of 12. Then I remember after I make enough for a small army I don't have a family of 12 and I'll now be eating this soup for the entire winter.
tinypliny - 10/14/08 18:43
Your cooking is gorgeous. ;-)

10/13/2008 13:12 #46091

2 weekends ago
This is what I did:

Got pretty nails at Dashing Divas
Then we stopped at a bar where I found $10, had a drink (using said $10), and forbid anyone from eating the peanuts. *update: see Mike's comment as to why you should not indulge in community peanuts.

We then wandered around the East Village and stopped for some delicious pork belly.

I also found out that the building where my ex-bf lives is also the same place where Cate went to a party with a sex swing. Just a fun fact.
hodown - 10/13/08 17:51
Exactly my point. I don't seem so OCD now do I?
mike - 10/13/08 17:49
some bar tenders I know have talked about how the nuts just all get poured back in a bag at the end of th night and poured back out so like some of those nuts could be from opening night 1942.
hodown - 10/13/08 14:05
James- There really no dirty details. On our way to pork belly I was like "Oh Josh lives in that bldg." Then Cate was like "Really, I went to a party there and there was a sex swing in the apartment." That was pretty much the extent of it..
james - 10/13/08 13:57
Come on! You can't mention a party with a sex sling and not go into sloppy detail!
hodown - 10/13/08 13:26
OMG- you've never had prok belly?! The reason we ordered it was because we'd just had a discussion where we all decided that there was never a time when we wouldn't eat it because it's SO good. It's basically fat and a bit of crispy pork.

And no one was allowed to eat the peanuts because they were in a dish on the table. In NYC public bowls of nuts are not to be touched. You only eat them if you seem them refilled and they are fresh.
paul - 10/13/08 13:19
1. Is pork belly just bacon?
2. Why would you forbid people form eating the peanuts?

10/13/2008 12:59 #46090

Hello Kitty, my love
This is the weird/amazing Japaneese display near my work:

hodown - 10/13/08 13:24
I'd be excited if I knew what a MMORPG was?!
james - 10/13/08 13:19
I heard a rumor too strange for me to verify.

A Hello Kitty MMORPG goes into beta testing soon.

paul - 10/13/08 13:10
I was just thinking how I missed the San Rio store at the Rainbow mall. That place looks so ghetto looking, even the winter gardens is empty.