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10/08/2008 13:41 #45995

Amazing Illustrations
By now everyone knows of my adoration of all things Mad Men and late 50's. The disfunctional family situations combined with the non stop boozing and sexing in the office make me wish I was born around 1945.

So my point of all this is some amazing genius on flicker has created a set of mid century illustrations that depict certain key scenes from Mad Men. I salute this amazing human. Below are some of my favorites:


  • Oh the good old days when you could drink AND drive. Note: I don't actually approve of drinking and driving. I just find it funny that people were so ok with it.


  • I might make this my birthday invitation. Or a birth announcement for my first girl. Either occasion seems to fit.

  • An illustration of a OBGYN visit? Awesome.
tinypliny - 10/08/08 21:04
Hmmm.. I won't fit in at all. I can't booze and I am not sexed up. I hate cigarette smoking in spirit, and.. well I hate it every way possible. It's the number one cause of preventable morbidity across the world and I personally have seen families floundering because of this 40s-50s style of living.
hodown - 10/08/08 17:48
It's the obgyn. Apparently back in the day they smoked while doing everything.
gardenmama - 10/08/08 17:44
Is that the OBGYN smoking or the woman?
mrmike - 10/08/08 14:02
That is so damn cool

10/08/2008 10:29 #45991

Cute Overload
I now own this headband:


It's so effing cute.
tinypliny - 10/08/08 20:59
That is pretty! (And I don't ever wear headbands). You totally need to make that part of your costume! :)

10/07/2008 12:12 #45976

The big hoopla was Playboy Bunnies selling cupcakes that were so 3rd grade home ec.

  • Oh and not even the good Playboy Bunnies like Holly or Bridget. They were lame ones who weren't that hot.

I guess at least I got to get away from my desk. *sigh*
joshua - 10/07/08 18:44
"Bullet Wound Tuesday!"
jason - 10/07/08 16:53
ROFL ROFL! (e:James) is on fire today!
james - 10/07/08 12:58
bunnies with back braces need to make money too.

10/07/2008 11:23 #45975

Oh em gee
They are doing celebrity apprentice across the street from my building selling cupcakes. You know I'm a total celeb whore. I'm leaving in a few moments to go check it out. I forgot my camera so there won't be pictures *sad face*.

10/06/2008 11:42 #45958

New Kids on the Block
Since the late 80s I have been totes in love with NKOTB. In 8th grade I spent every single dollar I had on New Kids junk (junk=anything Claire's sold in the mall). I never got to see them live because we were always too poor. And then the one time I did have enough money for a concert ticket I spent it on seeing MC Hammer, En Vogue and Vanilla Ice- wow what a bad choice.

Sorry that was a bit of a tangent.

My point was while I was out on Friday night Mike Visco called me on my cell from the NKOTB concert and basically made all my dreams come true (or at least the ones relating to NKOTB).

Also related to New Kids: Is Jon gay?

My guess is yes. Why? Because I tend to heart the gay dudes. It would only make sense that the one I like the most is gay.