They are doing celebrity apprentice across the street from my building selling cupcakes. You know I'm a total celeb whore. I'm leaving in a few moments to go check it out. I forgot my camera so there won't be pictures *sad face*.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/07/2008 11:23 #45975
Oh em gee10/06/2008 11:42 #45958
New Kids on the BlockSince the late 80s I have been totes in love with NKOTB. In 8th grade I spent every single dollar I had on New Kids junk (junk=anything Claire's sold in the mall). I never got to see them live because we were always too poor. And then the one time I did have enough money for a concert ticket I spent it on seeing MC Hammer, En Vogue and Vanilla Ice- wow what a bad choice.
Sorry that was a bit of a tangent.
My point was while I was out on Friday night Mike Visco called me on my cell from the NKOTB concert and basically made all my dreams come true (or at least the ones relating to NKOTB).
Also related to New Kids: Is Jon gay?

My guess is yes. Why? Because I tend to heart the gay dudes. It would only make sense that the one I like the most is gay.
Sorry that was a bit of a tangent.
My point was while I was out on Friday night Mike Visco called me on my cell from the NKOTB concert and basically made all my dreams come true (or at least the ones relating to NKOTB).
Also related to New Kids: Is Jon gay?

My guess is yes. Why? Because I tend to heart the gay dudes. It would only make sense that the one I like the most is gay.
10/02/2008 16:26 #45896
Buffalo!After a discussion with Paul about the possibility of makeouts happening at his Halloween Party I've decided to go.
I'm not dressing up though. Unless slutty or bitter counts as a costume.
I'm super excited to see all of my long lost Buffalo friends and eat chicken wings and drink Labatts and breathe fresh upstate air.
I'm not dressing up though. Unless slutty or bitter counts as a costume.
I'm super excited to see all of my long lost Buffalo friends and eat chicken wings and drink Labatts and breathe fresh upstate air.
metalpeter - 10/02/08 19:16
I had no idea there where going to be make outs (wonder if I'll see them, take part or miss them), With my luck I'm guessing the last. Well since tiny is counting lets make this #59 for costumes in that I still can't figure out if mine will work or not (the cold is kinda a factor I forgot about).
I had no idea there where going to be make outs (wonder if I'll see them, take part or miss them), With my luck I'm guessing the last. Well since tiny is counting lets make this #59 for costumes in that I still can't figure out if mine will work or not (the cold is kinda a factor I forgot about).
hodown - 10/02/08 17:58
Costume suggestions:
or a combo of all three.
They are all super easy and I can show you step by step (NKOTB) how to be them..
Costume suggestions:
or a combo of all three.
They are all super easy and I can show you step by step (NKOTB) how to be them..
tinypliny - 10/02/08 17:55
Awesome. :) I finally get to meet you.
And oh man, #57th costume mention. I am going to die of costume stress.
Awesome. :) I finally get to meet you.
And oh man, #57th costume mention. I am going to die of costume stress.
mrmike - 10/02/08 16:49
I did bitter last year. Too old for a convincing slutty.
I did bitter last year. Too old for a convincing slutty.
mike - 10/02/08 16:45
slutty and bitter is the best costume!
slutty and bitter is the best costume!
10/02/2008 09:24 #45888
Tiny- answersYes- Le Cake went into le garbage can.
CT=Connecticut- it's where all the rich investment bankers live. Greenwich to be more precise.
The Hello Kitty Flagship store is actually in Times Square. I try to avoid going there because I tend to get more excited than I should being that I'm 31.
And the co-worker dude. Eh. He's divorced with 3 kids. Too much baggage.
CT=Connecticut- it's where all the rich investment bankers live. Greenwich to be more precise.
The Hello Kitty Flagship store is actually in Times Square. I try to avoid going there because I tend to get more excited than I should being that I'm 31.
And the co-worker dude. Eh. He's divorced with 3 kids. Too much baggage.
metalpeter - 10/02/08 19:18
I just have a follow up question that is kinda Stupid. Months I heard that Hello Kitty was going to start out a line of stuff for men, did that happen Yet?
I just have a follow up question that is kinda Stupid. Months I heard that Hello Kitty was going to start out a line of stuff for men, did that happen Yet?
tinypliny - 10/02/08 15:10
Thanks. :) Curiosity might have killed the cat but it sure makes me wiser!
Oh yes, you MUST do all you can to stay away from Baggage. And I think life is too short to waste on people who don't get excited about stuff! I follow this principle in earnest and ditch everyone who brings me down or is too old at heart. Selfish and nasty thing to do, but I don't want to be on my deathbed tomorrow and regret being a stuffy old unenthusiastic passionless person.
Man, you should totally have eaten that gorgeous cake all by yourself!
Thanks. :) Curiosity might have killed the cat but it sure makes me wiser!
Oh yes, you MUST do all you can to stay away from Baggage. And I think life is too short to waste on people who don't get excited about stuff! I follow this principle in earnest and ditch everyone who brings me down or is too old at heart. Selfish and nasty thing to do, but I don't want to be on my deathbed tomorrow and regret being a stuffy old unenthusiastic passionless person.
Man, you should totally have eaten that gorgeous cake all by yourself!
paul - 10/02/08 09:34
I thought B-dawg killed Hello Kitty ;)
I thought B-dawg killed Hello Kitty ;)
Yeah, I remember the B & J's ice cream place. It was on the corner at Kenmore Ave. & Windemere Blvd. just before you got to the University Plaza on the same side of the street as the Chinese food joint. It was really good. They would get all the newest flavors and you could taste test them. Yum.
Does anyone else Remember that there used to be A Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream Place near UB and Near that Chinese food place and all those stores it was so good. The thing that has all ways been amazing about them is all the different names they come up with for there flavors and they don't only make Ice Cream but that is what they are known for (it used to be ice cream, frozen yougurt and then forms of fat free stuff I think also).
Human breast milk has a short shelf life. Plus that would make whatever its used in 100x costlier. Peta = bunch of unscientific lunatics.
i tihnk peta wants ben and jerry's to use human breast milk now or something i heard. How do you feel about that?