I never leave the office for lunch. Well, not never but, rarely.
Today a coworker and I decided to get the fuck away from our desks and escape the doom and gloom of the economy and head to Bergdorf's. Bergdorf's is a magical department store. It reminds me of what shopping was in the 50's. Not that I know what it was like, more what I imagined it would be like.
I don't go in there often, mainly because I can't afford anything in there and I feel like the sales ladies can smell the stench of poor on you like cheap perfume.
For some reason today was very different. We walked in as the door man turned the revolving door for us. Then as we entered the store we were greeted by SECRET SERVICE. I gawked, and they politely asked us to move on. My co-worker (who I refer to as my work wife because we are together 9 hours a day 5 days a week) immediately said "I can totally see the glow in your eye you want to know who it is." I replied that now that my dream of marrying an investment banker is dead, dream B is foreign dignitary. Then I realized that it was probably the wife not the actual dignitary shopping. With another dream crushed we moved on to the "Beauty Level". My co-worker bought her make-up and we then loving caressed purses that cost more than an entire years rent as the salesman espoused the virtues of "a colorful clutch that would be fun for fall events." If he only knew the only fall event I have is drinking in dive bars and random make outs with boys who don't care about colorful clutches.
We then left the store and decided to grab some lunch before heading back. As we are walking down 56th Street I stop dead in my tracks and say "Oh my god WHAT is this awesome store?" (Note: I'll include picture at a later date). Turns out it was a gallery display of Japanese items. Basically it was all Hello Kitty and Hello Kitty related things. I am not kidding when I say I almost pee'd my pants from excitement. My co-worker almost pee'd her pants from laughing at me.
Moral of the story:
Go to lunch. It can bring a bit of sunshine and Hello Kitty to your day.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/29/2008 14:28 #45842
Lunch09/28/2008 12:00 #45824
This weekTwo of my dreams died.
Dream #1: Marrying an investment banker and becoming a CT housewife. Investment banking no longer exists and the days of making shitloads of cash doing murky business deals are gone. Today I'm going to watch Wall Street and mourn the fact that I will never have my own personal Gordon Gekko.
Dream #2: This dream is a tad more unrealistic, but Scarlett Johansson got married. I guess this means I'll have to give up my girl crush on her now that she is taken?
What kind of world are we living in?
Dream #1: Marrying an investment banker and becoming a CT housewife. Investment banking no longer exists and the days of making shitloads of cash doing murky business deals are gone. Today I'm going to watch Wall Street and mourn the fact that I will never have my own personal Gordon Gekko.
Dream #2: This dream is a tad more unrealistic, but Scarlett Johansson got married. I guess this means I'll have to give up my girl crush on her now that she is taken?
What kind of world are we living in?
tinypliny - 10/01/08 19:41
What is CT? Collecting Taxes? Why on earth...?
What is CT? Collecting Taxes? Why on earth...?
hodown - 09/28/08 16:50
I have thought about moving to DC. Maybe now is really the time?
I have thought about moving to DC. Maybe now is really the time?
vincent - 09/28/08 16:04
Yea, I guess you are going have to move to follow the power flow.
Yea, I guess you are going have to move to follow the power flow.
paul - 09/28/08 13:00
Time to pack your bags and move home.
Time to pack your bags and move home.
09/24/2008 11:01 #45783
GaykenIn continuing with my tradition of love of celeb gossip (embarassing, but shut up you know you have a dark secret too) and gays I was very interested to find that:
Clay Aiken is gay.
I mean it shouldn't be a surprise, but I don't believe that stuff till it's confirmed by various news sorces (and by new sources I mean Page Six and Jezebel).

Clay Aiken is gay.
I mean it shouldn't be a surprise, but I don't believe that stuff till it's confirmed by various news sorces (and by new sources I mean Page Six and Jezebel).

tinypliny - 09/25/08 21:17
@lib: I so totally would, had I not been waiting for you. ;-)
@lib: I so totally would, had I not been waiting for you. ;-)
mike - 09/25/08 19:29
when the news broke i was in a bar and got a free shot...that is my life. I just bought the People to read his story...two words...freak show
when the news broke i was in a bar and got a free shot...that is my life. I just bought the People to read his story...two words...freak show
gardenmama - 09/25/08 18:19
There is something creepy about him - but I think I like him better now that he's "out"
There is something creepy about him - but I think I like him better now that he's "out"
libertad - 09/25/08 07:25
why don't you just marry him tiny? oh wait never mind, he's gay.
why don't you just marry him tiny? oh wait never mind, he's gay.
tinypliny - 09/24/08 19:42
Okay, here's the thing. I still don't know what's creepy about this bloke. He seems to be one generous actor, devoting time and money to charities and UNICEF.
Okay, here's the thing. I still don't know what's creepy about this bloke. He seems to be one generous actor, devoting time and money to charities and UNICEF.
09/23/2008 17:56 #45775
Friend ProbationI created friend probation in the early 90's as a punishment for Paul who frequently was naughty (and not in the good way). So when he chose to be bad, I'd put him on friend probation. This would consist of a variety of ways that I could torture him (not talking to him the entire way back from Toronto while pouting, not cooking for him when he was hungry, making him snuggle, etc..) until he'd beg for forgiveness and I'd allow him back into my good graces.
The 90s ended and somewhere along the way Paul realized I wasn't actually the boss and he turned the tables on me. Now I'm on friend probation. Since Paul is the one person in the world who knows every dirty secret (and some of the are quite dirty) I now have to beg for his forgiveness to get back in his good graces.
Now I present to you my case as to why I shouldn't be on friend probation:

Let's end the madness. Seriously Paul, seriously..
The 90s ended and somewhere along the way Paul realized I wasn't actually the boss and he turned the tables on me. Now I'm on friend probation. Since Paul is the one person in the world who knows every dirty secret (and some of the are quite dirty) I now have to beg for his forgiveness to get back in his good graces.
Now I present to you my case as to why I shouldn't be on friend probation:
Missing Image ;(

Let's end the madness. Seriously Paul, seriously..
tinypliny - 09/24/08 07:42
Man... one of my friends does this friend probation silent treatment thing a lot. I hate it. :/
Man... one of my friends does this friend probation silent treatment thing a lot. I hate it. :/
09/23/2008 09:32 #45768
Banana BreadLast night I decided to bake. I'd never made homemade banana bread before and decided to finally put the bananas in my freezer to good use.
I looked up a couple of recipes and didn't like any of them, so I took bits and pieces from each and improvised. I added bran, flax, and used whole wheat flour. Everything was organic. After 55 minutes in the oven I added honey and brown sugar.
Behold what i created:

I'm not gonna lie. I'm kinda a baking genius (only when it comes to banana bread). And yes it tastes as good as it looks. After eating a piece I packed the rest up and brought it into the office. So far I'm a pretty popular gal this morning..
Update: The bread was a smashing success!! It's all gone!
I looked up a couple of recipes and didn't like any of them, so I took bits and pieces from each and improvised. I added bran, flax, and used whole wheat flour. Everything was organic. After 55 minutes in the oven I added honey and brown sugar.
Behold what i created:

I'm not gonna lie. I'm kinda a baking genius (only when it comes to banana bread). And yes it tastes as good as it looks. After eating a piece I packed the rest up and brought it into the office. So far I'm a pretty popular gal this morning..
Update: The bread was a smashing success!! It's all gone!
I think you need to go to the mall in Mountain View , Ca. They have an overload hello cat whatever Japanese store there. The windows are so saturated with those beings that you get the feeling that if you turned away all of them will jump out and claw your arms and legs away.