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09/18/2008 12:05 #45724

I'm posting this picture because it may be the one and only time there is ever a picture that invloves a penthouse and myself together in the same place.

hodown - 09/18/08 21:44
I totally agree the penthouse was less than i expected. it was kinda just a large apartment with great views- not as fancy as youd think. to top it off it was a dude apartment and had like NO furniture..
tinypliny - 09/18/08 20:53
And you look awesome BTW. :)

  • wolf whistle wolf whistle*
tinypliny - 09/18/08 20:48
Yeah, I agree with (e:metalpeter), you could as well have been standing in your own house! We want more solid evidence, missy!
metalpeter - 09/18/08 20:25
I have never been in Penthouse or in a penthouse. What I read somewhere is that they don't have to be huge and fancy all the time they just have to be the top floor of a building. Hope it was a great time. If you didn't tell us it was a penthouse there would be no way to tell from this picture.
hodown - 09/18/08 17:21
PS Why does every post I ever make contain a typo?
hodown - 09/18/08 17:21
You know I thought about that after I posted this. It was more Penthouse the apartment and less Penthouse the nudie magazine. Everyone kept their clothes on despite the amount of wine and rum we consumed (FYI- don't mis the two it's gross).
matthew - 09/18/08 17:13
Like penthouse the nudie mag?

09/17/2008 23:22 #45713

Conversation on the way to the train
Me: You know [redacted] is scared her daughter will grow up to be sluts like us.

Her: Oh whatever it's 2008 people are fucking more now than back in the day. By the time she grows up people are going to be fucking WAY more.

Me: Yeah let's not let her know that.

09/17/2008 17:52 #45710

He never fails to make me feel better. No matter what he always has a joke or funny story for me. It's kinda like a long distance hug talking to him.

Also I want him to join Facebook. If I have to be on it so does he. BFF rules dictate that whatever one person does the other person has to do too.


  • Ok terrible picture, but I'm clearly thrilled to be hugging him. Either that or I was reallly stoned. Either one..
hodown - 09/18/08 21:46
Thanks! This was taken in San Fran when we were in vaca with Matt. BFF= Best Friends Forever which alludes to the fact that I've forced Paul to be my best friend since we were youngsters..
tinypliny - 09/18/08 20:51
Are you kidding?! That's such a charming picture!!

And what is "BFF". For the love of all that is non-abbreviated, please people, don't use abbreviations!! They drive me nuts trying to figure them out!

09/15/2008 20:27 #45692

Reasons why I continue to hate humanity
1. When I have my ipod on I can't hear you. Also I don't want to hear you. Don't talk to me. There's a reason I have my music on and it's so I don't have to speak to you.

2. Little passive aggressive notes.

    Note A from the couple upstairs: Please clean lint trap throughly and dispose of all litter in the rubbish can. I have so many problems with this note. #1 Rubbish? Are you english? No you're not so call it a garbage can like the rest of America. #2 Since there are only 2 people who use the dryer clearly this note is aimed at me. Why not just mention it when we say "Hi" on the street? If there is in the trap they clean it out and place it in my box if dryer sheets. That makes me just put it back on the dryer. Don't be douchy like that.

    Note B is from my landlord and placed on the front door: If you receive any unwanted mail please be kind and place in recycle bin. Again I believe this note is aimed at me. What happens is since we don't have mail boxes they pile the mail by apartment. For some reason all the mail addressed to randoms and every take out menu is placed in my pile. I just take my mail and leave the rest behind. Sorry but if you're the landlord then you're dealing with the left over mail, not me.

I seriously deal so much better if people just come out and tell me if they have an issue. If you feel like notes are the way to deal, then I ignore them.

3. Bitches with huge effing bags that they don't pull close to them on rush hour trains. Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize your bag needed to dig into my back the entire train ride.

4. People who get to the front of the line an don't have their money ready. Come on, it's not a surprise you're about to make a purchase.

    To expound upon this at my bodega people never put their baskets back.     They leave them on the counter so the cashier has to step out from behind     the counter, return the basket, get back behind the count and then ring up     the next purchase. The basket pile is RIGHT NEXT to the counter. How hard     is it?

Ok that concludes my angry New Yorker Rant for the day..
paul - 09/15/08 22:57
  1. x. why do you live in NYC, it sounds like it is going to make you crazy.
tiburon1724 - 09/15/08 22:47
Re: #4, as someone who works in the retail industry, I have to assure people that our cashiers are fast, it's the customers who slow things down. The customers are the reason the lines get long! I can have my end of your transaction completed in seconds. You have to dig for your card, figure out how to use the credit card reader, do it wrong, try again....or find your check book, write a check (WHY do people still write checks?!?!?!?!), take your time packing your purse back up.... etc etc argh.

09/15/2008 12:41 #45687

Yeah I'm saying it
Remember Mr. Eau du Fromage? The dude who sent me cheese from France? Well we have a very flirty rapport. And I kinda heart him and his bald head.

Anyways, last time we spoke I told him I was bitter and sad. He was like "Great working with you is going to be a lot of fun in the next few weeks cause you were already kinda a bitch." We had a good laugh and joked about how [title of show] was a relationship killer (side note: he knows another girl who went to see this with her bf and they broke up the next day).

Fast forward to today which is the first time I've seen him in a few weeks.

His first words were "Don't yell at me because I didn't say hi, you were on the phone."

I then said "Your tie looks like it came from salvation army circa 1973."

He replies "Someone has a case of the Monday's."

Oh offices. You crack me up so much.
metalpeter - 09/15/08 19:49
I have to say that is one reason why I would like to live in NYC. Yes all the really monster hits do come to Buffalo eventuly but it would be nice to go to a Broadway or maybe even off Broadway show. I do like musicals but of course weather it be a Movie or Play it has to be something I can relate or at least have great music.
hodown - 09/15/08 15:13
Well he works on b'way and for the record I took HIM to the show and out to dinner for his bday..
jason - 09/15/08 15:10
Ahhh, alright, alright. A relationship killer? I wonder how many poor bastards thought they were doing something nice by bringing their girlfriends to a musical!

At the risk of damaging my pristine rep as a hard ass man's man, I like musicals now and again. Maybe even really like. Just remind me to not bring a girlfriend to this one!!
hodown - 09/15/08 14:42
Ha ha, no it's actually [title of show] a b'way musical. it's really good!
jason - 09/15/08 14:39
Oh yeah, and I would have to see Atomic Commando 5 first because of the relationship killer thing.
jason - 09/15/08 14:38
Sex and the City? Is that the relationship killer? The only way I would have ever agreed to see that movie is with a binding contract that requires her to reciprocate, coming with me to see Atomic Commando 5.