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Hodown's Journal

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09/22/2008 13:21 #45757

My new obsession
Mad Men. The writing and character development is so amazing. And visually it's stunning. It helps that it also includes my one true love Manhattan.

Also included:

sex (often in the form of tawdry affairs)

alcohol (either straight up in highball glasses or charming cocktails that my grandparents drank)

smoking (it's gross, but I kinda love it after a drink or sex). So yeah it's awesome.

That being said it also includes my newest girl crush.
She's everything I want to be:


tinypliny - 09/22/08 20:30
She looks like my friend at Roswell. A lot. Too much, in fact.
heidi - 09/22/08 18:41
Oh, I forgot to add that the show is actually good. Great character development as well as excellent design.
heidi - 09/22/08 18:39
Yeah, she's gorgeous. Is it possible to have a real life bra like that??
hodown - 09/22/08 17:12
See not even you Mr. Jason can resist the lure of hot Joan (her name on the show).

It's on AMC (who knew?)but you can get season 1 through netflix and season 2 through itunes. Not sure about HD. I'm kinda a luddite when it comes to TVs.

Re: Scientology. I don't want to even know. It'll make me sad. My guess is either The lead male (Don Hamm or something) or his wife January/Betty..
jason - 09/22/08 17:08
Hmm. You know what, I'm warming up to Miss Redhead here. She is a pretty girl. She isn't a scientologist, but another cast member is! I'm not telling which one.

Oh, and what channel is the show on? Is it on in HD?

hodown - 09/22/08 16:54
I totally understand not her not being your type- but I'm still totally in love with her.

However the seediness- YES!

I agree re: things being the same. I mean to a certain extend the sexism was more blantent then. It's more understated now- but it's still there. And for the record I'm all for it if it helps me get ahead aka sleeping my way to the top..
jason - 09/22/08 16:15
Hmm, interesting show. I really couldn't care less about the design aspect of it, or for the design aspect of much of anything else really. I also don't particularly care for this redhead you've posted for us, just not my type. She's probably a Scientologist anyway.

However, the dirty seediness of it sounds exciting. Booze, cigarettes and affairs? Count me in! I wish these meddling government pussies would let me smoke at the desk and mind their own beeswax. A guy's got to relieve some stress!

Interesting how the series creator apparently wrote about the "difference" between that time and now. Depending on who you ask, America is 110% the same. One similarity I do notice, a guy can easily get away with being a womanizer if he's got the right bank account and connections.
matthew - 09/22/08 15:24
I've never seen the show before, but I did see her last night on the Emmys in an amazing emerald dress and thought "who IS that?".
matthew - 09/22/08 15:21
she is so pretty.
james - 09/22/08 14:47
Me too.
jim - 09/22/08 14:21
I keep meaning to check this out, I hear nothing but good things.

09/19/2008 11:58 #45729

Maybe it's time for AA?
It's not yet noon and people in my office are making happy hour plans.

Of course I agreed to go. I figure now that I'm single and in my cougar years I should be on the prowl.

tinypliny - 09/19/08 20:00
What is a cougar year? Like if you are 30, its 75 in cougar years?
paul - 09/19/08 13:59
You are in not in your cougar years, lol. Jesus, how old do you think we are.
jason - 09/19/08 13:23
Sheeit, I thought about what I want to drink today WELL before noon.

09/18/2008 12:05 #45724

I'm posting this picture because it may be the one and only time there is ever a picture that invloves a penthouse and myself together in the same place.

hodown - 09/18/08 21:44
I totally agree the penthouse was less than i expected. it was kinda just a large apartment with great views- not as fancy as youd think. to top it off it was a dude apartment and had like NO furniture..
tinypliny - 09/18/08 20:53
And you look awesome BTW. :)

  • wolf whistle wolf whistle*
tinypliny - 09/18/08 20:48
Yeah, I agree with (e:metalpeter), you could as well have been standing in your own house! We want more solid evidence, missy!
metalpeter - 09/18/08 20:25
I have never been in Penthouse or in a penthouse. What I read somewhere is that they don't have to be huge and fancy all the time they just have to be the top floor of a building. Hope it was a great time. If you didn't tell us it was a penthouse there would be no way to tell from this picture.
hodown - 09/18/08 17:21
PS Why does every post I ever make contain a typo?
hodown - 09/18/08 17:21
You know I thought about that after I posted this. It was more Penthouse the apartment and less Penthouse the nudie magazine. Everyone kept their clothes on despite the amount of wine and rum we consumed (FYI- don't mis the two it's gross).
matthew - 09/18/08 17:13
Like penthouse the nudie mag?

09/17/2008 23:22 #45713

Conversation on the way to the train
Me: You know [redacted] is scared her daughter will grow up to be sluts like us.

Her: Oh whatever it's 2008 people are fucking more now than back in the day. By the time she grows up people are going to be fucking WAY more.

Me: Yeah let's not let her know that.

09/17/2008 17:52 #45710

He never fails to make me feel better. No matter what he always has a joke or funny story for me. It's kinda like a long distance hug talking to him.

Also I want him to join Facebook. If I have to be on it so does he. BFF rules dictate that whatever one person does the other person has to do too.


  • Ok terrible picture, but I'm clearly thrilled to be hugging him. Either that or I was reallly stoned. Either one..
hodown - 09/18/08 21:46
Thanks! This was taken in San Fran when we were in vaca with Matt. BFF= Best Friends Forever which alludes to the fact that I've forced Paul to be my best friend since we were youngsters..
tinypliny - 09/18/08 20:51
Are you kidding?! That's such a charming picture!!

And what is "BFF". For the love of all that is non-abbreviated, please people, don't use abbreviations!! They drive me nuts trying to figure them out!