Remember Mr. Eau du Fromage? The dude who sent me cheese from France? Well we have a very flirty rapport. And I kinda heart him and his bald head.
Anyways, last time we spoke I told him I was bitter and sad. He was like "Great working with you is going to be a lot of fun in the next few weeks cause you were already kinda a bitch." We had a good laugh and joked about how [title of show] was a relationship killer (side note: he knows another girl who went to see this with her bf and they broke up the next day).
Fast forward to today which is the first time I've seen him in a few weeks.
His first words were "Don't yell at me because I didn't say hi, you were on the phone."
I then said "Your tie looks like it came from salvation army circa 1973."
He replies "Someone has a case of the Monday's."
Oh offices. You crack me up so much.
Hodown's Journal
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09/15/2008 12:41 #45687
Yeah I'm saying it09/14/2008 21:18 #45683
90210Who would have ever thought that I'd find wisdom in a trashy TV show (ok I totally could see finding wisdom, me and Mike could. But for the general public I'm sure they don't look to 90210 for sage advice).
I quote:
"The best way to get over a break up is a hook up."
So maybe it's time to slut it up a bit? If 90210 says it, it must be right..
I quote:
"The best way to get over a break up is a hook up."
So maybe it's time to slut it up a bit? If 90210 says it, it must be right..
09/11/2008 11:02 #45637
YesterdayAfter work yesterday I was making my way home to JC so I could attend the cocktail party at a co-workers penthouse apartment. So I get to the PATH train station and I see the asshole who groped me 2.5 weeks ago. Last conversation I had with the detective who was handling my case was "You didn't call us back when we had the guy, we had to let him go. Call us if you see him again."
So who do I see waiting for the train at 23rd Street? I get on the train and have the conductor call a PATH cop. I'll admit it was kinda embarassing being like "um mr conductor blah blah can you call a cop?". However I was determined to get this jerk. The train goes to the next stop, they hold the train and like 10 cops show up. The guy resists arrest, so they cuff him and take him to a cop car. Then I get taken to this weird secret room in the PATH station until they can figure out what to do with the guy. I guess the problem is the crime happened in Jerz, but they had him in NYC and it would be some sort of extradition issue. Long story short he had MULTIPLE warrants in NYC and was going right to jail.
I'm so glad that I followed through with this whole situation. I really do not feel it's ok to just feel people up if you want to. It's a big problem in large cities for women, everyone I know has a story about some scum bag doing this to her. It really pisses me off.
Basically moral of the story is:
-There are weird secret rooms in train tunnels.
-Transit cops are hot and will flirt with you (one gave me his number!)
-Don't fuck with me because I will crush you (ok thats a bit dramatic, but still)
-Penthouse apartments aren't all you'd think/hope they'd be (yes, I still went to the party afterwards. I mean I needed a drink).
So who do I see waiting for the train at 23rd Street? I get on the train and have the conductor call a PATH cop. I'll admit it was kinda embarassing being like "um mr conductor blah blah can you call a cop?". However I was determined to get this jerk. The train goes to the next stop, they hold the train and like 10 cops show up. The guy resists arrest, so they cuff him and take him to a cop car. Then I get taken to this weird secret room in the PATH station until they can figure out what to do with the guy. I guess the problem is the crime happened in Jerz, but they had him in NYC and it would be some sort of extradition issue. Long story short he had MULTIPLE warrants in NYC and was going right to jail.
I'm so glad that I followed through with this whole situation. I really do not feel it's ok to just feel people up if you want to. It's a big problem in large cities for women, everyone I know has a story about some scum bag doing this to her. It really pisses me off.
Basically moral of the story is:
-There are weird secret rooms in train tunnels.
-Transit cops are hot and will flirt with you (one gave me his number!)
-Don't fuck with me because I will crush you (ok thats a bit dramatic, but still)
-Penthouse apartments aren't all you'd think/hope they'd be (yes, I still went to the party afterwards. I mean I needed a drink).
tinypliny - 09/11/08 12:56
Nice! Way to go! I am so glad you helped put the creep away.
Nice! Way to go! I am so glad you helped put the creep away.
09/10/2008 16:44 #45628
KindnessSo I know I'm back to hating the world/humanity- but every now and then there are people who make me almost retract that.
We have a guy in our office who is french and also has a general distain for people, but for some reason he has taken a liking to a few people in our office. Apparently I'm one of them. After my week from hell he asked about me frequently and makes a point now and then to see how I'm doing. There's a get together tonight in JC that both him and I are going to and he made a point to say that he looks forward to seeing me and having a drink.
I guess I'm just suprised that he's been so kind to me. It kinda gives me warm fuzzies.
We have a guy in our office who is french and also has a general distain for people, but for some reason he has taken a liking to a few people in our office. Apparently I'm one of them. After my week from hell he asked about me frequently and makes a point now and then to see how I'm doing. There's a get together tonight in JC that both him and I are going to and he made a point to say that he looks forward to seeing me and having a drink.
I guess I'm just suprised that he's been so kind to me. It kinda gives me warm fuzzies.
tinypliny - 09/10/08 20:15
Totally unrelated but there is this bloke who works further down the hallway from me (not in my department). He always drops by to say Hi in a most enthusiastic way. That was weird at first but now he has recruited two of his friends to do the same. Now all three of them turn and say hi and give me enormous smiles. They don't do this to any others in the corridor. I wonder if they find me funny or something... Hmmm..
Totally unrelated but there is this bloke who works further down the hallway from me (not in my department). He always drops by to say Hi in a most enthusiastic way. That was weird at first but now he has recruited two of his friends to do the same. Now all three of them turn and say hi and give me enormous smiles. They don't do this to any others in the corridor. I wonder if they find me funny or something... Hmmm..
09/09/2008 12:54 #45615
Norwegian WoodI just finished the book Norwegian Wood by Murakami. I higly suggest you read this book if you like Hemmingway/Fitzgerald. I'm a huge fan of books/movies that have a sense of longing and sadness through out them. With all books that I love I couldn't put it down and am sad that I've finished it.
Ok this is turning out to be a terrible book review. I think I need time to digest it before I can talk about it.
That being said I now need a new book to read. Suggestions?
Ok this is turning out to be a terrible book review. I think I need time to digest it before I can talk about it.
That being said I now need a new book to read. Suggestions?
terry - 09/09/08 22:15
I also enjoyed Norwegian Wood. I really like Murakami's style of alternating reality with fantasy-you never quite know where to draw the line between the two, or whether such a line exists...
In a similar kind of way, Shelly Jackson's Half Life (which I am about halfway through) is turning out to be a great read. The Melancholy of Anatomy which is inter-related short stories is also a really neat whimsical ride. Check her out: :::link:::
I also enjoyed Norwegian Wood. I really like Murakami's style of alternating reality with fantasy-you never quite know where to draw the line between the two, or whether such a line exists...
In a similar kind of way, Shelly Jackson's Half Life (which I am about halfway through) is turning out to be a great read. The Melancholy of Anatomy which is inter-related short stories is also a really neat whimsical ride. Check her out: :::link:::
tinypliny - 09/09/08 18:56
If you need a light irreverent thoroughly crazy laugh-out-loud read, I STRONGLY recommend James Thurber's "My Life and Hard Times". Posted some chapters of the book here: :::link:::
Check it out. :)
If you need a light irreverent thoroughly crazy laugh-out-loud read, I STRONGLY recommend James Thurber's "My Life and Hard Times". Posted some chapters of the book here: :::link:::
Check it out. :)
matthew - 09/09/08 13:17
I just finished Asylum by Patrick McGrath :::link::: . It first seemed like it was going to be a seedy romance (which is why i started it) but quickly turned out to be a Gothic thriller (which is why i LOVED it). I think you might like as well. Quick read.
I just finished Asylum by Patrick McGrath :::link::: . It first seemed like it was going to be a seedy romance (which is why i started it) but quickly turned out to be a Gothic thriller (which is why i LOVED it). I think you might like as well. Quick read.
mrmike - 09/09/08 13:13
The Crossing by Cormac McCarthy. I'm reading it now, not sure where it is taking me, but I'm enjoying the ride.
The Crossing by Cormac McCarthy. I'm reading it now, not sure where it is taking me, but I'm enjoying the ride.
I have to say that is one reason why I would like to live in NYC. Yes all the really monster hits do come to Buffalo eventuly but it would be nice to go to a Broadway or maybe even off Broadway show. I do like musicals but of course weather it be a Movie or Play it has to be something I can relate or at least have great music.
Well he works on b'way and for the record I took HIM to the show and out to dinner for his bday..
Ahhh, alright, alright. A relationship killer? I wonder how many poor bastards thought they were doing something nice by bringing their girlfriends to a musical!
At the risk of damaging my pristine rep as a hard ass man's man, I like musicals now and again. Maybe even really like. Just remind me to not bring a girlfriend to this one!!
Ha ha, no it's actually [title of show] a b'way musical. it's really good!
Oh yeah, and I would have to see Atomic Commando 5 first because of the relationship killer thing.
Sex and the City? Is that the relationship killer? The only way I would have ever agreed to see that movie is with a binding contract that requires her to reciprocate, coming with me to see Atomic Commando 5.