Joey is clearly the Justin Timberlake of the group. If anyone is going to bring the sexy back it's Joey. Jordan thinks he is going to bring the sexy back (I can tell it's what he's thinking) but he is so wrong.
Also I would still marry Jon in a heartbeat. I love the quiet dorks.
Donny was wearing sunglasses. I'd like to thank him for that. You can see pictures of him in my previous blogs

Danny. Eh. He doesn't make me cringe, but I still don't want to make out with him. Unless, I was really drunk and somehow it involved me getting a new dress or something, but I'm pretty sure that falls under the prostitute category. So yeah, no Donny make outs.
Jonathan is the bestest! Me, (e:mk) , and (e:jill) are going to see them in Cleveland next month! I CAN'T WAIT!
I remember they sang a Happy Birthday song back in the day.
I'll totally arm-wrestle you for Jon! I've been hot for him since I was, like, 10! And is it just me, or has Danny, as a result of the tattoos, gotten hotter? He always looked like a hairless "Planet of Apes" character (and I'm not talking young Charleton Heston!) to me... I don't know... Alas, unless he was really charming, I also would not sleep with him, however.