You can't totally see, but it gives you the general idea.
PS (e:lilho) i used the non fang tooth side just for you. Well you and (e:paul). I know you two talk shit about it all the time.
tinypliny - 09/04/08 20:07 I think you have lovely teeth. Mine look like they came directly from Order Lagomorpha.
09/04/2008 12:47 #45565
I'm not going to lie, I love them. Even in their older, clearly sad, state of being. I just found out they played a concert this morning near my office. I cried silently when I realized I missed it.
Joey is clearly the Justin Timberlake of the group. If anyone is going to bring the sexy back it's Joey. Jordan thinks he is going to bring the sexy back (I can tell it's what he's thinking) but he is so wrong.
Also I would still marry Jon in a heartbeat. I love the quiet dorks.
Donny was wearing sunglasses. I'd like to thank him for that. You can see pictures of him in my previous blogs and sadly (for him) he didn't age so well.
Danny. Eh. He doesn't make me cringe, but I still don't want to make out with him. Unless, I was really drunk and somehow it involved me getting a new dress or something, but I'm pretty sure that falls under the prostitute category. So yeah, no Donny make outs.
mike - 09/05/08 09:21 Jonathan is the bestest! Me, (e:mk) , and (e:jill) are going to see them in Cleveland next month! I CAN'T WAIT!
tinypliny - 09/04/08 19:39 I remember they sang a Happy Birthday song back in the day.
springfaerie - 09/04/08 16:16 I'll totally arm-wrestle you for Jon! I've been hot for him since I was, like, 10! And is it just me, or has Danny, as a result of the tattoos, gotten hotter? He always looked like a hairless "Planet of Apes" character (and I'm not talking young Charleton Heston!) to me... I don't know... Alas, unless he was really charming, I also would not sleep with him, however.
08/28/2008 11:18 #45483
Leaving on a jet plane
However I do know when I'll be back again (unlike the song).
I'm leaving first thing tomorrow morning for Fountain Hills, AZ I need to get out of the city, breathe some fresh air, re-center myself, maybe do some art projects with lilho, eat a gas station taco and get family hugs.
I predict this should help immensely.
Oh and happy bday Terry. I wish I was there to eat some Ben and Jerry's with you!!
terry - 08/28/08 18:50 thanks Jess...and yeah a 40 and some haagen daaz is called for...i will chug one for you!
mike - 08/28/08 13:56 why doens't that jet make a stop over in the b-lo?
08/27/2008 12:12 #45470
Birthday Cake Category: boys who suck
Ok I promise my wallowing is ALMOST over. Really though I couldn't let this thing die without posting a picture of the never eaten birthday cake that I slaved over for 3 effing hours.
I mean if he wasn't going to fawn over how amazing it was someone has to. And yes I did eat only one piece. I had to at least know if it was good or not.
Also as a side note:
Yesterday I was on my way to work, kinda crying. So I'm walking towards my building and right past me walks a man dressed as a geisha type person, little platform shoes, hat, full get up but with out any make up and no pretense that he was trying to be a tranny. No one turned a head. At that moment I was in love with New York all over again. Where else can a girl be left alone to cry as a oddly dressed man walks by and no one blinks an eye.
tinypliny - 08/27/08 19:41 I want to live in NYC at least for sometime. I should have perhaps have taken up NYU on their admission offer 3 years back but somehow at that time Rochester seemed like a better place to go. If I had gone to NYU, I would probably never have met my present advisor, never have come to Buffalo, never met you all, never had an (e:strip) account and probably never have met you (even virtually). I don't what life would have been like. I like NYC. It feels more closer to home than anything else. I might have had a completely different set of experiences. But I am not sure that I necessarily prefer one to another. I am happy that I have come to know so many people where I am and on the way to getting here. You never know what will happen tomorrow. When I was in Rochester, I used to look at UB's and Roswell's webpage weekly and drool over all the research that went on here. I still can't believe I am here, IN BUFFALO! If I had come here 3 years back, I wonder if I would have lived downtown. I probably would have been somewhere near south campus. Again, I wouldn't have had all of you as neighbours. So I guess going to Rochester had its benefits...
Off topic rambling, but I just had to put it down. I have been to NYC three time now and every time I have loved every aspect even though I was drenched and soaking wet 2/3 times, caught the wrong direction subway etc. It felt like the closest thing to being back home.
tinypliny - 08/27/08 19:32 And since nobody asked, WHAT IS THE RECIPE??? That looks AWESOME!
(Can you ship slices without them getting gross and mouldy? Do people ship cake?)
mike - 08/27/08 19:19 mmm that looks like some tasty cake you got there!
mrmike - 08/27/08 12:48 Hope the hurting is almost over. The baking, yowza, that cake looked awesome.
matthew - 08/27/08 12:47 mmmm yum. Even I'd eat a slice of that cake.
08/26/2008 11:28 #45459
Now that I stopped crying (for the most part) I think I can write about what happened.
Actually I can't. All I can say is he was amazing, but too self centered to see anything other than what he wanted to.
I feel hurt because he made it seem like it was ok to show him my feelings and emotions (which I think we all know I am adverse to doing under any circumstances). And in the end if I would have just kept my distance, like I do with everything, I would have never ended up hurt.
Normally, knowing myself, I'd be a vengful bitch and say a bunch of mean things. But in reality I have no desire to do anything other than sit on my couch and cry.
lilho - 08/26/08 20:58 ummm, yea better to have loved. maybe. i think better to eat giant brownie sundaes... heartbreak or not.
ajay - 08/26/08 16:50 "And in the end if I would have just kept my distance, like I do with everything, I would have never ended up hurt."
... no pain, no gain. One _has_ to take risks to reap the rewards.
Sorry to hear that you got hurt; but, it doesn't always end this way.
"'tis better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all" . . . .
paul - 08/26/08 12:12 lame. i want the juicy details
I think you have lovely teeth. Mine look like they came directly from Order Lagomorpha.