Ok I promise my wallowing is ALMOST over. Really though I couldn't let this thing die without posting a picture of the never eaten birthday cake that I slaved over for 3 effing hours.
I mean if he wasn't going to fawn over how amazing it was someone has to. And yes I did eat only one piece. I had to at least know if it was good or not.
Also as a side note:
Yesterday I was on my way to work, kinda crying. So I'm walking towards my building and right past me walks a man dressed as a geisha type person, little platform shoes, hat, full get up but with out any make up and no pretense that he was trying to be a tranny. No one turned a head. At that moment I was in love with New York all over again. Where else can a girl be left alone to cry as a oddly dressed man walks by and no one blinks an eye.
thanks Jess...and yeah a 40 and some haagen daaz is called for...i will chug one for you!
why doens't that jet make a stop over in the b-lo?