It was birthday cake day in the office and a coworker and I were discussing cake and she was like "oh how's [redacted]?" She had met him at a work event and we hadn't chatted since and she's a playwright and was wondering about his projects and such. I told her it didn't work out and funny she should ask while we were eating cake. I then told her the cake story (I made an awesome cake that was never eaten). Turns out she's writting a play and wants to use it in her play!! I knew somehow, somewhere that effing cake would not go to waste if it killed me. It is now famous (or at least in a play that people may or may not see for years to come).
Ok update: I sent her the picture of the cake. She wants to use it as the cover for her playbill! My cake is famous!

Just for you Paul. By popular request here is the infamous never eaten "German Chocolate 3 hour to prepare and no I'm not bitter about it cake".
PS Jason you and I are having drink fest next time I go home.
So what happened to it? Did you throw it in the trash? Gasp. Gasp.
why couldn't you have sent it to me???? i would have eaten that entire mofo, and loved you so much for it!
Post a picture of the cake.
Cake that doesn't get eaten? Huh? A girl makes me anything and it's getting inhaled pronto. Unless it has mayo. I've done the buy the girl a cake and end up eating it by yourself thing though.
Pastry fame!