Our company annual Golf Outing. I organize it. I find it amusing that I'm the one who does this considering I have zero idea about golf. I mean I used to play in Buffalo, but that was a lifetime ago. Anyway every year we have it at a different club. 2 years ago was the best when I was quarantined to a small room, because I was not a member, while everyone else played for 4.5 hours. This year the club is a tad more leinant (or so they say) and apparently I'll be allowed to roam about. I was looking over the club rules to determine what I need to wear (2 changes of clothes- one outfit for registration and one for dinner- just call me fashion golf barbie). As I was looking at the Club rules I came across this which I found hillarious and utterly pretentious:
20. Honoring of the club rules will enable the entire membership to enjoy life at woodcrest at its' highest social level.
I copied that exactly. They are all about the "highest social level" yet they don't capitalize the name of their own club?
Anyway, expect lots of blogging tomorrow if they do indeed have wifi as I'll be bored out of my mind.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/22/2008 17:39 #46252
It's that time of year again10/21/2008 16:07 #46236
Guitar HeroA new Guitar Hero is about to be released. I was reading about it on cnn and saw this quote:
Why did you add a beginner level?
KH: Our whole objective with "Guitar Hero" is to make it as broadly accessible as possible. By adding this beginner mode, we can get even young kids, who are 5, 6, 7 and who maybe can't coordinate pressing a button on the guitar and strumming at the same time. . .to make it really easy for them. All they have to do is strum
Me: Uh beginner level is for 6 yr olds? That's the only level I can sorta play on. Really I'm not even good at that level. Embarassing.
Why did you add a beginner level?
KH: Our whole objective with "Guitar Hero" is to make it as broadly accessible as possible. By adding this beginner mode, we can get even young kids, who are 5, 6, 7 and who maybe can't coordinate pressing a button on the guitar and strumming at the same time. . .to make it really easy for them. All they have to do is strum
Me: Uh beginner level is for 6 yr olds? That's the only level I can sorta play on. Really I'm not even good at that level. Embarassing.
lilho - 10/23/08 00:13
please send NOW! thanx.
please send NOW! thanx.
gardenmama - 10/21/08 21:22
Oh, I'm so dreadfully "out of it" I've never even played.
Oh, I'm so dreadfully "out of it" I've never even played.
joshua - 10/21/08 18:41
Yeah, pretty much... it is totally legitimate to supplement the skill level with attitude - fuck faces, nerding out, stomping around the living room with the guitar up in the air, etc. Typical rock stuff.
Yeah, pretty much... it is totally legitimate to supplement the skill level with attitude - fuck faces, nerding out, stomping around the living room with the guitar up in the air, etc. Typical rock stuff.
jason - 10/21/08 16:30
Our friend is sort of shitty at Guitar Hero, but he is getting better. You can make up for a crap performance by elevating the style, for example having a mean ass, awesome rock sneer on your face while playing. I love Guitar Hero!
Our friend is sort of shitty at Guitar Hero, but he is getting better. You can make up for a crap performance by elevating the style, for example having a mean ass, awesome rock sneer on your face while playing. I love Guitar Hero!
hodown - 10/21/08 16:21
My self esteem thanks you for that.
Exactly why Rock Band is being shipped off to lilho. I want no more of the musician scene.
My self esteem thanks you for that.
Exactly why Rock Band is being shipped off to lilho. I want no more of the musician scene.
joshua - 10/21/08 16:18
I shred. Sort of.
I shred. Sort of.
10/17/2008 09:50 #46156
SadTom left this morning we said goodbye and I cired. I'm not sure why. Now I'm kinda sad.
hodown - 10/17/08 15:20
I think gardenmama is right. It was weird seeing him this week. And as he was hugging me he kept calling me Jess which is what he does when he's having a moment w me. He kept telling me things would get better which was touching. Ugh dudes. Such emotional problems they cause..
I think gardenmama is right. It was weird seeing him this week. And as he was hugging me he kept calling me Jess which is what he does when he's having a moment w me. He kept telling me things would get better which was touching. Ugh dudes. Such emotional problems they cause..
gardenmama - 10/17/08 11:20
As weird as it is, I think sometimes there's actually a certain sadness in the realization that you're over someone. You hope and wait and pray for it, but when it finally happens, there's sort of a "lost dream" effect.
As weird as it is, I think sometimes there's actually a certain sadness in the realization that you're over someone. You hope and wait and pray for it, but when it finally happens, there's sort of a "lost dream" effect.
hodown - 10/17/08 09:59
That's the thing I AM over him. I have zero desire to make out with him. I think all hugs make me cry now.
That's the thing I AM over him. I have zero desire to make out with him. I think all hugs make me cry now.
lilho - 10/17/08 09:59
i agree.
i agree.
paul - 10/17/08 09:54
And a little bit insane. You need to get over him.
And a little bit insane. You need to get over him.
10/15/2008 15:13 #46128
Travel in StyleMy boss's husband just called me. He bought me a FIRST CLASS roundtrip ticket to Arizona for Christmas. Sweet!

This is the third time I've flown there 1st class. A few other times I've gone business. What happens when the Depression hits and I'm forced to travel by Grayhound bus? It's like the Seinfeld episode where Jerry tells Elaine she has to fly coach because she's never flown 1st class and he has. Once you travel in style it's hard to slum it again.

This is the third time I've flown there 1st class. A few other times I've gone business. What happens when the Depression hits and I'm forced to travel by Grayhound bus? It's like the Seinfeld episode where Jerry tells Elaine she has to fly coach because she's never flown 1st class and he has. Once you travel in style it's hard to slum it again.
- Update: I just reviewed the ticket and noticed on a 5 hour flight they only give you a snack even if you're in 1st class? WTF? I mean granted last time I flew the meal they served was beyond disgusting looking (I say "looking" because I didn't even bother to take a meal it was so gross). Still, for that kinda cash I expect them to at least make the effort to offer me a meal. Looks like I'll be on the all liquid diet (the one thing they haven't done away with is the free unlimited booze in first class).
mrmike - 10/15/08 16:49
The airlines have their own special way of making Quiznos seem appetizing. I flew "first class" last month and it is a shell of its former self. The non-alcoholic stuff was so penny pinched the containers of juice and water reminded me of snack packs and not in a good way.
The airlines have their own special way of making Quiznos seem appetizing. I flew "first class" last month and it is a shell of its former self. The non-alcoholic stuff was so penny pinched the containers of juice and water reminded me of snack packs and not in a good way.
tinypliny - 10/15/08 15:56
I take the concept of "short" to a new abyss, so legspace means nothing to me. Since I apparently look like I am a spoilt kid, I always get handed extra toffees and biscuits. I don't necessarily do anything to rid the flight attendants of this deception (including speaking too much when they are around).
In the one flight that Delta completely messed up, they "compensated" by bumping me up to first class after a delay of 24 hours. I was agonizing so much about missing the meeting I was supposed to be at that none of the "special meals" (read: sunchips instead of peanuts) offered any consolation. But I did note what the "specialness" entitled me to -- an extra 99 Cents of chip fun.
Now with the "no special meals offered", I guess its better to carry a bundle of chips packets instead of selling your souls... er.. I mean cramped legs to the airlines.
I take the concept of "short" to a new abyss, so legspace means nothing to me. Since I apparently look like I am a spoilt kid, I always get handed extra toffees and biscuits. I don't necessarily do anything to rid the flight attendants of this deception (including speaking too much when they are around).
In the one flight that Delta completely messed up, they "compensated" by bumping me up to first class after a delay of 24 hours. I was agonizing so much about missing the meeting I was supposed to be at that none of the "special meals" (read: sunchips instead of peanuts) offered any consolation. But I did note what the "specialness" entitled me to -- an extra 99 Cents of chip fun.
Now with the "no special meals offered", I guess its better to carry a bundle of chips packets instead of selling your souls... er.. I mean cramped legs to the airlines.
10/14/2008 14:30 #46112
Work crushOk email flirtation is one of my all time favorite ways to pass time at work. My work crush is totally indulging this and it's not helping my crush situation.
He cc'd me on an email requesting an iphone because I had given him some tips on how to finesse one out of IT. My route to an iphone didn't work and below is the email trail that ensued:
From: Ho, Jessica
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 1:12 PM
To: [redacted]
Subject: RE: iPhone
Thanks for rubbing my incompetence in.
Also the golf trinkets are on their way for delivery tomorrow.
Then he sent:
At least you have cool headbands....
[redacted], Source of Jessica Ho's current angst
He cc'd me on an email requesting an iphone because I had given him some tips on how to finesse one out of IT. My route to an iphone didn't work and below is the email trail that ensued:
From: Ho, Jessica
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 1:12 PM
To: [redacted]
Subject: RE: iPhone
Thanks for rubbing my incompetence in.
Also the golf trinkets are on their way for delivery tomorrow.
Then he sent:
At least you have cool headbands....
[redacted], Source of Jessica Ho's current angst
- OMG he totally loves my adorable headband as much as I do. Or at least he pretends to (either one is fine with me). And he's started sending me morning updates on his day. Sigh..
and did they really spell 'its' wrong, too? highest social level, my ass! heh.
That is ridiculous! If anyone needed it, I do have a complete listing of all the members of a certain prestigious club in buffalo complete with addresses and home phone numbers.
Why do you need to do this hideous thing anyway? Just boycott the hell out of it! Go on your own personal picnic.