11/05/2008 11:15 #46552
Obama CakesEmily made seriously delicious Obama cupcakes. She was the belle of the bar.
11/05/2008 10:26 #46548
And now on to fun things about me..The whole message function on estrip always throws me off. I forget about it and then I realize I have a million messages. It's kinda exciting. Like when your mom forgets she has one last Christmas present for you after youre done opening them all (yes I'm still like a 6 yr old when it comes to things wrapped up with bows).
Apparently some dude left me a message about how he orginated Chillax in NYC and I met some girls he hangs out with and that's how it started in the English language. Um no. Seriously I do not believe I'm the sole orginator of this word. However, it came into being in Buffalo during my stoner years when I realized that chilling out and relaxing were my two favorite activities and when combined you could "Chillax". BTW- if you've never chillaxed try it. You'll never be the same.
Also, I broke my 4th pair of ear buds for the year. What the hell am I doing wrong that I manage to go through $500 worth of ear buds a year? I'm now down to using my Bose sound reduction headphones. Normally I only break them out on airplanes. It's awesome to use them but they present some issues:
They reduce all sound. Including the sound of rapists sneaking up behind you at 2am when you're walking home.
They reduce the sound on the train (seemingly great) except when the person behind you is trying to pass by and you can't hear them say "excuse me" and then you're an asshole for not moving.
They are huge and over the ear. My one friend has this whole thing about how you don't need headphones that big unless you're a DJ. I'm not a DJ.
Looks like I'm going to need to head over the the Apple Store and browse for some new ear buds, again. Sigh..
11/05/2008 10:15 #46547
Yes We Can!Ok so yay Obama. Really thought there's nothing I can say that everyone hasn't already said. It was moving and exciting and today I love America. So one last thing: For me personally the single most awe inspiring thing about this election is that no matter how people felt or who they voted for they actually cared about the future of our country.
I went to an election party and as soon as my friend posts pictures I'll steal them from Flicker and post them here.
11/04/2008 15:36 #46519
Hip Hip HorrayHere's to the fact that
(e:lilho) went her first day with out a dressing on her MERSA wound.
Everyone should send her well wishes!
11/04/2008 11:16 #46509
VoteI voted this morning. I haven't felt so proud of our country in a very long time. The line was around the block of people waiting to vote. No matter who you vote for I think it's so important to participate in the voting process.
I'm going to be glued to NPR all day (much to my cubemate's dismay). I actually have a knot in my stomach.
This may be a xanax kinda day. Ok not really, but I am really excited to watch Wolf on tv tonight with the returns!!
Very cool!!
Now that's what I call a balanced diet!
Damn that is what my night was missing last night! I had vegan cakes...yum! I also had cocktail wieners wrapped in bacon.