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09/07/2008 15:27 #45601

Now, you can dance like a scientologist!
Category: dance
Anatomically and pop-textually dissected for greater comprehension:

09/03/2008 18:29 #45551

Couldn't heft five gallons of water!!
Category: goals
I am on a chain-tea-addiction. To concentrate on my thesis, I find it essential to constantly chug some sort of tea or the other. I guess I could kick the habit if I wanted to but I love tea so much, it is somewhat difficult. So now that you have an idea about the extent and scope of my tea-addiction, here's what happened.

Today morning, I drank up the last dregs of my second cuppa. To go on with the paper I was reviewing, I simply HAD TO get another cup and went to the water cooler for a refill of hot water. It was empty. As an official addict, desperation overtook annoyance and I carried a five-gallon tank of water from the storage room to the cooler. But I couldn't heft it on to the cooler! A lady I know from another division came strolling by and, in one fluid motion, hefted the five-gallon tank on to the cooler base, around four feet off the ground. I got my tea. But I am so annoyed that I let a five-gallon tank defeat me.

In my first year of school, I couldn't lift huge 15 kg watermelons. I got over this watermelon-lifting deficiency in my second year by hefting and eating an obscene number of watermelons. You might question my decision to eat all the watermelons I hefted but in my defence, I have to point out that you can't aimlessly heft watermelons all day around stores. They might kick you out or call the police, if you don't also buy them. Once you buy them, you cannot, in good conscience, let the watermelons rot, can you? Anyway the upshot of the whole thing is that the watermelon plan worked out. I don't blink an eye before grabbing even the most monstrous of watermelons nowadays.

I think the success of the watermelon plan indicates that I should perhaps start a water tank hefting plan and heft as many 5-gallon tanks as I possibly can. I reckon that my department gets through around 15 gallons (3 tanks) everyday. Just as the last drops of water are swirling down the tank and some desperate tea addict is making a sortie into the tank storage room, I need to be at hand to try out my hefting prowess and grab all the goodness of the five-gallon action at the right time.

Simple as this may sound I also foresee several logistic issues associated with the five-gallon plan. How will I know when a tank finishes? How will I make sure that I am right there to get the tank hefting practice and prevent people from doing it themselves? I know for sure that the lady who did it today will just as easily do it tomorrow. There would be no stopping her types. But I am willing to compromise and target the weak ones. If evolution worked in Galapagos island, I am sure it has a fair shot at success in Carlton Hall.

One of the options that might just solve the "how will I know" and the "right time" hurdles would be to scrawl my phone number right under the "for department use only" tag on the wall behind the cooler. I suppose the weak targets would also need an additional threatening note packed with dire consequences if they didn't call the number and attempted to replace the tank themselves.

Yeah, I think I have the five-gallon tank situation under control now. Thanks for listening. :)
springfaerie - 09/07/08 18:04
Copious cups of Tetley British Blend is how I made it through grad. school. There's actually been a study done that says that people who drink tea are better able to cope with stress, something about some compound in it which does it. There were days where it felt like all I drank was tea but it did keep me sane!
metalpeter - 09/03/08 19:44
I have lifted those before in the past and they where heavy. I think the problem who have (e:Tiny) is that one of them may out weigh you, HA and one of them might be taller then you, HA. But seriously for a second how heavy or the size of someone is a factor into how much they can lift. Not to mention once you get the water jug up you have to have the control of it to set it in the machine. I wish you luck on you hauling water just be careful, that would be one messed up accident report plus then people sliding on the water all over the floor could cause more, kidding. On a side note you people sure go through a lot of water.
heidi - 09/03/08 19:24
<grin> I don't think you should worry about that - i think your analysis of the relative costs is correct.
tinypliny - 09/03/08 19:14
I drink tap water all the time! It's only when I need hot water for tea that I use the water cooler. I figured heating regular tap water with the microwave would take just as much energy as the cooler's ready to serve hot-water or perhaps more. But your observation is making me kind of uncomfortable. Maybe my tea addiction is costing the world a lot more than I want it to? :/

I am just about 5ft so I should be able to heft to 4ft!! No excuses there! :D
heidi - 09/03/08 18:52
There may be a limit on your ability to heft 5 gal. water jugs just due to your size, tiny, esp. if the dispenser too high for you.

Uh... doesn't anyone use tap water 'round here??? it's way cheaper and has a much much smaller carbon footprint...

08/31/2008 13:16 #45523

Happy Birthday, Mike! Did you know...
Category: e:strip
museumchick - 09/02/08 12:35
That's so cool! I hope you had a great birthday, Mike!
metalpeter - 08/31/08 18:13
Well Happy Birthday to Mike. Oh yeah and that cake picture is awesome.
libertad - 08/31/08 13:32
That is so cute!
mike - 08/31/08 13:31
that is the coolest thing I have ever seen. I feel like my last comment did not give enough credit to how awesome that is! THANKS!
mike - 08/31/08 13:22
haha! THANKS!!!! i hope there is lots of exhilarating fun this year!!!

08/28/2008 17:00 #45487

Acrylic Sheets Disposal?
Category: carbon neutral
Can anyone tell me where people might get rid of around 70 pounds of Acrylic Sheet that was formerly used for covering a greenhouse?

Someone in my department is re-roofing his greenhouse and would like to get rid of the old roofing responsibly - ideas anyone?

tiburon1724 - 08/31/08 19:54
yeah I sent a msg to Buffalo Reuse about a bunch of useful stuff and they never got back to me, so I threw it out. Well, I put it at the curb and a garbage picker promptly got it.
james - 08/31/08 18:21
Buffalo Reuse would love it.
jim - 08/31/08 18:05
Burn it!
chico - 08/28/08 17:01
sounds like an art installation project waiting to happen but i don't know anyone who works with that medium

08/28/2008 02:45 #45480

Remarkable Regenerative Research
Category: science
It's a glorious day for regenerative medicine today. Researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Harvard) reported in Nature that they have managed to convert adult enzyme-producing pancreatic cells into insulin-producing beta cells in living mice.

Here's the direct abstract:

One goal of regenerative medicine is to instructively convert adult cells into other cell types for tissue repair and regeneration. Although isolated examples of adult cell reprogramming are known, there is no general understanding of how to turn one cell type into another in a controlled manner. Here, using a strategy of re-expressing key developmental regulators in vivo, we identify a specific combination of three transcription factors (Ngn3 (also known as Neurog3) Pdx1 and Mafa) that reprograms differentiated pancreatic exocrine cells in adult mice into cells that closely resemble beta-cells. The induced beta-cells are indistinguishable from endogenous islet beta-cells in size, shape and ultrastructure. They express genes essential for beta-cell function and can ameliorate hyperglycaemia by remodelling local vasculature and secreting insulin. This study provides an example of cellular reprogramming using defined factors in an adult organ and suggests a general paradigm for directing cell reprogramming without reversion to a pluripotent stem cell state.

It's an amazing and important breakthrough because the prevalent idea in medical research is that:
a) Cells go from an undifferentiated embryonic state to a highly differentiated specialized state.
b) Once the cells commit to a specialized state, they cannot de-differentiate or revert back into an embryonic state anymore.
c) Highly specialized cells are thus imprisoned in their narrow specialized roles and cannot convert into other specialized cells

This was the basic reason why we thought that we needed exclusively stem cells or embryonic cells from fetuses to carry out research into generating specialized cells of our choice. We believed that only embryonic cells had the potency to transform into other cells. The Harvard scientists converted a regular pancreatic exocrine cell that usually secretes digestive pancreatic enzymes to an endocrine pancreatic cell that secretes insulin! This topples the whole belief-cart that only embryonic cells can do this.

I think regenerative research officially enters a new era with this cool little cellular role-reversal trick. How these scientists did it is even more fascinating. A mere THREE regulatory genes were transported into the pancreas using small vector viruses. These viruses preferentially infected the EXOCRINE cells of the pancreas and not the endocrine cells (that are found inside "islets" of the pancreas). Within ONE MONTH, the infected exocrine cells transformed into the endocrine insulin-secreting cells and they have continued to be endocrine insulin secreting cells for a complete NINE MONTHS now!


You can see the transformation in the photograph of the pancreatic tissue slice above. The red round spot is one islet (of langerhans) in the pancreas. This contains the endocrine insulin secreting cells. Within a month the same area changes to show that insulin-secreting cells have sprung up OUTSIDE the islet! One adult cell turns into another totally different adult cell!

As a simplified analogy, what they have managed to do is the cellular equivalent of turning a car (exocrine pancreatic cell) into a space-shuttle (endocrine islet cells) by just sending in three astronauts (vector-viruses) into the car to pull three levers (genes).

A couple years back, some Japanese scientists converted adult mice skin cells into stem cells but to reconvert them back into some other adult cell would have required a lot more manipulation. Considering the analogy above, it would be like converting the car into scrap metal first and then thinking about how to convert the scrap metal into the space shuttle. Do-able but yet, a step too many. This past experiment by the Japanese generated keys ideas for the Harvard group:

a) Relatively small number of genes could do the trick.
b) If the parent cell and the target cell shared a lot of common genes then maybe, just maybe the parent cell would directly convert into the target cell (and it did!).

They carefully sorted and drilled down through more than a thousand genes to finally arrive at three (Ngn3, Pdx1, and Mafa) transcription associated genes to do the transforming job.

And remember all this was done in LIVE MICE! So what happened to the mice? Some of these mice were diabetic and the additional surge of insulin from the converted cells *reduced the blood glucose levels* in these mice! Even better news was that the converted cells have stuck around for NINE months now. Nine months of blood-glucose control WITHOUT insulin injections or any other medication.

Though this research was carried out in mice, it is quite possible that it might be possible in humans as well. Some problems that the researchers are careful to point out are:

--> A vector virus was used to carry the genes inside the pancreas. What could we possibly use in humans? We cannot use a vector virus because its a LIVING organism that can potentially transform into something else infectious! The risk is just not worth it.

--> Can we use other unrelated cells to the same effect? In other words, if we need to build, say, a heart, would we need heart cells to start with or could we do with skin cells? Could these insulin-secreting cells have been generated from some other cells - other than closely related exocrine-enzyme-secreting pancreatic cells?

Till these questions are answered, we will need stem cells, embryonic cells and research using these cells (BACK OFF. GEORGE IDIOT BUSH!). We cannot just toss them in the trash. This new approach of converting one adult cell to another is very much an unknown angel. But what an awesome angel!! Their potential is mind-boggling! :)
tinypliny - 09/01/08 20:02
Thanks for the comments. :) You encourage me to step up the science reporting!

@(e:paul): LOL. That is a possibility, but we might need to clear a few more hurdles before that. :)
paul - 09/01/08 10:49
Maybe I can get new intestines someday!
heidi - 08/31/08 21:12
Thanks for the enthusiastic explanation! Love the car -> space shuttle analogy. My friend A's mom has diabetes and goes to dialysis 3x/week. Our health care "system" sucks - even though she's an RN, employed full-time, she doesn't have health benefits, is the primary breadwinner in the family, and won't qualify for Medicare's special dialysis program until Sept. - three months after starting dialysis. $600 * 3/week * 12 weeks....
tinypliny - 08/28/08 17:04
Yikes, I still have a long way to go to achieve the clear science reporting status! Sorry about confused language and jargon, (e:james)!! I am trying to improve. :)

@dcoffee: I agree. This is some very inspired research. One of the scientists involved in this work has a child who was diagnosed with Type I diabetes while an infant. So apparently he is driven by an intense and personal motivation to find an effective and long-lasting therapy for Diabetes.
dcoffee - 08/28/08 11:45
Innovation!! that sounds like ground-breaking stuff.
james - 08/28/08 10:18
I don't understand everything you wrote, but those last few paragraphs have be dancing with excitement.