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08/22/2008 19:07 #45414

Some questions for everyone.
Category: opinion
I have to admit that I am confused. I have been confused since Clinton got impeached.

If your neighbour is quiet and non-intrusive, you don't care if he is cheating on his wife and doing "injustice" to his kids. You mind your own business. If your politician is doing his job, why should you not give him the same respect and non-censure? You could argue that his affairs might be used to blackmail him but of what use would a blackmail be if the public didn't care? What if we only cared about our politicians performing their jobs? Don't you think enough damage has been done not only to this country but millions abroad, by impeaching a relatively nice non-warring president over his personal affairs?

Even if your politician is not doing his job, is there any reason to dig up dirt on his personal life and mix it in with his performance on his job? Does your boss add a line on your annual performance report about your sexual partners and your affairs? Does your boss even care about your affairs if you do your job (or don't do your job)?

You could make a valid bitter case and complain if an extra-marital affair of any politician affected his performance of his job. Last I checked, politicians are not generally elected because they are a moral example. I don't see why affairs should even make it into any news source other than lurid tabloids that exist for such details. How is being a "moral (or even mortal) messenger" any different than being the paparazzi that hounded Diana to her death?
tinypliny - 08/23/08 20:53
Those are interesting thoughts.

(e:zobar), I didn't think wise politicians would have included morality in their manifesto. Then they probably deserve what's coming to them! Really, what a stupid thing to do!!

(e:ajay) and (e:metalpeter): I understand the points you both are making. In this day and age when anti-sexual-harassment laws are firmly in place, I find it quite hard to believe that any woman would take unsolicited advances lying down. Doesn't everyone, including interns, have a job orientation and HR briefing before they start their jobs? However, it's possible that some of them felt that they would lose their jobs had they not complied and that would have made the whole politician affair a nasty power trip. I can easily claim sitting here that I certainly would have fought tooth and nail and not cared about the consequences, but who knows what duress these women were under? The argument is two-sided. I find myself favouring an interview with the mistresses before taking sides. But would they tell the truth, even after so many years have passed? I don't know. :/
metalpeter - 08/23/08 12:47
(e:ajay) if I mis understood what you meant then for that I'm sorry but here is what you said sorry to the " " thing.

"I do have a problem when guys sleep with women over whom they have power. Then it becomes not a case of a guy getting his jollies on the side, but a guy abusing another woman for his power trip."

If a guy is abusing a women as a power trip then that means he does have power over her, since it is an abuse of power. If this is the case then it means that the women doesn't have the power to say no or no thanks and then when he continues she just caves instead of going to someone and let someone know that he is trying to abuse his power. If she doesn't let anyone know or just quit or kick him in the balls or something along those lines then she is powerless. I will admit that it is a jump to say that what you said means all women are powerless. But in this case that does sound like what you are saying.

Just because someone is a boss doesn't mean they have power over someone who is under them, yes most of the time they do. It also doesn't mean that because something is going on that the boss said "Suck my Little dick and don't tell anyone that is little, or if not that little kiss ass you can't stand will and they will get the Job". There are women in the company who sort of have some power over me (girl in human resources I think) and If I met her some place and she was into me I would do her or date her, why she is hot and has a nice laugh. It isn't because she said if you don't go back to my place I'll fuck up your vacation time. Yes she could say that to me and if that bothered me then I would go to her boss.
zobar - 08/23/08 09:59
When politicians make morality a central point of their campaign, they set themselves up for greater scrutiny of their personal lives. If a politician can't hold up to their own well-publicized moral standard, they're done for. This is why Spitzer's career was over, whereas Sam Hoyt's is merely handicapped. I think John Edwards will do OK but his presidential aspirations are over.

Same thing with the anti-gay types. The public doesn't care if their legislators are gay, unless they're also anti-gay. Barney Frank is great; Larry Craig not so much.

- Z
ajay - 08/22/08 20:48
(e:metalpeter) , you should read what I wrote again.

I'm not saying that women have no power. I don't know how you can read that into what I wrote...

And what I wrote applies to women too: if a woman who has power over a man gets him into bed, I have a problem with that too.
metalpeter - 08/22/08 19:44
(e:ajay) What I don't like about what you said is that you said women have no power and can't chose for themselves. Just because someone is your boss doesn't mean they are having sex with you because of that. Why can't it be the other way around. Lets say I want have more of a say in how things go, I got an idea if I have sex with the boss and tease him, and get him in love with me then I become co boss. The fact that you assume these women where victims show that you assume that women are powerless and less then men. Yes it is true that someone a boss will use that power, but see that is what Human Resources or its equal in politics is for, if he wasn't reported then he didn't do anything wrong.


I completely agree with you that what they do in there private lives is just that and as long as it doesn't effect the job they do then who cares. I do understand how the lying to your family could be a flaw and it could lead to other lying. That being said it is still your personal business and shouldn't be used to say that, it makes you a bad politican. I can see if you say lets fund the war on drugs and when you cheat you are doing a line of blow, but that is a little different. You make a great point and I agree completely with it.
ajay - 08/22/08 19:26
The problem I have with Hoyt's behavior is that he cheated with women over whom he had some sort of power; maybe not direct power, but indirect since they were all interns.

In general, I don't have much of a problem when people cheat on their spouses. I know *I* would never do that; but who am I to judge? Maybe they have an open relationship and she never got around to cashing that check. Who knows? Who cares!

I do have a problem when guys sleep with women over whom they have power. Then it becomes not a case of a guy getting his jollies on the side, but a guy abusing another woman for his power trip.

Oh, and I _really_ have a problem with the preachy Republican hypocrites who'll criticize Clinton, and then get some booty of their own on the side. Packwood, Helen Chenoweth, etc. Even Edwards the Prick had strong words for Clinton.

Clinton, to be fair, just had a few instances, and not a drawn out full-blown (no pun intended) affair.

08/22/2008 07:37 #45407

What if we were all little people? - II
Category: science
... asked Dr. Fing in (e:fing,45357). This little research snippet in today's issue of Science answers your question, at least partially:

Big leg bones from the Indonesian island of Flores show that the meter-high "hobbit" people (Homo floresiensis) who once lived there shared the island with enormous flesh-eating storks, researchers say.


Hanneke Meijer of the National Museum of Natural History in Leiden, the Netherlands, and Rokus Awe Due of the Indonesian Centre for Archaeology in Jakarta found the bones in Liang Bua cave in the same layers as the hobbits--dated to at least 18,000 years ago. They identified them as a new species of extinct giant marabou. The scientists say the 1.8-meter-tall bird was a carnivore and top predator on the island; whether hobbits were among its fare is open to speculation. They reported on the find this week at the meeting of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution in Sydney, Australia.

So (e:carolinian)'s guess is probably more closer to truth than we'll ever know! The little people did exist at one point. Their extinction points to the fact that they were probably not very evolutionarily stable. Yeah, we were biologically fated to have kitchens with 9 - 10 foot (or higher) ceilings and similarly scaled counters and appliances.

joshua - 08/22/08 12:29
Flesh-eating giant storks? BS!
mrmike - 08/22/08 10:40
You're just being short with me

08/19/2008 17:28 #45367

Clicked "View Source" & what did I see?
Category: e:strip
(e:MrDeadlier)'s handiwork staring right back at me!!


08/17/2008 21:52 #45354

The "Official" Olympics
Category: the odes
Synchronized Cubicle Dancing
This has to be the most creative yet goofy video wishing good luck to the Russian synchronized swim team at the Olympics. :)

The "Official" Formuloid 1 Championship.

::Download Flash Video::

For more diversions e.g. a literal "Draughts" game and other crazy and borderline weird (but insanely hilarious) Official Olympoid efforts, check out this .

08/17/2008 00:21 #45347

Music Ontology
Category: science
Quite strangely, very similar algorithms, statistics and probability models are used to generate Gene Ontology and Music Ontology Networks. Based on the structure of my music ontology tag-cloud network, can Science one day predict what kind of allelic variants (of genes) I carry? Or more importantly, can my musical tastes predict my reaction and response to medical treatments?


Intriguing... The possibilities are endless.