Jim's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/10/2008 16:17 #44300
Treadmill KittiesCategory: dork
04/25/2008 14:29 #44137
Waste Your FridayCategory: tgif



jenks - 04/26/08 20:06
Jesus, 82wpm is only 5th place? I *thought* I was a fast typer.
Jesus, 82wpm is only 5th place? I *thought* I was a fast typer.
fellyconnelly - 04/26/08 08:01
62 wpm on my first try! wooo!
62 wpm on my first try! wooo!
tinypliny - 04/25/08 19:51
My average is 41 wpm. Pretty slow, considering the top racers on there apparently type at supersonic speeds. What do they have that I don't - practice? hypermobile phalanges? Or a committed memory of lines from Guy Richie's movies?
My average is 41 wpm. Pretty slow, considering the top racers on there apparently type at supersonic speeds. What do they have that I don't - practice? hypermobile phalanges? Or a committed memory of lines from Guy Richie's movies?
metalpeter - 04/25/08 18:39
I played two games and sucked mainly because of typos, oh well maybe I'll play some more.
I played two games and sucked mainly because of typos, oh well maybe I'll play some more.
james - 04/25/08 15:21
I played three games and they were all from David Cronnenburg films. It makes me want to cut my wrists.
I played three games and they were all from David Cronnenburg films. It makes me want to cut my wrists.
jim - 04/25/08 15:14
Thanks :)
Thanks :)
libertad - 04/25/08 15:08
I like your userpic and HAPPY belated birthday!
I like your userpic and HAPPY belated birthday!
mike - 04/25/08 14:41
super addicting
super addicting
04/03/2008 23:30 #43890
BirthdayCategory: birthday
I'm 29 in 30 minutes. :) Happy Birthday me.
Wow first journal in 2 weeks I'm a slacker.
Night! Sleep! Up in 6 hours ;) Have a good night ya'll.
Wow first journal in 2 weeks I'm a slacker.
Night! Sleep! Up in 6 hours ;) Have a good night ya'll.
tiburon1724 - 04/04/08 18:28
happy birthday, hope you have a good day!!
happy birthday, hope you have a good day!!
metalpeter - 04/04/08 17:03
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
hodown - 04/04/08 15:08
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu.
Happy Birthday to youuuuuu.
museumchick - 04/04/08 14:46
I hope you'll have a great birthday!
I hope you'll have a great birthday!
mike - 04/04/08 13:44
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
fellyconnelly - 04/04/08 13:12
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM!!! hoorah! awesome!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM!!! hoorah! awesome!
jason - 04/04/08 10:08
Happy Birthday, Jim!
Happy Birthday, Jim!
paul - 04/04/08 09:32
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday.
drew - 04/04/08 08:51
Happy Birthday. Glad you remembered how to post again.
Happy Birthday. Glad you remembered how to post again.
james - 04/04/08 08:24
Happy birthday! May it be filled with the flavor of delicious.
Happy birthday! May it be filled with the flavor of delicious.
jon - 04/04/08 08:07
Happy Birthday! Enjoy!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy!
mrmike - 04/04/08 07:49
Happy Dau. good sir, enjoy it
Happy Dau. good sir, enjoy it
tinypliny - 04/04/08 02:44
Just popped by to wish you a wonderful year ahead.
Here's wishing you the most delightful, fun, productive
and rocking 30th year that anyone could ever have...
-Your former creepy stalker! :)
Just popped by to wish you a wonderful year ahead.
Here's wishing you the most delightful, fun, productive
and rocking 30th year that anyone could ever have...
-Your former creepy stalker! :)
ladycroft - 04/04/08 02:33
Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy Happy Birthday!
03/17/2008 14:16 #43704
Oops3rd Most Least Drunk City

paul - 03/17/08 22:06
Ya some of them are rate based. i.e. rate of alcohol based liver related illness and other ones are simply number based- e.g. number of dui's etc. We have less people and I think are police are not very hardcore about drunk driving so maybe thats the reason we scored so low.
Ya some of them are rate based. i.e. rate of alcohol based liver related illness and other ones are simply number based- e.g. number of dui's etc. We have less people and I think are police are not very hardcore about drunk driving so maybe thats the reason we scored so low.
libertad - 03/17/08 21:45
Interestingly, Rochester is rated drunker than Buffalo and Rochester stops serving at 2am as compared to Buffalo's 4am.
Interestingly, Rochester is rated drunker than Buffalo and Rochester stops serving at 2am as compared to Buffalo's 4am.
james - 03/17/08 21:26
In your defense Jim, that stat is completely counter-intuitive.
In your defense Jim, that stat is completely counter-intuitive.
jim - 03/17/08 19:30
Turns out I got this backwards, 3rd least drunk. Damn.
Turns out I got this backwards, 3rd least drunk. Damn.
jenks - 03/17/08 18:46
I must say that surprises me.
I like that the ten cities with the most anti-drinking laws are ALL in CA.
I must say that surprises me.
I like that the ten cities with the most anti-drinking laws are ALL in CA.
paul - 03/17/08 18:22
(e:james) is right, I got confused to rank 3 is the least. If you click on the least dangerously drunk cities on that page - not the highest. A overall rank of 100 is the top city and we are overall rank 3.
(e:james) is right, I got confused to rank 3 is the least. If you click on the least dangerously drunk cities on that page - not the highest. A overall rank of 100 is the top city and we are overall rank 3.
jenks - 03/17/08 16:12
in the country, or the state?
in the country, or the state?
james - 03/17/08 14:39
We are the third least drunk city according to that site.
We are the third least drunk city according to that site.
03/17/2008 09:57 #43703
CommuteIt took 90 minutes to drive to work, due to this terrible accident.
A car fell off the 198 onto the 33.

My morning is all screwed up, but not as bad as that guy's. Yikes.
A car fell off the 198 onto the 33.

My morning is all screwed up, but not as bad as that guy's. Yikes.
ladycroft - 03/17/08 16:43
i think it had to be a blue turtle shell james. you can cheat the red one if you time a little hop just right ;)
i think it had to be a blue turtle shell james. you can cheat the red one if you time a little hop just right ;)
jenks - 03/17/08 16:36
whoa. i must be retarded. I don't see anything but the underpass... or is that a disembodied tire in the middle there?
i heard everyone is alive, so far.
whoa. i must be retarded. I don't see anything but the underpass... or is that a disembodied tire in the middle there?
i heard everyone is alive, so far.
fing - 03/17/08 12:56
I must say that is the best rubber necking picture taking I have ever seen.
I must say that is the best rubber necking picture taking I have ever seen.
joshua - 03/17/08 12:43
Wow - for a camera phone picture on the fly that isn't bad!
What a crazy crash. We do have some of the worst drivers in the country around here... its something I'm embarrassed to admit. Still though, I hope that whoever was in that car survived - I'm not sure I've seen anything like that!
Wow - for a camera phone picture on the fly that isn't bad!
What a crazy crash. We do have some of the worst drivers in the country around here... its something I'm embarrassed to admit. Still though, I hope that whoever was in that car survived - I'm not sure I've seen anything like that!
mrdeadlier - 03/17/08 12:38
Good job snagging a photo. As I drove past it today it was kinda hard to believe what I was seeing.
Good job snagging a photo. As I drove past it today it was kinda hard to believe what I was seeing.
drew - 03/17/08 11:59
The red shell is deadly. It's better to drop into second place if someone has that shell.
Hopefully, (e:janelle) will not see this post. We do not need to add a fear of driving under bridges or stoke her under-control fear of driving over them.
The red shell is deadly. It's better to drop into second place if someone has that shell.
Hopefully, (e:janelle) will not see this post. We do not need to add a fear of driving under bridges or stoke her under-control fear of driving over them.
paul - 03/17/08 10:39
Wow, thats insane - imagine if it fell on your car.
Wow, thats insane - imagine if it fell on your car.
james - 03/17/08 10:34
I blame the car behind him who launched the red turtle shell. You can't escape the red one.
I blame the car behind him who launched the red turtle shell. You can't escape the red one.
Well when the cat wars start (wasn't there some movie where cats had like missles attached to them) I want that multi colored one on my side, he was faster then the solid color one and he quickly figured out to run along the side of it then ran for the fun of it, hey if he wanted to get some place he could have just not gone on the belt.
the preserverance of the 1st kitty is lovely. i need a treadmill for my fat cat. (and maybe me?)
It isn't as funny with pet deer. They are just so fast!
That is really funny!
Okay, i hate cats but that is pretty cute.