Jim's Journal
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03/16/2008 11:31 #43687
Project Color PaletteCategory: work
03/14/2008 23:10 #43674
ConferencesCategory: work
I'm headed to a conference in SLC in two weeks, and then at the end of May going out to the Ruby on Rails conference in Portland. Wish (e:James) could come, but the last time he came to one of these he was widowed all weekend :(

03/14/2008 14:35 #43666
APPROVEDTacos are delicious AWESOME.
03/14/2008 12:36 #43664
DENIEDCategory: apple
Dear Registered iPhone Developer,
Thank you for expressing interest in the iPhone Developer Program. We have received your enrollment request. As this time, the iPhone Developer Program is available to a limited number of developers and we plan to expand during the beta period. We will contact you again regarding your enrollment status at the appropriate time.
Thank you for applying.
Best regards,
iPhone Developer Program
Thank you for expressing interest in the iPhone Developer Program. We have received your enrollment request. As this time, the iPhone Developer Program is available to a limited number of developers and we plan to expand during the beta period. We will contact you again regarding your enrollment status at the appropriate time.
Thank you for applying.
Best regards,
iPhone Developer Program
paul - 03/14/08 16:45
This is exactly the bottleneck problem with the whole itunes store paradigm with apple as the gatekeeper. It is such totally controlling Microsoft/Sony style bullshit. As far as I am concerned apple is the new microsoft. Can you imagine if the web was treated this way and Microsoft had limited all development in web browsers to the select few who had paid for the access keys. If they cant even get it together to get out the dev licenses how are they going to be able to review all the applications? Guess what big business will come first and every niche market will be taken.
Back when Microsoft was criticized for locking the web into their OS I used to love apple because they were not like that. Now they have gone from embracing opens source technologies to turning them for a profit and locking the end developers out of the game. How is it possible even?
If the web on iphone is really the next internet this is a horrible way to go. Imagine if computers went this way. Where every application had to go through a commercial gatekeeper to be on a device.
This is exactly the bottleneck problem with the whole itunes store paradigm with apple as the gatekeeper. It is such totally controlling Microsoft/Sony style bullshit. As far as I am concerned apple is the new microsoft. Can you imagine if the web was treated this way and Microsoft had limited all development in web browsers to the select few who had paid for the access keys. If they cant even get it together to get out the dev licenses how are they going to be able to review all the applications? Guess what big business will come first and every niche market will be taken.
Back when Microsoft was criticized for locking the web into their OS I used to love apple because they were not like that. Now they have gone from embracing opens source technologies to turning them for a profit and locking the end developers out of the game. How is it possible even?
If the web on iphone is really the next internet this is a horrible way to go. Imagine if computers went this way. Where every application had to go through a commercial gatekeeper to be on a device.
jim - 03/14/08 16:29
I've seen posts from a few big name Mac indie devs that also haven't gotten in, I think Apple was just overwhelmed with applications. The SDK was downloaded 100,000 times which is crazy.
They better get their act in gear quickly and open more dev slots or they're going to miss a huge opportunity. As is, not being accepted into the program means that you can only test in the simulator - not on the real device which is just fail all around.
I've seen posts from a few big name Mac indie devs that also haven't gotten in, I think Apple was just overwhelmed with applications. The SDK was downloaded 100,000 times which is crazy.
They better get their act in gear quickly and open more dev slots or they're going to miss a huge opportunity. As is, not being accepted into the program means that you can only test in the simulator - not on the real device which is just fail all around.
carolinian - 03/14/08 16:01
My sentiments exactly, (e:paul).
So, anyone up for joining forces and trying to win $$$ in the remaining month of the Android Contest?
My sentiments exactly, (e:paul).
So, anyone up for joining forces and trying to win $$$ in the remaining month of the Android Contest?
jason - 03/14/08 15:23
Well, it wasn't a flat out "no" so perhaps in the next round you'll get the call-up. Let us know how it goes.
Well, it wasn't a flat out "no" so perhaps in the next round you'll get the call-up. Let us know how it goes.
paul - 03/14/08 15:01
This is why apple sucks. Other people will have a bigger headstart and way more advantage now. its sad because you are the biggest apple fanboy I know.
This is why apple sucks. Other people will have a bigger headstart and way more advantage now. its sad because you are the biggest apple fanboy I know.
jim - 03/14/08 14:41
There's this guy I know, Wayne, who lives in town and is amazing. He's on the core teams of some big Ruby open source projects. He scares me he's so smart :/
There's this guy I know, Wayne, who lives in town and is amazing. He's on the core teams of some big Ruby open source projects. He scares me he's so smart :/
jim - 03/14/08 14:25
I'm just the most bloggingest ruby programmer in Buffalo, I could give you a several names of better Ruby programmers then me lol.
I'm just the most bloggingest ruby programmer in Buffalo, I could give you a several names of better Ruby programmers then me lol.
mrdeadlier - 03/14/08 14:00
That's absurd. Aren't they aware that you are the premier Ruby developer in Buffalo, NY??!
That's absurd. Aren't they aware that you are the premier Ruby developer in Buffalo, NY??!
03/12/2008 21:53 #43645
Planet Unicorn ChristmasCategory: internets
flacidness - 03/12/08 22:39
Thats great! planet unicorn heeyyy!
Thats great! planet unicorn heeyyy!
oh man i LOVE tacos!
tacos with eyes?
tacos con ojos!
I second that.