I am back to my grocery scoping in downtown buffalo. This time my goal is to find a good variety of locally baked artisan breads in the neighbourhood of Buffalo downtown. The fact of the matter is there are no good bakeries I know of in the area, that I can walk to in a jiffy to grab a good freshly baked loaf of bread. Do you know of any?
I want to be able to get a high-fibre good multigrain/ Honey Wheat/ Ciabatta / Baguette etc. when I feel like making sandwiches, without having to resort to any other mode of transportation apart from a brisk (maximum) 10 minute walk.
That rules out:
7. Quaker Eatery: Do they even sell baked bread? The Walgreens lady thought they did. Any inputs on this? I peeped through their windows and the lady setting the tables glared right back. Somehow I didn't venture in. I came back home and saw that they have a website:

9. Balisteri's Bakery: 307 Niagara St, Buffalo, NY (716) 853-8063
I pulled this out of google maps. Has anyone been here?
10. Le Metro Bakery & Cafe: 520 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY
(716) 885-1500 Again, a google maps find. Experiences, anyone?
Globe sells bread, and so do Dolci and the Co-op. The bread in the co-op isn't bad, but IMO it would be a third choice. I've gotten various breads from Globe and have been reasonably happy.
See I clicked on your link then had a comment to make - nice.
Sorry I can't help ya with the bread. But it was nice to run into you yesterday.
I think LaMode still sells bread and gets it from LaMetro bakery. Always loved it.
I used to eat Quaker Bonnet's sandwiches all the time. V tasty, and they do indeed bake their own bread. Never tried to buy a loaf tho. Judging by the size of their sandwiches, they must be enormous.
Whether it's 'artisanal' is debatable, but the best sandwich bread bar none is Al Cohen's rye [available pretty much anywhere locally]. There's nothing really special about it; it's just a really decent plain old rye bread.
- Z
La Metro is no more, but ballesteri's is pretty good
yeah, i dont think there is any other place downtown, other than the ones you mentioned. actually, there aren't many bakeries anywhere, except for panera, which just recently opened in the suburbs.
If that's the "Le Metro" on the corner of elmwood and..... ok dunno the corner street, but my elmwood lounge and off the wall- it is no longer Le Metro, it is now Mode. Which is a yummy restaurant with a decent bar- but they do not sell bread.
My only suggestion would be weggie's-- their bakery is really pretty decent-- but I see it's already eliminated, so I'm not much help...