The chef was at the counter and told me that they were waiting for their espresso machine. Come next week, Chow Chocolat will have delicious espresso, tasty salads, rich veggie (and other) sandwiches as well as signature spinach creations. I checked online and Buffalo Rising seems to have done a feature on this shop:

I know they will have tasty food because the chef described the salads and sandwiches to me in detail, and his eyes lit up and danced while he was talking about them. I think anyone who is so passionate about food and cooking cannot go wrong.
I admit I may have been a bit distracted because the chef is a splitting image of Johnny Depp (In movies: Chocolat + Blow + Pirates of the Caribbean). He gave me chocolate samples and I couldn't quite think straight after that. I didn't even check out the prices, as I usually do! I had to force myself not to get coffee and sit there gazing at him. Lucky is the girl (or guy) who has him. He has the world's most charming smile, long luxurious locks, plus he cooks and works at a chocolate store! How good can it possibly get?? :)
Chef Johnny Depp: The bloke in the tie in the picture. From:

On afterthought, I think employing him might have been intentional; or at least making him do the whole Johnny Depp look. After all, if you are named Chow Chocolat, who better to employ than the hot chocolaty Johnny Depp. Hmmm... I wonder if the counter will be manned by Juliette Binoche when Johhny is cooking in the kitchen...
I can't wait to go back! :)
Thanks for the map, from that map I get a good sense of where it is. Next time I'm downtown with some free time I may have to explore that place and see if they have stuff other then Chocolate, reason being is you don't want to eat that on an empty stomach or atleast it isn't good for me to do that.
It might have been SO COOL had you shouted "Hey Tiny" from the bus!! I might have become an instant celebrity! The next time you see me somewhere, I would absolutely LOVE it if you let go of the what-might-people-think notion and let it rip! :)
The Chow Chocolat is at: 731 main Street, slightly south of the Tupper-Main crossing. Here is the map: :::link:::
I was trying to embed the map in my journal, but it doesn't seem to be working. I think I am going to map all the places I talk about on estrip on google maps and link it on my blog. I wish the embedding worked.
Tiny I did see you on Friday but I couldn't yell since I was on the bus and you where crossing main st. Near Tim Hortons. Besides even if I could I sure "hey Tiny" would have sounded odd to everyone out side and on the bus. That building you mentioned where is it or is there a landmark across from it, and the business to you have to enter the building or can you see it from the outside? If someone wants to really test there body they should go eat there and then go over to the Chip Strip and go to the Chocalate Bar and have drinks you could overload your body and die but at least it would be a good death. That place sounds pretty interesting and good.
I should hope so... creepy depp is so... creeeepy
okay. I think I need to find a photo of Johnny Depp that describes the Chef at Chow Chocolat the best.
And NO NO NO!! NOT Willy Wonka. Think Johnny Depp as in Blow + Pirates of the Caribbean = Long flowing cascade of silky dark hair, sexy mustache, flowing beard, brilliant teeth, winning conversationalist, sparking humourous eyes and a very charming smile. Get the virtual picture??
um this made me think of johnny depp as willy wonka. which kinda creeped me out. kinda like thinking about james's moist panties. eww i hate saying that word.
the chef looked like Johnny Depp? Like in the ultimate chic flick Chocolat? My panties are getting moist just thinking about it.
I'm looking forward to stopping in. Sounds great! Yum-O
Damn, that sounds like the best boyfriend ever!