I went for a walk through Buffalo's breath-takingly beautiful and sunny downtown today and spotted a delightful new chocolate coffee shop - Chow Chocolat. It opened this week. Their floor is so beautiful, that you want to dance on it. Romantic/classical period piano was wafting through the store.
The chef was at the counter and told me that they were waiting for their espresso machine. Come next week, Chow Chocolat will have delicious espresso, tasty salads, rich veggie (and other) sandwiches as well as signature spinach creations. I checked online and Buffalo Rising seems to have done a feature on this shop:
I know they will have tasty food because the chef described the salads and sandwiches to me in detail, and his eyes lit up and danced while he was talking about them. I think anyone who is so passionate about food and cooking cannot go wrong.
I admit I may have been a bit distracted because the chef is a splitting image of Johnny Depp (In movies: Chocolat + Blow + Pirates of the Caribbean). He gave me chocolate samples and I couldn't quite think straight after that. I didn't even check out the prices, as I usually do! I had to force myself not to get coffee and sit there gazing at him. Lucky is the girl (or guy) who has him. He has the world's most charming smile, long luxurious locks, plus he cooks and works at a chocolate store! How good can it possibly get?? :)
Chef Johnny Depp: The bloke in the tie in the picture. From:
On afterthought, I think employing him might have been intentional; or at least making him do the whole Johnny Depp look. After all, if you are named Chow Chocolat, who better to employ than the hot chocolaty Johnny Depp. Hmmm... I wonder if the counter will be manned by Juliette Binoche when Johhny is cooking in the kitchen...
I can't wait to go back! :)
Tinypliny's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/09/2008 19:00 #44289
Chow Chocolat and Chef Johnny DeppCategory: eating out
05/07/2008 22:47 #44268
Swirled into the drainCategory: simple pliny
So basically, ALL elements of The Simple Pliny Project went whooshing into the gutter today. Here's the progress report.
1. I did wake up at 4:30 and started reading my article but I could not finish it and emailed (e:chico) to let him know that it was going to be late. I haven't finished it YET, because it lead me to 5 other articles. However, I do optimistically believe that this has been a good learning exercise.
The one line summary is that Directed Acyclic Graphs are a clever way to make your readers believe that you are being objective and smart, but you are only as good as your literature search is. I could go a step further and call it "Stating the Obvious" - STO.
I am working on a more formal summary and hoping to mail it before tomorrow's 7:00 AM deadline. 24 hours LATE. GRADE- F.
(BTW, (e:chico) kept his side of the promise and unfailingly sent the rattle-cage reminder email to this truant. GRADE- You are awesome. A+++)
2. I fell off the no-email wagon and landed on my head. GRADE- F
3. I came into the office at 8:00. GRADE- B+ But I am still in office and additionally am posting my failures on (e:strip). MODIFIED GRADE- F
(I intend to stay till my articles and report are done.)
4. I did not bring lunch. GRADE- F
But I ate at Quaker Bonnet Eatery instead. It had indeed the MOST AWESOME sandwiches.They were SO GOOD. Highly recommended. Plus I found that they DO SELL BREAD! So Rejoice! However, all their bread is of the whitest kind. Look elsewhere for high-fibre unbleached bread. Yeah, you better not have had popped the champagne at the initial sentence.
So, there you have it. I need to start all over again. After all Robert Bruce of Scotland did it. I can atleast try.
--From the Nadir.--
~End of Day Three~
The Simple Pliny Project
1. I did wake up at 4:30 and started reading my article but I could not finish it and emailed (e:chico) to let him know that it was going to be late. I haven't finished it YET, because it lead me to 5 other articles. However, I do optimistically believe that this has been a good learning exercise.
The one line summary is that Directed Acyclic Graphs are a clever way to make your readers believe that you are being objective and smart, but you are only as good as your literature search is. I could go a step further and call it "Stating the Obvious" - STO.
I am working on a more formal summary and hoping to mail it before tomorrow's 7:00 AM deadline. 24 hours LATE. GRADE- F.
(BTW, (e:chico) kept his side of the promise and unfailingly sent the rattle-cage reminder email to this truant. GRADE- You are awesome. A+++)
2. I fell off the no-email wagon and landed on my head. GRADE- F
3. I came into the office at 8:00. GRADE- B+ But I am still in office and additionally am posting my failures on (e:strip). MODIFIED GRADE- F
(I intend to stay till my articles and report are done.)
4. I did not bring lunch. GRADE- F
But I ate at Quaker Bonnet Eatery instead. It had indeed the MOST AWESOME sandwiches.They were SO GOOD. Highly recommended. Plus I found that they DO SELL BREAD! So Rejoice! However, all their bread is of the whitest kind. Look elsewhere for high-fibre unbleached bread. Yeah, you better not have had popped the champagne at the initial sentence.
So, there you have it. I need to start all over again. After all Robert Bruce of Scotland did it. I can atleast try.
--From the Nadir.--
~End of Day Three~
The Simple Pliny Project
05/06/2008 20:08 #44257
Tick Tock, Chop Chop, 1-2-3Category: simple pliny
In edition two of the simple pliny project, my kleptomania from "The Living Simple Manifesto" expands its uneven claws to score a couple more nuggets.
Nugget 29. Establish routines: Morning, Weekday. (Hey, the claws were *uneven*. They can only tackle so much at a given time!)
I am an insomniac. (Man, this is almost starting to feel like a Something-Anonymous meeting - atleast as it is shown in films... Yeah, for those of you who thought this tangential comment was coming from experience in real life, SHUT UP ALREADY!)
So Ahem. Where was I? Yeah. Hello everyone, I am TinyPliny and I am an insomniac. I cannot sleep for more than a three hours at a stretch. I have no idea why. Wait. Maybe this has to do with all the anxiety linked to the fact that I NEED TO GET MY PROPOSAL DONE!! Or maybe I will cling ferociously to the thought that I am just an insomniac.
Either way, the ruthlessly loud sparrow racket outside my flat window wakes me up at around 4:30 AM nowadays. Hmmmm... I am convinced that the sparrows are in some mental/spiritual contact with my advisors. Because a) both of them wake up at insanely early hours and of course b) they probably are getting annoyed with my hebetudinous "progress". (Note to myself: If 72-day plan doesn't work, shoot sparrows and bury bodies at Forest Lawn in the dead of the night.)
So the proactive idea is, if I am awake already, why not work it into a profitable routine?
1. Will write summary of the dissertation article I read first thing in the morning and post it (hopefully, (e:chico) won't be scared away!!) to (e:chico). Include article in the list of references, if applicable.
2. Make lunch and pack it instead of leaving it in the fridge because I am running almost late to a meeting or felt lazy and took some apples instead.
3. Get to office around 7:00 and come back early. More quiet time, more time to get the reading scheduled, done. Less time to fritter away.
52. Make a Most Important Tasks (MITs) list each day once I reach the office.
In case you were wondering, I did learn how to count in kindergarten. That's Nugget 52 I stole from the Zen bloke. *unhinged laughter*
Ah yes, the progress report:
-- Conscientiously avoided all feeds except a few (related to my dissertation) today.
-- Did not send even one feed-wiki-related email in the past 24 hours.
-- Received a comment from a friend (you know who you are, wink wink) that they perhaps might cry themselves to sleep today (in lieu of reading my email? Yeah I get it, you you you!)
-- Another one just smirked quite maliciously (you know who you are as well. Well. Bleah.)
-- A third just emailed me all the feeds and attached articles, concerned that I might not have spotted them. What the...@$##$%#%
-- MUST....NOT....CAVE...IN DEL DEL DEL DEL DEL DEL DEL damn. Shift+PgUp+Del
~End of Day Two~
The Simple Pliny Project.
Nugget 29. Establish routines: Morning, Weekday. (Hey, the claws were *uneven*. They can only tackle so much at a given time!)
I am an insomniac. (Man, this is almost starting to feel like a Something-Anonymous meeting - atleast as it is shown in films... Yeah, for those of you who thought this tangential comment was coming from experience in real life, SHUT UP ALREADY!)
So Ahem. Where was I? Yeah. Hello everyone, I am TinyPliny and I am an insomniac. I cannot sleep for more than a three hours at a stretch. I have no idea why. Wait. Maybe this has to do with all the anxiety linked to the fact that I NEED TO GET MY PROPOSAL DONE!! Or maybe I will cling ferociously to the thought that I am just an insomniac.
Either way, the ruthlessly loud sparrow racket outside my flat window wakes me up at around 4:30 AM nowadays. Hmmmm... I am convinced that the sparrows are in some mental/spiritual contact with my advisors. Because a) both of them wake up at insanely early hours and of course b) they probably are getting annoyed with my hebetudinous "progress". (Note to myself: If 72-day plan doesn't work, shoot sparrows and bury bodies at Forest Lawn in the dead of the night.)
So the proactive idea is, if I am awake already, why not work it into a profitable routine?
1. Will write summary of the dissertation article I read first thing in the morning and post it (hopefully, (e:chico) won't be scared away!!) to (e:chico). Include article in the list of references, if applicable.
2. Make lunch and pack it instead of leaving it in the fridge because I am running almost late to a meeting or felt lazy and took some apples instead.
3. Get to office around 7:00 and come back early. More quiet time, more time to get the reading scheduled, done. Less time to fritter away.
52. Make a Most Important Tasks (MITs) list each day once I reach the office.
In case you were wondering, I did learn how to count in kindergarten. That's Nugget 52 I stole from the Zen bloke. *unhinged laughter*
Ah yes, the progress report:
-- Conscientiously avoided all feeds except a few (related to my dissertation) today.
-- Did not send even one feed-wiki-related email in the past 24 hours.
-- Received a comment from a friend (you know who you are, wink wink) that they perhaps might cry themselves to sleep today (in lieu of reading my email? Yeah I get it, you you you!)
-- Another one just smirked quite maliciously (you know who you are as well. Well. Bleah.)
-- A third just emailed me all the feeds and attached articles, concerned that I might not have spotted them. What the...@$##$%#%
-- MUST....NOT....CAVE...IN DEL DEL DEL DEL DEL DEL DEL damn. Shift+PgUp+Del
~End of Day Two~
The Simple Pliny Project.
tinypliny - 05/07/08 23:04
@(e:carolinian): Yes, indeed. It also is a replication of: :::link:::
@metalpeter: I followed your instructions word for word today. I blew up everything in proxy but they decided that I was not as photogenic as any of the characters on the movie you mention so instead, I am in the Robert Bruce and the Spider movie. Coming to (e:strip) screens across Buffalo and Elswewhere tomorrow! hehehe :)
@(e:carolinian): Yes, indeed. It also is a replication of: :::link:::
@metalpeter: I followed your instructions word for word today. I blew up everything in proxy but they decided that I was not as photogenic as any of the characters on the movie you mention so instead, I am in the Robert Bruce and the Spider movie. Coming to (e:strip) screens across Buffalo and Elswewhere tomorrow! hehehe :)
metalpeter - 05/07/08 18:35
Well there is another option to the not being able to sleep thing You could go to self meetings for problems you don't have, then over time you might meet someone else who is in your same meetings and then work out what meetings you each get, your apartment might explode destroying all your work and then you wind up staying at someones house who really is you but you just don't know it, oh wait I'm sorry then you would be in the Movie Fight Club. Seriously I wish you luck with your plan and are able to get everything done.
Well there is another option to the not being able to sleep thing You could go to self meetings for problems you don't have, then over time you might meet someone else who is in your same meetings and then work out what meetings you each get, your apartment might explode destroying all your work and then you wind up staying at someones house who really is you but you just don't know it, oh wait I'm sorry then you would be in the Movie Fight Club. Seriously I wish you luck with your plan and are able to get everything done.
tinypliny - 05/06/08 23:14
7:00 AM then. I am trying to understand what directed acyclic graphs are and how they help in spotting confounders. :)
PS: You still have a chance... Back out while you can! In the vein of most American commerce, I have a 30-day-trial and back-down-without-ill-will offer ;)
7:00 AM then. I am trying to understand what directed acyclic graphs are and how they help in spotting confounders. :)
PS: You still have a chance... Back out while you can! In the vein of most American commerce, I have a 30-day-trial and back-down-without-ill-will offer ;)
chico - 05/06/08 23:02
not scared, tiny! bring it on
not scared, tiny! bring it on
05/05/2008 18:54 #44246
The e:hodown epiphanyCategory: simple pliny
(e:hodown)'s post has brought it all into focus. I think the key to being better is feeling better. Feeling better implies being proactive in eliminating the things that make you feel worse. And NO. That does not include drinking whiskey as the granny suggests ( ), tempting as it might be. :)
The elements of my proactive plan shall be shamelessly stolen and adapted from The Living Simple Manifesto.
Thus, each day, I am going to take a couple ideas from that page and apply it to my case. Call it misplaced optimism, but I like the thought that a major chunk of my messed up world can potentially be straightened up in 72 days or less!
Since I am glued to a computer most of my waking hours, its only fitting that I start where it might impact the most. Starting with Rule 7: Limit your communications and Rule 60: Simplify your RSS feeds
I admit I am guilty of internet trawling. I wiki-surf and feed-read all the time. I am attracted to every remote science story there is and I read them all. Not only do I read the article, most often than not, I track down the source journal papers and read them as well. Then I email the most interesting of these to a handful of my friends and my family. I do this all in separate emails because they are all from a different timespan and/or sphere of my life and some of them don't know each other so clumping them all in one To:/CC: line seems inappropriate. I receive many of their responses and opinions and answer them all. Some of them send me some related papers, which I then proceed to track down and read. Its a never-ending cycle.
The result of all this frantic reading and emailing is:
1. I become a little bit more informed each day. Score: +1
2. I lag behind in the dissertation reading I am supposed to be doing. Score: -1
3. I feel guilty about this and get nightmares. Score: -2
Net Score: -2. I feel worse by the end of the day even though I feel informed.
The objective now is to convert this negative score into an overwhelmingly positive one and I can do this by:
1. Eliminating all superfluous emails. The emailing probably takes more of my time than reading stuff.
2. Just limiting myself to a science-digest like programme every weekend.
3. Do more dissertation reading and use the time saved from emailing to summarize this reading.
4. Post progress on (e:strip). (Which, BTW, I need to check just once a day, preferably in the morning. :))
~End of Day One~
The Simple Pliny Project.
The elements of my proactive plan shall be shamelessly stolen and adapted from The Living Simple Manifesto.
Thus, each day, I am going to take a couple ideas from that page and apply it to my case. Call it misplaced optimism, but I like the thought that a major chunk of my messed up world can potentially be straightened up in 72 days or less!
Since I am glued to a computer most of my waking hours, its only fitting that I start where it might impact the most. Starting with Rule 7: Limit your communications and Rule 60: Simplify your RSS feeds
I admit I am guilty of internet trawling. I wiki-surf and feed-read all the time. I am attracted to every remote science story there is and I read them all. Not only do I read the article, most often than not, I track down the source journal papers and read them as well. Then I email the most interesting of these to a handful of my friends and my family. I do this all in separate emails because they are all from a different timespan and/or sphere of my life and some of them don't know each other so clumping them all in one To:/CC: line seems inappropriate. I receive many of their responses and opinions and answer them all. Some of them send me some related papers, which I then proceed to track down and read. Its a never-ending cycle.
The result of all this frantic reading and emailing is:
1. I become a little bit more informed each day. Score: +1
2. I lag behind in the dissertation reading I am supposed to be doing. Score: -1
3. I feel guilty about this and get nightmares. Score: -2
Net Score: -2. I feel worse by the end of the day even though I feel informed.
The objective now is to convert this negative score into an overwhelmingly positive one and I can do this by:
1. Eliminating all superfluous emails. The emailing probably takes more of my time than reading stuff.
2. Just limiting myself to a science-digest like programme every weekend.
3. Do more dissertation reading and use the time saved from emailing to summarize this reading.
4. Post progress on (e:strip). (Which, BTW, I need to check just once a day, preferably in the morning. :))
~End of Day One~
The Simple Pliny Project.
tinypliny - 05/06/08 18:43
(E:Paul): Those are great ideas! Maybe I should collect all my stories and post it all together in an entry here each weekend. I am warding off email temptations for now. :)
(E:hodown): THANK YOU!
(E:Chico): THANKS!! That is an awesome plan. Would you really do that for me? Read through monotonous snippets of even more ultra-boring dissertation stuff? I think the plan might work. I am thinking just 1 article a day for starters. I could mail in the summaries by 7:00 AM each day. I am posting my email address on your journal's yellow-post-it thing. Let me know with just a yes/no! (I promise I shall try to make the snippets as interesting as possible! :))
(E:Paul): Those are great ideas! Maybe I should collect all my stories and post it all together in an entry here each weekend. I am warding off email temptations for now. :)
(E:hodown): THANK YOU!
(E:Chico): THANKS!! That is an awesome plan. Would you really do that for me? Read through monotonous snippets of even more ultra-boring dissertation stuff? I think the plan might work. I am thinking just 1 article a day for starters. I could mail in the summaries by 7:00 AM each day. I am posting my email address on your journal's yellow-post-it thing. Let me know with just a yes/no! (I promise I shall try to make the snippets as interesting as possible! :))
chico - 05/05/08 20:34
If you like, you can create a schedule and send me a layperson's summary of a dissertation-related article every day. (Or MWF, or whatever.) Just 2-3 sentences, perhaps? I can't guarantee that I will understand the scientific significance, but having someone waiting for your summary will help emphasize and maybe even validate the significance of staying disciplined about dissertation reading. If you don't send it to me on schedule, I will rattle your cage and irritate you until you send it! And you don't want to ruin your day with that sort of mild irritation. ;-)
If you like, you can create a schedule and send me a layperson's summary of a dissertation-related article every day. (Or MWF, or whatever.) Just 2-3 sentences, perhaps? I can't guarantee that I will understand the scientific significance, but having someone waiting for your summary will help emphasize and maybe even validate the significance of staying disciplined about dissertation reading. If you don't send it to me on schedule, I will rattle your cage and irritate you until you send it! And you don't want to ruin your day with that sort of mild irritation. ;-)
hodown - 05/05/08 19:11
:D Good for you. That really was the point of my post, doing something to really make yourself better in some way. I look forward to reading about your progress!
:D Good for you. That really was the point of my post, doing something to really make yourself better in some way. I look forward to reading about your progress!
paul - 05/05/08 19:07
1. To simplify this email problem use bcc instead of cc. It allows you to send email to more than one person, but none of them see each other on the list.
2. Why not post all the stuff you read about on a blog and then make your friends and family go there. This has virtually eliminated the need for most email for me. You could post some of it here and then we could all learn about it. I know (e:enknot) would love it, he loves everything science.
1. To simplify this email problem use bcc instead of cc. It allows you to send email to more than one person, but none of them see each other on the list.
2. Why not post all the stuff you read about on a blog and then make your friends and family go there. This has virtually eliminated the need for most email for me. You could post some of it here and then we could all learn about it. I know (e:enknot) would love it, he loves everything science.
05/02/2008 18:42 #44218
Where's my bread? Bakeries downtown??Category: grocery
(E:strippers), Romans and Countrymen!!! Lend me your ears (and some time to make those comments)!!
I am back to my grocery scoping in downtown buffalo. This time my goal is to find a good variety of locally baked artisan breads in the neighbourhood of Buffalo downtown. The fact of the matter is there are no good bakeries I know of in the area, that I can walk to in a jiffy to grab a good freshly baked loaf of bread. Do you know of any?
I want to be able to get a high-fibre good multigrain/ Honey Wheat/ Ciabatta / Baguette etc. when I feel like making sandwiches, without having to resort to any other mode of transportation apart from a brisk (maximum) 10 minute walk.
That rules out:
1.Sweet Tooth: Yeah, only sweetmeats.
2.Dolci: Good bread but not-walkable within 10 minutes!
3.Globe Market: Do they sell bread? Even if they do, same boat as Dolci.
4.The Coop: I am boycotting this elitist price-hiking I-am-holier-than-thou store.
5.Wegmans: Forget it. I don't have wings. Kapish?
6.Guercio's: I hate to strike this out but it is a bit too far. I wish they bought the space where Latina's used to be and moved their excellent gig to Elmwood. :(
7. Quaker Eatery: Do they even sell baked bread? The Walgreens lady thought they did. Any inputs on this? I peeped through their windows and the lady setting the tables glared right back. Somehow I didn't venture in. I came back home and saw that they have a website: Do they also sell the "home-baked" bread they use for their sandwiches? Has anyone ever eaten here? On their menu, it says they sell Tim's Cascade Chips and it makes my mouth water. I think the Hot Jalapeno version of Tim's Cascade Potato Chips are the best chips ever.
8.The millon corner shops: If I wanted mass-produced white bread, I wouldn't be making this post!
9. Balisteri's Bakery: 307 Niagara St, Buffalo, NY (716) 853-8063
I pulled this out of google maps. Has anyone been here?
10. Le Metro Bakery & Cafe: 520 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY
(716) 885-1500 Again, a google maps find. Experiences, anyone?
I am back to my grocery scoping in downtown buffalo. This time my goal is to find a good variety of locally baked artisan breads in the neighbourhood of Buffalo downtown. The fact of the matter is there are no good bakeries I know of in the area, that I can walk to in a jiffy to grab a good freshly baked loaf of bread. Do you know of any?
I want to be able to get a high-fibre good multigrain/ Honey Wheat/ Ciabatta / Baguette etc. when I feel like making sandwiches, without having to resort to any other mode of transportation apart from a brisk (maximum) 10 minute walk.
That rules out:
7. Quaker Eatery: Do they even sell baked bread? The Walgreens lady thought they did. Any inputs on this? I peeped through their windows and the lady setting the tables glared right back. Somehow I didn't venture in. I came back home and saw that they have a website: Do they also sell the "home-baked" bread they use for their sandwiches? Has anyone ever eaten here? On their menu, it says they sell Tim's Cascade Chips and it makes my mouth water. I think the Hot Jalapeno version of Tim's Cascade Potato Chips are the best chips ever.
9. Balisteri's Bakery: 307 Niagara St, Buffalo, NY (716) 853-8063
I pulled this out of google maps. Has anyone been here?
10. Le Metro Bakery & Cafe: 520 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY
(716) 885-1500 Again, a google maps find. Experiences, anyone?
joshua - 05/14/08 12:08
Globe sells bread, and so do Dolci and the Co-op. The bread in the co-op isn't bad, but IMO it would be a third choice. I've gotten various breads from Globe and have been reasonably happy.
See I clicked on your link then had a comment to make - nice.
Globe sells bread, and so do Dolci and the Co-op. The bread in the co-op isn't bad, but IMO it would be a third choice. I've gotten various breads from Globe and have been reasonably happy.
See I clicked on your link then had a comment to make - nice.
metalpeter - 05/04/08 09:05
Sorry I can't help ya with the bread. But it was nice to run into you yesterday.
Sorry I can't help ya with the bread. But it was nice to run into you yesterday.
james - 05/03/08 11:52
I think LaMode still sells bread and gets it from LaMetro bakery. Always loved it.
I think LaMode still sells bread and gets it from LaMetro bakery. Always loved it.
zobar - 05/03/08 00:14
I used to eat Quaker Bonnet's sandwiches all the time. V tasty, and they do indeed bake their own bread. Never tried to buy a loaf tho. Judging by the size of their sandwiches, they must be enormous.
Whether it's 'artisanal' is debatable, but the best sandwich bread bar none is Al Cohen's rye [available pretty much anywhere locally]. There's nothing really special about it; it's just a really decent plain old rye bread.
- Z
I used to eat Quaker Bonnet's sandwiches all the time. V tasty, and they do indeed bake their own bread. Never tried to buy a loaf tho. Judging by the size of their sandwiches, they must be enormous.
Whether it's 'artisanal' is debatable, but the best sandwich bread bar none is Al Cohen's rye [available pretty much anywhere locally]. There's nothing really special about it; it's just a really decent plain old rye bread.
- Z
mrmike - 05/02/08 22:59
La Metro is no more, but ballesteri's is pretty good
La Metro is no more, but ballesteri's is pretty good
imk2 - 05/02/08 20:34
yeah, i dont think there is any other place downtown, other than the ones you mentioned. actually, there aren't many bakeries anywhere, except for panera, which just recently opened in the suburbs.
yeah, i dont think there is any other place downtown, other than the ones you mentioned. actually, there aren't many bakeries anywhere, except for panera, which just recently opened in the suburbs.
jenks - 05/02/08 20:28
If that's the "Le Metro" on the corner of elmwood and..... ok dunno the corner street, but my elmwood lounge and off the wall- it is no longer Le Metro, it is now Mode. Which is a yummy restaurant with a decent bar- but they do not sell bread.
My only suggestion would be weggie's-- their bakery is really pretty decent-- but I see it's already eliminated, so I'm not much help...
If that's the "Le Metro" on the corner of elmwood and..... ok dunno the corner street, but my elmwood lounge and off the wall- it is no longer Le Metro, it is now Mode. Which is a yummy restaurant with a decent bar- but they do not sell bread.
My only suggestion would be weggie's-- their bakery is really pretty decent-- but I see it's already eliminated, so I'm not much help...
Thanks for the map, from that map I get a good sense of where it is. Next time I'm downtown with some free time I may have to explore that place and see if they have stuff other then Chocolate, reason being is you don't want to eat that on an empty stomach or atleast it isn't good for me to do that.
It might have been SO COOL had you shouted "Hey Tiny" from the bus!! I might have become an instant celebrity! The next time you see me somewhere, I would absolutely LOVE it if you let go of the what-might-people-think notion and let it rip! :)
The Chow Chocolat is at: 731 main Street, slightly south of the Tupper-Main crossing. Here is the map: :::link:::
I was trying to embed the map in my journal, but it doesn't seem to be working. I think I am going to map all the places I talk about on estrip on google maps and link it on my blog. I wish the embedding worked.
Tiny I did see you on Friday but I couldn't yell since I was on the bus and you where crossing main st. Near Tim Hortons. Besides even if I could I sure "hey Tiny" would have sounded odd to everyone out side and on the bus. That building you mentioned where is it or is there a landmark across from it, and the business to you have to enter the building or can you see it from the outside? If someone wants to really test there body they should go eat there and then go over to the Chip Strip and go to the Chocalate Bar and have drinks you could overload your body and die but at least it would be a good death. That place sounds pretty interesting and good.
I should hope so... creepy depp is so... creeeepy
okay. I think I need to find a photo of Johnny Depp that describes the Chef at Chow Chocolat the best.
And NO NO NO!! NOT Willy Wonka. Think Johnny Depp as in Blow + Pirates of the Caribbean = Long flowing cascade of silky dark hair, sexy mustache, flowing beard, brilliant teeth, winning conversationalist, sparking humourous eyes and a very charming smile. Get the virtual picture??
um this made me think of johnny depp as willy wonka. which kinda creeped me out. kinda like thinking about james's moist panties. eww i hate saying that word.
the chef looked like Johnny Depp? Like in the ultimate chic flick Chocolat? My panties are getting moist just thinking about it.
I'm looking forward to stopping in. Sounds great! Yum-O
Damn, that sounds like the best boyfriend ever!